e-learning / bing2twit

Geo exporter from bing into twitter
4 stars 1 forks source link

YaToTwit is an application written for Qt in C++. To build libcurl is required. It deals with static API of yandex-maps to get the list of objects corresponding to the entered name of POI. After you choose the suitable place on button press event your POI will be posted to your twitter account using OAuth, also a png containing a map of requested place is displayed.

BUILDING yatotwit

  1. Install required libraries cd lib/kqoauth qmake sudo make install

  2. Install the target app cd ../../src qmake make ./yatotwit


The source code is available on Github at: https://github.com/e-learning/bing2twit

git clone git://github.com/e-learning/bing2twit


Alex A. Renoire