dwyl / focus-hub

:mute: The dwyl London office, No. 16 Palmers Rd
8 stars 1 forks source link

Summary of Focus Hub Progress #101

Open nelsonic opened 6 years ago

nelsonic commented 6 years ago

In order to determine the Progress towards our Goal of breaking even on running the Co-working Space, we need:

relates to: #91

ghost commented 6 years ago

36 desks total 12 reserved for dwyl (not always used) 1 x Roaming - Pawel (contract ends September 30) 1 x Roaming - Rujuta 3 x Fixed - Hands on London 1 x Fixed - Volodia (freezing contract Oct 1 - Nov 30, returns Dec 1) 1 x Roaming - Christopher 1 x Roaming - Sam 1 x Roaming 4 days a month - Beth TOTAL = 21 Occupancy rate = 58%


Required occupancy to break even

List of leads https://docs.google.com/a/dwyl.com/spreadsheets/d/11ShBsKGgStHJUsizm2JnA8r5hF8lTBghURVT51epCos/edit?usp=drive_web

iteles commented 6 years ago

I checked the answering machine at FH on Monday, there were 6 messages. Of those, there were two new leads but I have no idea how old they are as I don't know how often the answering machine was checked whilst I was out of the country. I've added to the only leads spreadsheet I know of as mentioned above by @markwilliamfirth. Is there a different location where the information is kept now that I should update?

It also looks like the current list of tenants spreadsheet is not up to date @markwilliamfirth ? Do I just have an old link for it? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WLU2NC_CJbU7R6cdSEH-_0ysAQz6ZHs0D-oH5TaFdb8/edit#gid=0

ghost commented 6 years ago

@iteles those two phone messages - one is laura - I called her back and she never answered. Another is sam (Sam is a tenant)

Spreadsheet of tenants needs updating - let me know if you need this done by a deadline