dyor / scoop

MIT License
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Standard Readme

This is an early stage Android app that allows people to buy and sell time from a group of trusted people called a Scoop (or Service Co-Op). A Scoop Manager creates a Scoop (like a Dog Walking Scoop, a Personal Driver Scoop, a Babysitting Scoop) and adds Buyers (people who want to buy time) and Sellers (people who want to sell time). Buyers can post Jobs, Sellers can Accept->Start->Complete Jobs, and Buyers can Pay for Completed Jobs.

The App uses Firestore and Firebase Authentication (including Google Authentication).

The app will work with a couple of quick modifications:

  1. Create a Firebase Project and add a Firestore Database with these rules: https://blog.dyor.com/rules-for-firestore
  2. for Authentication (including a SHA1 fingerprint) https://blog.dyor.com/authenticating-with-google-sign-in-and-firebase-auth-and-firebase-ui-on-kotlin-for-android
  3. Connect that Firebase Project to your local Android App by coping your google-services.json from Firebase into the App directory.

Over the coming weeks, I am going to turn this from a flaming dumpster fire of an app to a reasonably high quality app.

Here is a link to the newly created backlog: https://github.com/dyor/scoop/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Areactions-%2B1-desc

If you know Android Architecture and/or Kotlin and would like to help out, please email matt at dyor dot com and get involved. If you have some ideas on design or functioality, I would love to see/read them. I am hoping to build out this basic pattern for buying and selling time between trusted parties, and then apply it to some specific areas that are interesting to me.