dynatrace-oss / api-client-python

Dynatrace API Python client
Apache License 2.0
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dt - Dynatrace Python API Client

dt is a Python client for the Dynatrace Rest API.
It focuses on ease of use and nice type hints, perfect to explore the API and create quick scripts


$ pip install dt

Simple Demo

from dynatrace import Dynatrace
from dynatrace import TOO_MANY_REQUESTS_WAIT
from dynatrace.environment_v2.tokens_api import SCOPE_METRICS_READ, SCOPE_METRICS_INGEST
from dynatrace.configuration_v1.credential_vault import PublicCertificateCredentials
from dynatrace.environment_v2.settings import SettingsObject, SettingsObjectCreate

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

# Create a Dynatrace client
dt = Dynatrace("environment_url", "api_token")

# Create a client that handles too many requests (429)
# dt = Dynatrace("environment_url", "api_token", too_many_requests_strategy=TOO_MANY_REQUESTS_WAIT )

# Create a client that automatically retries on errors, up to 5 times, with a 1 second delay between retries
# dt = Dynatrace("environment_url", "api_token", retries=5, retry_delay_ms=1000 )

# Create a client with a custom HTTP timeout of 10 seconds
# dt = Dynatrace("environment_url", "api_token", timeout=10 )

# Get all hosts and some properties
for entity in dt.entities.list('type("HOST")', fields="properties.memoryTotal,properties.monitoringMode"):
    print(entity.entity_id, entity.display_name, entity.properties)

# Get idle CPU for all hosts
for metric in dt.metrics.query("builtin:host.cpu.idle", resolution="Inf"):

# Print dimensions, timestamp and values for the AWS Billing Metric
for metric in dt.metrics.query("ext:cloud.aws.billing.estimatedChargesByRegionCurrency"):
    for data in metric.data:
        for timestamp, value in zip(data.timestamps, data.values):
            print(data.dimensions, timestamp, value)

# Get all ActiveGates
for ag in dt.activegates.list():

# Get metric descriptions for all host metrics
for m in dt.metrics.list("builtin:host.*"):

# Delete endpoints that contain the word test
for plugin in dt.plugins.list():

    # This could also be dt.get_endpoints(plugin.id)
    for endpoint in plugin.endpoints:
        if "test" in endpoint.name:

# Prints dashboard ID, owner and number of tiles
for dashboard in dt.dashboards.list():
    full_dashboard = dashboard.get_full_dashboard()
    print(full_dashboard.id, dashboard.owner, len(full_dashboard.tiles))

# Delete API Tokens that haven't been used for more than 3 months
for token in dt.tokens.list(fields="+lastUsedDate,+scopes"):
    if token.last_used_date and token.last_used_date < datetime.now() - timedelta(days=90):
        print(f"Deleting token! {token}, last used date: {token.last_used_date}")

# Create an API Token that can read and ingest metrics
new_token = dt.tokens.create("metrics_token", scopes=[SCOPE_METRICS_READ, SCOPE_METRICS_INGEST])

# Upload a public PEM certificate to the Credential Vault
with open("ca.pem", "r") as f:
    ca_cert = f.read()

my_cred = PublicCertificateCredentials(
    description="my_cred description",

r = dt.credentials.post(my_cred)

# Create a new settings 2.0 object
settings_value = {
    "enabled": True,
    "summary": "DT API TEST 1",
    "queryDefinition": {
        "type": "METRIC_KEY",
        "metricKey": "netapp.ontap.node.fru.state",
        "aggregation": "AVG",
        "entityFilter": {
            "dimensionKey": "dt.entity.netapp_ontap:fru",
            "conditions": [],
        "dimensionFilter": [],
    "modelProperties": {
        "type": "STATIC_THRESHOLD",
        "threshold": 100.0,
        "alertOnNoData": False,
        "alertCondition": "BELOW",
        "violatingSamples": 3,
        "samples": 5,
        "dealertingSamples": 5,
    "eventTemplate": {
        "title": "OnTap {dims:type} {dims:fru_id} is in Error State",
        "description": "OnTap field replaceable unit (FRU) {dims:type} with id {dims:fru_id} on node {dims:node} in cluster {dims:cluster} is in an error state.\n",
        "eventType": "RESOURCE",
        "davisMerge": True,
        "metadata": [],
    "eventEntityDimensionKey": "dt.entity.netapp_ontap:fru",

settings_object = SettingsObjectCreate(schema_id="builtin:anomaly-detection.metric-events", value=settings_value, scope="environment")
dt.settings.create_object(validate_only=False, body=settings_object)

