dynamicweb / Swift

Dynamicweb Swift is a plug-and-play standard solution for Dynamicweb Ecommerce which allows you to create beautiful mobile-friendly Ecommerce websites with minimal effort and almost no coding with awesome performance, wcag support and much more...
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Swift by DynamicWeb

Swift allows you to create beautiful mobile-friendly websites. Swift gives It is fast and easy to build ecommerce sites on Dynamicweb for both B2C and B2B. Using configuration and almost no coding.

GitHub tag (latest by date) GitHub DW GitHub DW10 GitHub Bootstrap GitHub DW

Key featuresInstallationRequirementsHosting & Install DWDatabaseLicense

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Key features

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Swift is installed on top of a Dynamicweb application. This repository contains a ./Files with design files, images, and other static resources

The basic install procedure is:

  1. Prepare the hosting environment
  2. Install the DynamicWeb application
  3. Set up a website in IIS Manager and add the Swift-folder as a virtual directory
  4. Download the Swift Product Image folder and insert the folder here Swift/Files/Files/Images/Products
  5. Build the Swift design
  6. Install the Swift database & connect solution to it
  7. Log in and install a license


See requirements for older Swift versions here

Hosting environment and DynamicWeb install

Swift must be installed on a server or local machine running Windows and a recent DynamicWeb application.

DW9 Software/Hardware requirements
Hosting Preparing the hosting environment
Install Dynamicweb

After following these guides you will have a freshly installed DynamicWeb solution, which is ready to run Swift.

Swift database and product images

Database Swift Demo database
Database Swift Empty database
Image folder Swift Product Image

Add Swift-folder as virtual directory

To use the Swift-design you must add the Files-folder from this repository as a virtual folder for the website you created in IIS Manager:

  1. Open IIS Manager and locate the website
  2. Right-click the website and click Add virtual directory
  3. Write Files in the Alias-field
  4. Enter the physical path to the Swift ./Files folder
  5. Click OK

This sets the downloaded ./Files folder as a virtual directory for the website, which means that you can easily upgrade the DynamicWeb application without having to move the .\Files folder every time.

Install Node.js and build design

Swift uses webpack to calculate dependencies and bundle scripts, images and other assets. This means that the design must be built after being cloned:

  1. Download and install Node.js
  2. Open a command prompt and navigate to folder Swift is cloned to
  3. Run npm install
  4. Run npm run build:webpack
  5. Run npm run start

Restore database and connect with solution

This repository contains a number of database files .bak or .bacpac - with demo data, e.g. pages, products, demo users, etc. You often want to use these as a starting point for a new Swift project.

To restore the database:

The connection between a solution and a database is stored inside a files called GlobalSettings. This file is part of the repo, so it will be overwritten every time you retrieve the latest version of Swift from here.

To solve this issue consider creating a GlobalSettings.database.config file inside the ./Files folder with the connection details:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Whenever the solution is accessed this file will be used in place of the database node in globalsettings-config – and it will not be overwritten.

Log in and install a license