dwyl / learn-ngrok

☁️ Learn how to use ngrok to share access to a Web App/Site running on your "localhost" with the world!
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beginner-friendly howto live-reload ngrok tunnel-server tutorial webapp

Learn ngrok

:cloud: Learn how to use ngrok so that you can share a Web App/Site running on your "localhost" with anyone online!


You are working on a Web App/Site on your localhost, but it's "not yet ready" to be "deployed"

Note: once you are ready to make your App/MVP "official", you should consider using Heroku as it does not require you to have your localhost running (and it has good logging, "monitoring", "free tier", etc.).
See: github.com/dwyl/learn-heroku


The official description on the website https://ngrok.com/product is:

"ngrok exposes local servers behind NATs and firewalls to the public internet over secure tunnels."

In plain (beginner friendly) English:

ngrok is a small piece of software that lets you run a web application
on your local computer and (securely) share it with the world on a public address ("URL")



Anyone working on a Web App/Site and needs a quick/easy way to show or test it without "deploying" it.
e.g: you are actively developing something and deploying it to Heroku would be too time consuming.


When Should I Use ngrok?

A great use-case is when you are in "development mode", you have "live-reloading" enabled on your locahost and you want any changes you make on your to be reflected a mobile device without having to re-deploy.

Developing Somewhere with "Strict" Firewall Rules?

Often you will be on a network with strict firewall rules (blocked TCP ports) that do not allow you to share your app with your Mobile device! e.g: in Coffee Shops, Libraries or "Corporate" Networks.

In these cases ngrok is a great choice!

When Not to Use ngrok?

Avoid using ngrok when your app is being actively used by people. i.e: once your "MVP" is ready to be tested by "real users", deploy it somewhere that is not your localhost e.g: Heroku


The official "getting started" guide is: https://dashboard.ngrok.com/get-started Is a good place to start, however we have "condensed" it down into just 4 steps!

1. Download & Install

First step on our quest is to download ngrok from the website: https://ngrok.com/download


If you use a Mac computer (and "homebrew") there's an easy way; Run the following command in your terminal:

brew cask install ngrok


Once you have successfully downloaded and installed ngrok.

2. Connect Your ngrok "Account" to Your locahost

If you have not already authenticated with ngrok visit: https://dashboard.ngrok.com/user/login

We use our GitHub account to authenticate with ngrok because they only asks for basic access:


Once authenticated, you should see a "Dashboard": https://dashboard.ngrok.com/get-started

If you scroll down you will see a section entitled: "Connect your account" e.g:

Copy-pasge and run the command in your terminal
(including your unique authtoken, which you should not share BTW!)

./ngrok authtoken 56hth5o3bbkewDmHSZEHQ_39VJe8koVu

Don't worry, this example is not a "valid" token, it's just for demo purposes.

Trouble-shooting ...

if you see an error:

-bash: ./ngrok: No such file or directory

simply remove the ./ in front of the ngrok command: ngrok-not-found

Thanks to: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30188582/ngrok-command-not-found/43492639

3. Run Your app

Now it's time to run your app on your localhost. Run which ever command you need (e.g: npm start or mix phx.server) to start your app.

Make a note of the TCP Port your app is running on for step 4 below.

Don't Have an App?

If you don't already have an "App" to try/test ngrok, you can simply "clone" this repository and try the "demo" App!

Copy-paste and run the following command:

git clone https://github.com/dwyl/learn-ngrok.git && cd learn-ngrok && npm install

(note: it take a few seconds for that command to run because it's installing the "live-server" dependency for running the app, be patient ...)

In your Terminal window you should see something like this:

Once the command has run it will start the "app" and open it in your default web browser. e.g:

4. Start the ngrok "Tunnel"

Create the ngrok "tunnel" to your app by running the following command in a new terminal window (different from the one where your app is running):

./ngrok http 4000

or (on Mac OSX):

ngrok http 4000

you should now see something similar to this:

This confirms that the ngrok forwarding the given URL to your locahost on TCP Port 4000.

In our case the ngrok URL is https://f00ead01.ngrok.io but yours will be a different random string as the sub-domain.

5. Visit the ngrok URL in your Web Browser

Open your Web Browser and visit: https://f00ead01.ngrok.io voila

Voilà! Your App on the public Internet! (not that you had any doubt it would work ...)

To Quit ngrok simply use the Ctrl+C command.

Note: if you quit ngrok the URL of your app will change. That's why the URL in the GIF below is different from this one ... if you want a fixed URL, you will need to pay for it.

6. But Wait, There's More!

Open the ngrok "inspector" http://localhost:4040 a new tab or browser window:


6.1 Make a Change in your App

If you make a simple change in your App, you should see it update in the browser! (the "demo" App has "live reloading" if yours does not, simple refresh the browser window.) e.g:

That's it!

Obviously ngrok has many more "advanced" features, we encourage you to read the docs if you need something specific: https://ngrok.com/docs

Any Questions?

If you have any questions, get "stuck" or want a more "advanced example", please open an issue: https://github.com/dwyl/learn-ngrok/issues