dylanpyle / svgbundler

Track down any dependencies of an SVG image and embed them inline.
MIT License
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A small tool that will track down any dependencies of an SVG image and embed them inline.

Right now this just supports <image> tags — if they refer to external images, it will fetch them and base64-inline them.


import bundle from 'svgbundler'; // or:
const bundle = require('svgbundler').default;

const input = `
    <image xlink:href="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/52/Spacer.gif" />

bundle(input).then((result) => {
  // <svg>
  //   <image xlink:href="https://github.com/dylanpyle/svgbundler/blob/master/"/>
  // </svg>

See src/test.ts for some examples of expected input/output.


An SVG image may contain raster images that are fetched over a network, just like the <img> tag in HTML. However, for security reasons these are blocked by browsers when the SVG content is not part of the page itself. Most non-browser tools that work with SVGs also don't allow external images, so you'll need to bundle them like this to e.g. preview them on your desktop, or open them in Sketch.
