dynamofoundation / MiningPool

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To compile for windows, open in VS2019 and build. You will need curl and sqlite3. These dependencies are most easily resolved with vcpkg.

To compile for linux:

apt-get install libsqlite3-dev build-essential libcurl4-openssl-dev

g++-11 -I. -std=gnu++11 -fpermissive *.cpp -lcurl -lsqlite3 -lpthread -o MiningPool

The standard installation requires 3 files:

MiningPool binary settings.txt (contains json string of settings) webpack.dat (contains packaged website for user interface)


  1. Dynamo fullnode with RPC enabled and sync to blockchain

  2. Create a wallet on the fullnode to hold mining proceeds and distribute. Example:

    dyn-cli -rpcconnect= -rpcuser=user -rpcpassword=123456 createwallet "mining"
  3. Create an address to save the mining proceeds in. Example:

    dyn-cli -rpcconnect= -rpcuser=user -rpcpassword=123456 getnewaddress

    (note this address for the settings file later)

  4. Update dynamo.conf for the new wallet and restart fullnode. Example:

    wallet=<name of wallet created in step 2>

    (this is not necessary but will make pool startup faster)

  5. Update settings.txt with your desired parameters.

  6. Start MiningPool binary.

Explanation of settings.txt:

    "clientListenPort" : 4567,        (This is the port miners will connect to)

    "rpcURL" : "",     (RPC URL of your fullnode with the mining wallet)
    "rpcUser" : "user",
    "rpcPassword" : "123456",
    "rpcWallet" : "mining",           (Name of the wallet you created in step 2)

    "payoutWallet" : "dy1qzvx3yfrucqa2ntsw8e7dyzv6u6dl2c2wjvx5jy",      (Address to pay operator proceeds to.  Must be different than miningWallet)
    "miningWallet" : "dy1qpd28y8xxwv6ra80s3e9w5wmfhjgldayp576w8p",      (Address created in step 3.  This is where miners will mine to and payouts will be made from)
    "miningFeePercent" : 100,         (Fee to charge on each payout as a percent, to two decimals.  100 = 1%, 50 = 0.5%, 300 = 3%, etc)
    "payoutPeriod" : 3600,            (How often to run payouts, in seconds.  3600 = 1 hour)
    "minPayout" : 50000000,           (The min amount to pay out, in atoms.  Must be more than 10000)
    "payoutFee" : 10000,              (The payout fee to use for wallet transactions.  Should be minrelay, which is currently 10000)

    "httpPort" : 8086                 (The port number for the HTTP server user interface)