dwyl / mvp

📲 simplest version of the @dwyl app
GNU General Public License v2.0
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alpinejs example examples minimum-viable-product mvp petal phoenix phoenix-framework phoenix-liveview tailwindcss time todo todolist tracking tutorial
# @dwyl App MVP 💡 ⏳ ✅ The most basic version of the **@dwyl App** [**MVP** feature set](https://github.com/dwyl/app/issues/266). # _Please `try` it_: [mvp.fly.dev](https://mvp.fly.dev/) 🙏 And help us to ... MVP Loop ![GitHub Workflow Status](https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/dwyl/mvp/ci.yml?label=build&style=flat-square&branch=main) [![codecov.io](https://img.shields.io/codecov/c/github/dwyl/mvp/main.svg?style=flat-square)](http://codecov.io/github/dwyl/mvp?branch=main) [![Hex.pm](https://img.shields.io/hexpm/v/elixir_auth_google?color=brightgreen&style=flat-square)](https://hex.pm/packages/elixir_auth_google) [![contributions welcome](https://img.shields.io/badge/feedback-welcome-brightgreen.svg?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/dwyl/app-mvp/issues) [![HitCount](https://hits.dwyl.com/dwyl/app-mvp.svg)](https://hits.dwyl.com/dwyl/app-mvp)

Why? 🤷‍♀️

Our goal with this MVP is to build the minimal usable App
that covers our basic "Capture, Categorize, Complete" workflow.
It is well-documented, tested and easy for a beginner to run & understand.

We shipped the App to Fly: mvp.fly.dev and use/test it (internally).
After collecting initial feedback, we will integrate it into the main dwyl/app repo.
We maintain this repo as a reference for new joiners
wanting the most basic version to learn from.

What? 💭

A mobile-first hybrid task and activity (time) tracking tool.

MVP? 🚧

A Minimum Viable Product (MVP), as its' name suggests, is the minimum we can do to test the idea.

If you're new to MVPs, the Wikipedia article is a good starting point: wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimum_viable_product
Or listen to Eric Ries describe it in 3 minutes: https://youtu.be/1FoCbbbcYT8
Validate your business idea: THE LEAN STARTUP by Eric Ries: https://youtu.be/QaoVWtLX038
Building Minimal Viable Product with Michael Seibel UC Berkeley Course: https://youtu.be/m4isFputh68?t=75
How Not To Start A Startup | Michael Seibel: https://youtu.be/9tq-lTjTu2Q?t=413

Two Apps in One ✌️

We've found it tedious to use several separate apps for task and time tracking 🤦‍♂️
and think it's logical to combine the functionality. This MVP combines two apps into one. 💡

In our journey to understand the features we want from first principles, we built the two separate apps:

  1. Todo list: github.com/dwyl/phoenix-liveview-todo-list
  2. Stop Watch (Timer): github.com/dwyl/phoenix-liveview-stopwatch

    Once the mix setup command completes, you can run the app with:

    mix s

    Open the App in your web browser localhost:4000 and start your tour!

    Build It! 👷‍♀️

    If you want to understand how to build the MVP, please see: BUILDIT.md

    Contributing 👩‍💻

    All contributions from typo fixes to feature requests are always welcome! 🙌

    Please start by:
    a. Star the repo on GitHub so you have a "bookmark" you can return to. ⭐
    b. Fork the repo so you have a copy you can "hack" on. 🍴
    c. Clone the repo to your localhost and run it! (see below) 👩‍💻

    For more detail, please see: dwyl/contributing

    More Features? 🔔

    Please note that our goal with this MVP is not to have all the features; again, it's deliberately simple.
    We will be adding lots more features to the full App.
    If you have feature ideas, that's great! 🎉
    Please share them: app/issues