dwyl / autocomplete

:mag: easily find words in the english dictionary
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Word Finder (autocomplete) Mini (Full-Stack!) Project

Finding words in the dictionary used to be tedious and slow! Now, its fast, easy and fun!
autocomplete lets you easily find words in the english dictionary!

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Learning how to build full-stack single-page apps can be laborious when the example app isn't particularly interesing/engaging, Word Finder is an ultra-simple app that will teach you full-stack test-driven-development using (only) core node.js modules on the backend and basic JQuery on the front-end (no fancy frameworks)


A great (search) word finder (user experience) always starts with autocomplete. Then when the person clicks/taps on the word they want the definition for, we show them the definition fast!

Insert links to Heroku examples + screenshots here once FAC5 have completed their projects! :wink:


Run this project on your Local Machine

Clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/docdis/autocomplete.git && cd autocomplete

Install the node.js devDependencies:

npm install

Run the (module) Tests:

npm test

Run the Server with Nodemon:

npm run nodemon


Autocomplete Module

Autocomplete HTTP Server (API)

Goals (in your teams of 4)

Pair 1

Back end (AKA "plumbers" ... un-resilient people look elsewhere!)

In your module (index.js)

Hint: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Tutorial + http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4175533/wikionary-api-meaning-of-words (note: you will need to put your thinking cap on for this challenge!)

Pair 2

Front end / UX (the fun zone!)

  1. [ ] Wireframe a great word searching user experience!

  2. [ ] Using the knowledge of QUnit for front-end TDD you gained in the last two weeks, build great user experience for searching words! (tip: you can build ("fake") the front-end (look-and-feel) while your back-end colleagues are building the endpoint(s) ...)

  3. [ ] Display a stats (searches) for the words people have looked up in an intuitive and creative way!

Note: even though you are running nodemon you still may not see the latest changes in your browser when you refresh the page... sometimes you might need to completely re-start the server npm run nodemon to get the page to completely refresh ...

Repo Owner

see: https://github.com/dwyl/repo-badges

Stretch Goals

Deploy to Heroku

Ask @Neats29 for help if you get stuck!

Integrate Another API into your results!! :open_mouth:

e.g: Search for Tweets based on the word the person looked up! or pictures on instagram, or news articles, etc.

Figure out a creative way of displaying this content without making it look cluttered or out of place. (as always, #MobileFirst #FTW)

Make the UI even more intuitive!

Search for a string of characters anywhere in the word!

find all the suggestions

Returning words that start with the characters the person typed is cool. But, what about returning all the words that contain the characters in the order the person typed them. (i.e. way more suggestions so that this can be used as a scrabble word finder!)

e.g: a search for awe

could return:

adawe, awe, awearied, aweary, aweather, aweband, awedness, awee, aweek,
aweel, aweigh, awesome, awesomely, awesomeness, awest, aweto, chawer,
clapperclawer, clawed, clawer, cockawee, dewclawed, drawee, drawer, drawers,
flawed, fleaweed, gewgawed, gimbaljawed, gimberjawed, gnawer, hawer, jawed,
jimberjawed, keawe, knawel, Meccawee, megaweber, outawe, overawe, overdrawer,
overjawed, pawer, plugdrawer, predrawer, quartersawed, redrawer, resawer,
 rondawel, Sandawe, sawed, sawer, scrofulaweed, seaweed, seaweedy, strawen,
strawer, tawer, tawery, thawer, toothdrawer, ultrawealthy, unawed, unchawed,
unclawed, underdrawers, underjawed, unflawed, unlawed, unoutlawed, unpawed,
unsawed, untawed, unthawed, wickawee, wiredrawer, withdrawer, wittawer

not just:

awe, awearied, aweary, aweather, aweband, awedness, awee, aweek, aweel,
aweigh, awesome, awesomely, awesomeness, awest, aweto

Making this usable relies on writing a front-end function to sort the results into those which start with the typed characters, and those which merely contain them. and displaying the results segmented accordingly. Also it will look a lot better if the characters the person typed were hightlighted in the list of word suggestions.

Note: you will need to update your test for the number of results returned by the ac.findWords method to reflect the wider search...