dwyl / focus-hub

:mute: The dwyl London office, No. 16 Palmers Rd
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Review existing contract to determine feasibility of taking it over #20

Closed iteles closed 7 years ago

iteles commented 7 years ago

We have the existing sub-let contract and need to determine whether it's feasible/what the limitations are before we decide whether to take it over.

Linked to #6

ghost commented 7 years ago

@iteles if you send it over I'd be happy to review it if you want

iteles commented 7 years ago

@markwilliamfirth Paper copy only ;)

Review tomorrow?

ghost commented 7 years ago

If by chance it's on you I can grab it off you in Hoxton later, otherwise tomorrow's fine 👍

ghost commented 7 years ago

@iteles fun fact - this app is awesome and I use it all the time if you ever need to scan anything from your phone (not in this case, but another time maybe):

https://www.camscanner.com/user/download https://itunes.apple.com/app/id388627783?mt=8

ghost commented 7 years ago

Important points from the contract

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

thanks for synthesising those points Mark. 👍 beyond the "non-structural alterations" is there anything else we are not allowed to do with the space? (obvs I don't want to make it a night club, but is there anything against using it 24/7 provided we keep noise levels to a minimum and keep the neighbours happy...) Is there anything preventing us from changing the door lock to be digital instead of key-based? (we'll store any analogue door locks safely & re-install them if/when we leave for which ever reason) Can we install better fire alarms & upgrade the sink/"kitchen" area to be tidier?

ghost commented 7 years ago

Full contract is here.

Nothing about 24/7, does say this:

screen shot 2017-02-20 at 10 28 07

There also may be requirements from the local council and/or landlord that we are bound by(?)

ghost commented 7 years ago

List of questions:

iteles commented 7 years ago

@markwilliamfirth Added a few points to your list of questions above

sofer commented 7 years ago


What plans does FOUNDER have for the space for the next year and after 1 May 2018?

None that we know of.

Does FOUNDER know what plans the landlord have for the space over the next year and after 1 May 2018?

No, but I would guess that the landlord might be looking to increase the rent.

Can we change the door lock to be digital instead of key-based?

I see no reason not to, but one of the requests that S&T made was to be able to continue to use the address for post and they do have a key holder who I believe still comes in to pick up post.

Can we install new fire alarms? Can we make changes to the sink/kitchen area? Can we rebrand the space from FOUNDER to our own co-working space?

Almost certainly "yes" to all of the above, but a quick check with S&T would not go amiss.

What are FOUNDER's plans before May 2018, are there any guarantees we can have that we can keep the space in the meantime?

We have no guarantees, but S&T are currently running a restaurant in Berlin. Founder London is still registered at No. 16, but I would be surprised if they had any plans for the building.

Has the landlord provided any assurances pre-May 2018?

None that I am aware of.

What's the situation with the furniture? Is there an inventory of Founder furniture? What are the expectations?

There is no inventory, but S&T have made no requests regarding furniture..

ghost commented 7 years ago

I have contacted S&T