dyvasey / project-ri-strain

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Rift Inversion Strain Analysis Project

This repository is designed for development of quantitative strain analysis of rift inversion models in ASPECT. Please conduct all code development within this repository on a separate branch and use pull requests when code review is needed.

Currently, it contains 5 files from Dylan for Peter:

  1. calculate_strain.py This has code used for an initial attempt at strain calculation across a model
  2. initial_production_sides.py This has code for defining a rift axis using particles and then tracking it during model inversion
  3. vtk_plot.py This has support functions used in the other 2 scripts. In the course of this project, some of these should probably be modified and adapted for GDMATE.
  4. suture.py This has the code that actually assigns the rift axis to particles (which is then used by initial_production_sides.py)
  5. particles.py This contains code used by suture.py and likely replicates code from vtk_plot.py

These scripts will not work as written, in particular because they rely on a local copy of a set of 16 model files that are quite large (multiple TB). Dylan will set up a copy of this repository on the Tufts cluster in addition to one of these models so that there is data to work with. It may also be worth developing a small model that can be included with this repository (i.e., adding particles to the continental extension cookbook) to facilitate development.