XHTM is alternative implementation of HTM without HTM-specific limitations. Low-level machinery is rejected in favor of readability and better HTML support.
→ [h('input'), h('br')]
, <?xml?>
etc. support #91.<p>foo<p>bar
→ <p>foo</p><p>bar</p>
#91.html`<a class="a ${b} c"/>`
→ h('a', { class: ['a ', b, ' c'] })
is by default fully compatible with htm
and can be used as drop-in replacement.
import htm from 'xhtm'
import { render, h } from 'preact'
html = htm.bind(h)
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
<p>Some paragraph<br>
<p>Another paragraph
`, document.getElementById('app'))
For htm
manual, refer to htm docs.
Generally HTM is a better choice, since it has better performance and enables caching.
But if your app doesn't render components frequently or you need HTML support, then XHTM can be a good choice.
Originally that was just minimal HTML parser implementation (~60LOC), best from 10 variants in R&D branches.