UnitPy is a Python package for defining, converting, and working with units.
The goal of the package is to be simple, straightforward, and performant.
This package directly implements NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) official unit definitions.
Pip installable package:
pip install unitpy
Python 3.8 and up
from unitpy import U, Q, Unit, Quantity
# U = Unit
u = Unit("kilometer")
u = U("kilometer")
u = U("km")
u = U.kilometer
u = U.km
u = U("kilometer/hour")
u = U("km/h")
u = U.kilometer / U.hour
u = U.km / U.h
# properties
print(u.dimensionality) # [length] / [time]
print(u.dimensionless) # False
print(u.base_unit) # meter / second
Quantity = Value + Unit
from unitpy import U, Q , Unit, Quantity
# Q = Quantity
q = 1 * U("kilometer/hour")
q = 1 * (U.kilometer / U.hour)
q = Quantity("1 km/h")
q = Q("1 kilometer per hour")
q = Q("1*kilometer/hour")
# properties
print(q.unit) # kilometer / hour
print(q.dimensionality) # [length] / [time]
print(q.dimensionless) # False
print(q.base_unit) # meter / second
from unitpy import U, Q , Unit, Quantity
# Q = Quantity
q = 1 * U("km/h")
q2 = q.to("mile per hour")
print(q2) # 0.6213711922 mile / hour
from unitpy import U, Q
q = 1 * U("km/h")
q2 = 2.2 * U("mile per hour")
print(q2 + q) # 2.8213711923 mile / hour
print(q2 - q) # 1.5786288077 mile / hour
print(q2 * q) # 2.2 kilometer mile / hour**2
print(q2 / q) # 2.2 mile / kilometer
print((q2 / q).dimensionless) # True
Other supported functions:
from unitpy import U, Q
q = 300 * U("K")
q2 = 200 * U("K")
print(q + q2) # 500.0 kelvin
print(q.to("degC")) # 26.85 Celsius
print(q.to("degF")) # 830.6344444444 Fahrenheit
print(q.to("degR")) # 166.6666666667 Rankine
Temperature units are non-multiplicative units. They are expressed with respect to a reference point (offset).
degC = 5/9 * (degF - 32)
Default behavior is absolute units.
For relative units use dedicated functions add_rel()
or sub_rel()
from unitpy import U, Q
q = 10 * U("degC")
q2 = 5 * U("degC")
# absolute
print(q.to("K")) # 283.15 kelvin
print(q + q2) # 288.15 Celsius
print((q + q2).to("K")) # 561.3 kelvin
print(q - q2) # -268.15 Celsius
print((q - q2).to("K")) # 5.0 kelvin
# relative
print(q.add_rel(q2)) # 15 Celsius
print(q.sub_rel(q2)) # 5 Celsius
print(abs(-10 * U.degC)) # 10 Celsius
from datetime import timedelta
from unitpy import U
a = 1.234 * U.min
print(a) # 1.234 minute
b = a.to_timedelta()
print(b) # 0:01:14.040000
print(type(b)) # <class 'datetime.timedelta'>
from unitpy import U
a = 1.23432453 * U.min
print(a) # 1.23432453 minute
print(f"{a:.2f}") # 1.23 minute
b = 1_000_000 * U.cm
print(b) # 1000000 centimeter
print(format(b, ",")) # 1,000,000 centimeter
c = 123 * U.inch
print(c) # 123 inch
print(f"{c:5}") # 123 inch (leading spaces)
print(f"{c:05}") # 00123 inch (leading zeros)
To configure the string outputs with environment file (.env):
1) install python-dotenv. The code uses this to load variables from the .env file
pip install python-dotenv
2) copy the .env file from this repo into the top level of your repo and edit to your liking
It should now load the environmental variables when you run the code to format it to your liking without any additional code needed.
import numpy as np
from unitpy import Unit, Quantity
# numpy + int
a = np.linspace(0, 4, 5) * Unit.m
b = 1 * Unit.ft
c = a+b
print(a+b) # [0.3048 1.3048 2.3048 3.3048 4.3048] meter
print(a-b) # [-0.3048 0.6952 1.6952 2.6952 3.6952] meter
a += b
print(a) # [0.3048 1.3048 2.3048 3.3048 4.3048] meter
# numpy + numpy
a = np.linspace(0, 4, 5) * Unit.m
b = np.linspace(0, 4, 5) * Unit.ft
print(a+b) # [0. 1.3048 2.6096 3.9144 5.2192] meter
print(a-b) # [0. 0.6952 1.3904 2.0856 2.7808] meter
a += b
print(a) # [0. 1.3048 2.6096 3.9144 5.2192] meter
# numpy * int
a = np.linspace(0, 4, 5) * Unit.m
b = 1.2 * Unit.s
print(a*b) # [0. 1.2 2.4 3.6 4.8] meter second
print(a/b) # [0. 0.83333333 1.66666667 2.5 3.33333333] meter/second
a *= b
print(a) # [0. 1.2 2.4 3.6 4.8] meter second
# numpy * numpy
a = np.linspace(0, 4, 5) * Unit.m
b = np.linspace(0, 4, 5) * Unit.s
print(a*b) # [ 0. 1. 4. 9. 16.] meter second
print(a/b) # [nan 1. 1. 1. 1.] meter/second
a *= b
print(a) # [ 0. 1. 4. 9. 16.] meter second
# numpy functions
a = np.linspace(-2, 4, 5) * Unit.m
print(np.sum(a)) # 5 meter
print(np.max(a)) # 4 meter
print(np.abs(a)) # [2. 0.5 1. 2.5 4. ] meter
print(np.linspace(1*Unit.mm, 2*Unit.ft, 4)) # [ 1. 203.86666667 406.73333333 609.6 ] millimeter