dwyl / focus-hub

:mute: The dwyl London office, No. 16 Palmers Rd
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Focus Hub

_Where London's most creative people go to get ("deep") work done_.



There are hundreds of co-working spaces/offices in London, so why do we need another one?

As a creative person (writer/designer/developer/videographer)
I need a quiet place to get my work done (without interruptions)
So that I can be/feel productive.

As the members of Focus Hub want to share that environment with other like-minded creative people.

Focus Hub's Mission is to curate the most
creatively productive working environment in London.


A Co-Working Space Located at 16 Palmers Rd, London, E2 0SY

Map: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/16+Palmers+Rd,+London+E2+0SY/
Contact: 0203 609 0609


Desk Rental Rates >> Simple/Transparent Pricing

We aim to be cost-effective while giving our members lots of added value.

"Old" Pricing: http://www.founderlondon.com/images/workhere.jpg
Discussion: https://github.com/foundersandcoders/london-programme/issues/42

World-Class Meetup & Training Venue

Part of dwyl's of our mission to help everyone discover what they love doing requires us to share our knowledge through Meetups and training.

We have already successfully used the space for training both our own team members, our clients and complete strangers.

Our plan is to create a public training calendar for Focus Hub where people can view (and register interest) our specific training.

What Will We Learn?

We already have a "bank" of 52+ tutorials in various levels of "maturity" which we plan to create a video introduction for. The format this will take is recording a "complete beginners workshop" see: https://github.com/dwyl/hq/issues/267

We have a rough order for the learning material: https://github.com/dwyl/the-book/issues/69 but we expect to be "dynamic" and will respond to the requests/needs of the attendees/members.

Training Registration System

For the Focus Hub-based training we will need a registration system/process so people can book a space on the training for a specific day/time. (The MVP can use an existing "booking" tool provided we capture all the requirements before making a decision. as always we prefer open source.)

Focus Hub Timetable for Co-Working, Breaks and Meetups/Training

The most productive people in the world all have a well-defined Timetable for getting their work done.

Start - End Description
04:00 - 06:00 Healthy food preparation (upstairs available for work, expect some noise will be made downstairs)
06:00 - 07:00 Self-guided Yoga / Pilates / Mindfulness (Downstairs), Reading or Quiet work Upstairs
07:00 - 10:00 "Early Bird's" Focus Time (absolute silence please this is when we get our best work done)
10:00 - 10:30 Morning break (moderate chat/noise acceptable)
10:30 - 12:30 Morning Focus Time (please whisper or use "instant messaging" to communicate)
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch Break (moderate chat/noise acceptable though please be respectful of people working through lunch)
14:00 - 16:00 Afternoon Focus Time (please whisper or use "instant messaging" to communicate)
16:00 - 16:30 Afternoon Break (moderate chat/noise acceptable)
16:30 - 18:30 "Final Push" Focus Time (please whisper or use "instant messaging" to communicate)
18:30 - 19:00 "Show & Tell", "Get Help", "Q&A", "Decompress Time"
19:00 - 20:30 Meetup, Event or Evening Training (training space bookable by members)
20:30 - 21:00 Tidy up the space ready for next session.
21:00 - 23:00 "Late Shift" Focus Time (Upstairs only. please whisper or use "instant messaging" to communicate)
23:00 - 04:00 "Night Owls Club" (for people who work best at night. Upstairs only. Please apply for a door key. Door must be kept locked except for entry/exit. No Slumber Parties! ;-) Last person out switch off all lights/heaters and set the alarm!)

How? (Proposal)

Our "metric" for this should be a "hybrid" NPS/Productivity score.

Mark will formulate exactly how to calculate this and capture the data from all members on an on-going basis. This is one of our USPs so getting regular data/feedback is essential.


Making the Focus Hub Co-working space a success is an integral part of dwyl's wider mission. Having a productive place for our London-based team to work is essential for in-person collaboration.

Number of Desks

Potential Revenue at "Full Capacity"

32 Places @ £180/month = £5,760

This will cover our costs and could pay for an [Office Manager](https://github.com/dwyl/Focus Hub/issues/25)

initially the actual occupancy will be lower, but if we focus on our "One Metric that Matters" (OMTM) we will easily get to full membership + waiting list.

Which means that we could either accumulate a surplus and spend it on making the space nicer for everyone, or we can lower prices once we reach full capacity.

Either way, I don't think lowering the prices now is a good idea because it de-values the place and signals "we'll take anyone" ...


Fixed Overheads (Costs we have to Cover)

We calculate our pricing based on our need to cover Fixed Overheads:

Total Fixed Costs: £3,600

Question: should we budget for an Office Manager? (part time?)
please discuss: https://github.com/dwyl/Focus Hub/issues/25

Office Manager

There is still an open discussion on the need for an "Office Manager" please see: https://github.com/dwyl/Focus Hub/issues/25

The Office Manager (or two people who "job share") is responsible for ensuring the wellbeing and thriving of members.


People cannot reach the full (creative) potential if their "basic needs" aren't met.



We expect the Office Manager to be paid (around) £11/h (£23k/year)
(i.e: not a "fortune" but well above "London Living Wage" and a good step up for a lot of really good people who are currently stuck in "Zero Hour Contract" jobs.)

Note: this compensation is a "base" and we will gladly discuss "performance related pay" for outstanding results. e.g: percentage of income over full occupancy and/or additional member services.

Suggestion Improvements (for discussion)

Value-Added Services for Small One-Person-Companies
