dynatrace-oss / OneAgent-SDK-Python-AutoInstrumentation

autodynatrace, a python library that implements automatic instrumentation using the OneAgent SDK for Python
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instrumentation python

autodynatrace - OneAgent-SDK-Python-AutoInstrumentation

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Dynatrace provides a powerful SDK that can be used to achieve code level visibility and transaction tracing for applications written in multiple languages, including python. This project provides a library called autodynatrace, which is a wrapper around the OneAgent SDK for Python and allows you to instrument python applications with minimal code changes.

Warning Autodynatrace is opensource and supported via github issues, this is not supported by Dynatrace via support tickets.


pip install autodynatrace

Option 1 - Instrumentation without code changes

Add the environment variable AUTOWRAPT_BOOTSTRAP=autodynatrace to your python processes

Option 2 - Semi-Auto Instrumentation

For most technologies, just import it in your code.

import autodynatrace

Technologies supported:


For Django, add "autodynatrace.wrappers.django" to INSTALLED_APPS

Environment variables


For support using this open source project, please open a github issue explaining your issue and providing code examples, environment details