Implementation Progress

Environment API V2

API Level Access
Access Tokens - API tokens :heavy_check_mark: dt.tokens
Access tokens - Tenant tokens :heavy_check_mark: dt.tenant_tokens
ActiveGates :heavy_check_mark: dt.activegates
ActiveGates - Auto-update configuration :heavy_check_mark: dt.activegates_autoupdate_configuration
ActiveGates - Auto-update jobs :heavy_check_mark: dt.activegates_autoupdate_jobs
Audit Logs :heavy_check_mark: dt.audit_logs
Events :warning: dt.events_v2
Extensions 2.0 :heavy_check_mark: dt.extensions_v2
Logs :warning: dt.logs
Metrics :heavy_check_mark: dt.metrics
Monitored entities :warning: dt.entities
Monitored entities - Custom tags :heavy_check_mark: dt.custom_tags
Network zones :warning: dt.network_zones
Problems :heavy_check_mark: dt.problems
Security problems :x:
Service-level objectives :heavy_check_mark: dt.slos
Settings :warning: dt.settings

Environment API V1

API Level Access
Anonymization :x:
Cluster time :heavy_check_mark: dt.cluster_time
Cluster version :x:
Custom devices :heavy_check_mark: dt.custom_devices
Deployment :heavy_check_mark: dt.deployment
Events :warning: dt.events
JavaScript tag management :x:
Log monitoring - Custom devices :x:
Log monitoring - Hosts :x:
Log monitoring - Process groups :x:
Maintenance window :x:
OneAgent on a host :warning: dt.oneagents
Problem :x:
Synthetic - Locations and nodes :x:
Synthetic - Monitors :warning: dt.synthetic_monitors
Synthetic - Third party :heavy_check_mark: dt.third_part_synthetic_tests
Threshold :x:
Timeseries :warning: dt.timeseries
Tokens :x:
Topology & Smartscape - Application :x:
Topology & Smartscape - Custom device :warning: dt.custom_devices
Topology & Smartscape - Host :warning: dt.smartscape_hosts
Topology & Smartscape - Process :x:
Topology & Smartscape - Process group :x:
Topology & Smartscape - Service :x:
User sessions :x:

Configuration API V1

API Level Access
Alerting Profiles :warning: dt.alerting_profiles
Anomaly detection - Applications :x:
Anomaly detection - AWS :x:
Anomaly detection - Database services :x:
Anomaly detection - Disk events :x:
Anomaly detection - Hosts :x:
Anomaly detection - Metric events :warning: dt.anomaly_detection_metric_events
Anomaly detection - Process groups :warning: dt.anomaly_detection_process_groups
Anomaly detection - Services :x:
Anomaly detection - VMware :x:
Automatically applied tags :warning: dt.auto_tags
AWS credentials configuration :x:
AWS PrivateLink :x:
Azure credentials configuration :x:
Calculated metrics - Log monitoring :x:
Calculated metrics - Mobile & custom applications :x:
Calculated metrics - Services :x:
Calculated metrics - Synthetic :x:
Calculated metrics - Web applications :x:
Cloud Foundry credentials configuration :x:
Conditional naming :x:
Credential vault :x:
Custom tags :heavy_check_mark: dt.custom_tags
Dashboards :warning: dt.dashboards
Data privacy and security :x:
Extensions :heavy_check_mark: dt.extensions
Frequent issue detection :x:
Kubernetes credentials configuration :x:
Maintenance windows :warning: dt.maintenance_windows
Management zones :warning: dt.management_zones
Notifications :warning: dt.notifications
OneAgent - Environment-wide configuration :heavy_check_mark: dt.oneagents_config_environment
OneAgent in a host group :heavy_check_mark: dt.oneagents_config_hostgroup
OneAgent on a host :heavy_check_mark: dt.oneagents_config_host
Plugins :warning: dt.plugins
Remote environments :x:
Reports :x:
RUM - Allowed beacon origins for CORS :x:
RUM - Application detection rules :x:
RUM - Application detection rules - Host detection :x:
RUM - Content resources :x:
RUM - Geographic regions - custom client IP headers :x:
RUM - Geographic regions - IP address mapping :x:
RUM - Mobile and custom application configuration :x:
RUM - Web application configuration :x:
Service - Custom services :x:
Service - Detection full web request :x:
Service - Detection full web service :x:
Service - Detection opaque and external web request :x:
Service - Detection opaque and external web service :x:
Service - Failure detection parameter sets :x:
Service - Failure detection rules :x:
Service - IBM MQ tracing :x:
Service - Request attributes :x:
Service - Request naming :x: