e107inc / e107

e107 Bootstrap CMS (Content Management System) v2 with PHP, MySQL, HTML5, jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap. Issue Discussion Room: https://gitter.im/e107inc/e107
GNU General Public License v3.0
319 stars 213 forks source link

Remove and optimize (hardcoded) LANS #6

Open CaMer0n opened 11 years ago

CaMer0n commented 11 years ago

Remove all hard-coded terms from e107 and optimize!

Translator's Checklist:

CaMer0n commented 9 years ago

@LaocheXe, @hanklu, @Jimmi08, @Fiedo, @lonalore, @e107bg, @Moc, @nlstart This issue is the main priority for beta2. If you wish to see e107 v2 with complete language-packs in other languages, please consider sending a pull-request with English terms inside the code replaced and 'defines' added to the appropriate language file. Known issues can be found by searching for 'TODO LAN' over the entire project. (If you are unsure of what is required, please let me know and I'll be happy to explain). Thanks.

LaocheXe commented 9 years ago

So you want different language files of the TO DO's? So in English.php define("LAN_HELLO1", "Hello"); to German.php define("LAN_HELLO1", "Hallo");?

CaMer0n commented 9 years ago

Not quite. Everywhere there is a 'TODO LAN' inside an e107 script (not a language file).. the english needs to be removed from the script and replaced with a new LAN in the corresponding file.

CaMer0n commented 9 years ago

Please view the commit above for an example. (I should have removed the 'TODO' comment also)

nlstart commented 9 years ago

Use this view on the coding to see which 'TODO' comments are still actual: https://github.com/e107inc/e107/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=%22todo+lan%22&type=Code

LaocheXe commented 9 years ago

Next question: I did the e107_admin>users.php and did the TODO Lans - what do I do with what I got? I don't know much about Github and Pull Request

CaMer0n commented 9 years ago

Updates the description above with a checklist.

tgtje commented 9 years ago

Question : translation of hidden ALERT texts like: "A new update is ready to install! Click to unzip and install "

Is there a method to envoke this behaviour so it displays to check if the LAN translations and LAN coding is correct.

Although (mind my php skills :( ) my editor seems to display the coding appropiate so it LOOKS usable, and updating those files and no blank pages appear (lucky), i have no way of knowing if it still is ok BEFORE sending a pull request... OR : just send a pull request so it can be checked ? what is my best way to go ahead please ?

CaMer0n commented 9 years ago

Yes, in admin_shortcodes.php you can see that the alert is rendered using addInfo() which is public. The corresponding define would look something like this:

define("LAN_XXX", "A new update is ready to install! Click to unzip and install  v[x]");
$text = e107::getParser()->lanVars('LAN_XXX', $cacheData); 

Test as much as possible in the browser, but it's true that some parts will be difficult to 'reach'.

I suggest to focus on translation of the front-end first. (admin-area last)

tgtje commented 9 years ago

Definition will not be a problem. Indeed the difficult to reach areas.......

Thank you, will do

tgtje commented 9 years ago

as mentioned : recurring word/term appearing in several areas of e107

the 'common' phrase (txt)> Posted by
10 different LANs in use for same txt (language/plugins/theme)

common (standalone) txt phrase > click here

candidates for 1 LAN (system wide use) ?? (updating when stumble upon)

CaMer0n commented 9 years ago

Thanks. so let's start a list:

tgtje commented 9 years ago

Lets start : all here are found in at least 2 DIFFerent LANs (list is still a work in progress, thought i share already Base is text search and compared to other LANs containing the exact word.. Occurence is language files.plugins/themes etc.. (based on master dd about 5 days) (example def 1 = def.abc.. ,"Error" > def 2= def cde.."Error" > 100% match)

Common term STANDALONE !!! used as definition

Error Warning Edit Delete Go to page Go none None Enter code Search Name Cancel Date "Date posted" "IP Address" "Author" "Category" "Guest" "Next" "Previous" "Block" "Unblock" "Delete" "Info" "Main site administrator" "Comment" "comment" "User" "Username: " "Comments" "News" "News" "Poll" "Poll" "Replying to: " "Article" "Review" "Content" "Download" "Registered member" "Moderate comments" "here" "Subject" "Re:" "Rating" Contact Us "Send" "Incorrect code entered" some DATE defines "Send Email" "Email sent" "That doesn't appear to be a valid email address" "Password Reset" "Submit" "PASS" /Pass "Installed" "Not Installed" "Misc" / misc "Downloads" "Members" "Submit News" "Integrity Check" Remember Me Log In "User Logged In" "User Logged Out" "Guests: " "Members: " "On this page: " "Online" "viewing" "on" "Replying to" "Forum" "Thread" "Page" /page "Print" "Searching" "Site Stats" "Uploads" "User Settings" "List New Items" "User Posts" "Admin Area" "Bugtracker" "faq" /Faq "Incorrect password" "Password" "Page List" "Forums" "by" "Posted by" "News Item: " "Vote" /vote "Votes" /votes "Not rated" "All categories" /All Cat.. "Searching" "Search For:" "Check All" "Uncheck All" "One day"

+/-100 note ONLINE_EL5", "Members" >< identical in same file as ONLINE_EL2

i will follow up with more results

tgtje commented 9 years ago

Still working but maybe this will be more easier to oversee the present LAN NAMES.. (created in spreadsheet, when ready availble if needed)


E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_users.php define('USRLAN_207', 'Type');

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_upload.php
define('LAN_UL_023', 'Type');

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_plugins\alt_auth\languages\English\admin_alt_auth.php
define('LAN_ALT_64', 'Type');

"Version" E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_footer.php define("FOOTLAN_3", "Version");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_language.php
define("LANG_LAN_109", "Version");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_plugin.php
define("EPL_ADLAN_11", "Version");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_theme.php
define("TPVLAN_11", "Version");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_upload.php
define("UPLLAN_9", "Version");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_upload.php
define("LAN_410", "Version");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_admin.php define("LAN_FILE", "File");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_lancheck.php
define("LAN_CHECK_26", "File");
//define("LAN_CHECK_20", "File");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_newspost.php
// define("NWSLAN_68", "File");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_plugin.php
define ('EPL_ADLAN_128',"File");
define ('EPL_ADLAN_205',"File");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_upload.php
define("UPLLAN_10", "File");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_upload.php
define("LAN_411", "File");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_plugins\download\languages\English\English_admin.php
define("DOWLAN_13",  "File");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_upload.php define("UPLLAN_12", "Screenshot");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_upload.php
define("LAN_412", "Screenshot");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_admin.php define("LAN_DESCRIPTION", "Description");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_plugin.php
define("EPL_ADLAN_14", "Description");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_upload.php
define("UPLLAN_13", "Description");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_upload.php
define("LAN_413", "Description");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_plugins\download\languages\English\English_admin.php
define("DOWLAN_18",  "Description"); //FIXME Use Generic

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_plugins\download\languages\English\English_front.php
define("LAN_dl_7", "Description");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_plugins\forum\languages\English\English_admin.php
//define("FORLAN_32", "Description");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_plugins\newsfeed\languages\English_admin.php
//define("NFLAN_36", "Description");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_newspost.php define("NWSLAN_6", "Category");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_users_extended.php
define("EXTLAN_44", "Category");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\English.php
define("LAN_CATEGORY", "Category");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_submitnews.php
define("NWSLAN_6", "Category");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_upload.php
define("DOWLAN_11", "Category");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_plugins\download\languages\English\English_admin.php
define("DOWLAN_11",  "Category"); //FIXME Use Generic

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_plugins\download\languages\English\English_front.php
define("LAN_dl_19", "Category"); //FIXME Use Generic

"Top Posters"
E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_top.php define("LAN_8", "Top Posters");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_plugins\forum\languages\English\English_front.php
define("LAN_FORUM_0010", "Top Posters"); // LAN_429
define("LAN_429", "Top Posters");

"Most Active Threads"
E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_top.php define("LAN_7", "Most Active Threads");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_plugins\forum\languages\English\English_front.php
define("LAN_430", "Most Active Threads");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_top.php define("LAN_6", "Threads");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_userposts.php
define("UP_LAN_6", "Threads");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_plugins\forum\languages\English\English_front.php
define("LAN_47", "Threads");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_plugins\newforumposts_main\languages\English.php
define("NFPM_LAN_6", "Threads");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_top.php define("LAN_5", "Lastpost");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_userposts.php
define("UP_LAN_5", "Lastpost");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_plugins\newforumposts_main\languages\English.php
define("NFPM_LAN_5", "Lastpost");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_top.php define("LAN_4", "Replies");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_userposts.php
define("UP_LAN_4", "Replies");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_plugins\forum\languages\English\English_front.php
define("LAN_FORUM_0003", "Replies"); // LAN_48 / LAN_55
define("LAN_55", "Replies");
define("LAN_48", "Replies");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_plugins\newforumposts_main\languages\English.php
define("NFPM_LAN_4", "Replies");

"Views" E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_top.php define("LAN_3", "Views");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_userposts.php
define("UP_LAN_3", "Views");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_plugins\forum\languages\English\English_front.php
define("LAN_FORUM_1005", "Views"); // LAN_56
define("LAN_56", "Views");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_plugins\newforumposts_main\languages\English.php
define("NFPM_LAN_3", "Views");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_upload.php define("UPLLAN_5", "Poster");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_top.php
define("LAN_2", "Poster");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_plugins\newforumposts_main\languages\English.php
define("NFPM_LAN_2", "Poster");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_online.php define("ONLINE_EL14", "Thread");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_top.php
define("LAN_1", "Thread");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_userposts.php
define("UP_LAN_2", "Thread");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_plugins\forum\languages\English\English_front.php
define("LAN_53", "Thread");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_plugins\newforumposts_main\languages\English.php
define("NFPM_LAN_1", "Thread");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_admin.php define("ADLAN_114", "Comments");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_admin_log.php
define("RL_LAN_099", "Comments");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_newspost.php
define("NWSLAN_15", "Comments");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_search.php
//define("SEALAN_6", "Comments");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_comment.php
define("COMLAN_99", "Comments");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_online.php
define("COMMENT", "Comments");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_search.php
define("LAN_SEARCH_99", "Comments");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_top.php
define("TOP_LAN_4", "Comments");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_userposts.php
define("UP_LAN_13", "Comments");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_plugins\poll\languages\English.php
define("POLLAN_27", "Comments");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_plugins\poll\languages\English_admin_poll.php
define("POLLAN_27", "Comments");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_plugins\rss_menu\languages\English_admin_rss_menu.php
define("RSS_COM", "Comments");
define("RSS_PLUGIN_LAN_14", "Comments");

"Posts" E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_top.php define("TOP_LAN_2", "Posts");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_plugins\forum\languages\English\English_front.php
define("LAN_FORUM_2032", "Posts"); // LAN_67
define("LAN_67", "Posts");

"User Name" E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_users.php define("USRLAN_78", "User Name");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_top.php
define("TOP_LAN_1", "User Name");
CaMer0n commented 9 years ago

Excellent, I have added some of these to the 'global' English.php file.

tgtje commented 9 years ago

follow up (keeps continuing): (based on files dd 06-22-2015)


E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_db.php
define("DBLAN_32", "Error");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_users.php
// define("USFLAN_2", "Error");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\English.php
define("EMESSLAN_TITLE_ERROR", "Error");
define("LAN_ERROR", "Error");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_email.php
define("LAN_EMAIL_12", "Error");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_error.php
define("PAGE_NAME", "Error");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_installer.php
define("LANINS_011", "Error");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_upload_handler.php
define("LANUPLOAD_12", "Error");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_plugins\forum\languages\English\English_front.php
define("LAN_20", "Error");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_themes\_blank\languages\English.php
define("EMESSLAN_TITLE_ERROR", "Error");


E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_mailout.php
define("LAN_MAILOUT_42", "Warning");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\English.php
define("EMESSLAN_TITLE_WARNING", "Warning");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_themes\_blank\languages\English.php
define("EMESSLAN_TITLE_WARNING", "Warning");


E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\English.php define("LAN_DELETE","Delete");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_comment.php
define("COMLAN_3", "Delete");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_plugins\pm\languages\English.php
define('LAN_PM_52', "Delete");

"Go to page"

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\English.php define("LAN_GOPAGE", "Go to page");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\forum\languages\English\English_front.php
define("LAN_02", "Go to page");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\English.php
define("LAN_GO", "Go");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\forum\languages\English\English_front.php
define("LAN_03", "Go");
define("LAN_387", "Go");


E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_fileinspector.php define("FC_LAN_12", "None"); define("FR_LAN_21", "none");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_mailout.php
define("LAN_MAILOUT_96", "none");
define("LAN_MAILOUT_232", "None");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_users_extended.php
define("EXTLAN_61", "None");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\English.php
define("LAN_NONE", "None");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\lan_user.php
define("LAN_407", "none");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\download\languages\English\English_admin.php
define("DOWLAN_28",  "None");


E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\English.php define("LAN_ANONYMOUS", "Anonymous");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\forum\languages\English\English_front.php
// define("LAN_FORUM_3004", "Anonymous"); // LAN_311
define("LAN_311", "Anonymous");


E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\English.php define("LAN_YES", "Yes");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\lan_signup.php
define("LAN_201", "Yes");
//define("LAN_SIGNUP_10", "Yes");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\forum\languages\English\English_front.php
define("POLL_507", "yes");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\poll\languages\English.php
define("POLLAN_10", "yes");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\poll\languages\English_admin_poll.php
define("POLLAN_10", "yes");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\tagwords\languages\English.php
define("LAN_TAG_OPT_10", "yes");


E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\English.php define("LAN_NO", "No");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\lan_signup.php
define("LAN_200", "No");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\forum\languages\English\English_front.php
define("POLL_508", "no");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\login_menu\languages\English.php
define("LAN_LOGINMENU_26", "no");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\poll\languages\English.php
define("POLLAN_11", "no");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\poll\languages\English_admin_poll.php
define("POLLAN_11", "no");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\tagwords\languages\English.php
define("LAN_TAG_OPT_11", "no");


E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\English.php define("LAN_OK", "OK");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\pm\languages\English.php
define("LAN_PM_110", "ok");


E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_administrator.php define("ADMSLAN_4", "Continue");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\English.php
define("LAN_CONTINUE", "Continue");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\lan_installer.php
define("LANINS_035", "Continue");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\lan_signup.php
define("LAN_399", "Continue");

"Enter code"

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\English.php define("LAN_ENTER_CODE", "Enter code");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\lan_contact.php
define("LANCONTACT_16", "Enter Code");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\lan_fpw.php
define("LAN_FPW2","Enter code");


E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_eurl.php define("LAN_EURL_CORE_SEARCH", "Search");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\English.php
define("LAN_SEARCH", "Search");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\lan_online.php
define("SEARCH", "Searching");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\lan_search.php
define("PAGE_NAME", "Search");
define("LAN_180", "Search");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\lan_userposts.php
define("UP_LAN_12", "Search");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\lan_user_select.php
define("US_LAN_6", "Search");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\forum\languages\English\English_front.php
//define("LAN_FORUM_0042", "Search"); /// LAN_180 => Generic term, moved to e107_languages/English.php LAN_SEARCH
define("LAN_180", "Search");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\search_menu\languages\English.php
define("LAN_180", "Search");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\tagwords\languages\English.php
define("LAN_TAG_SEARCH_2", "Search");


E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_language.php define("LANG_LAN_108", "Name");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_plugin.php
define("EPL_ADLAN_10", "Name");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_theme.php
define("TPVLAN_52", "Name");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_updateadmin.php
define("UDALAN_4", "Name");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_upload.php
define("UPLLAN_23", "Name");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_users_extended.php
define("EXTLAN_1", "Name");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\English.php
define("LAN_NAME", "Name");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\lan_user_extended.php
define("UE_LAN_21", "Name");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\download\languages\English\English_admin.php
define("DOWLAN_12",  "Name"); //FIXME Use Generic

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\download\languages\English\English_front.php
define("LAN_dl_28", "Name"); //FIXME Use Generic

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\gsitemap\languages\English_front.php
define("GSLAN_4", "Name");
define("GSLAN_25", "Name");


E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_cron.php define("LAN_CRON_1", "Name");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_mailout.php
define("LAN_MAILOUT_38", "Cancel");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\English.php


E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_mailout.php define("LAN_MAILOUT_80", "Date");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_plugin.php
define ('EPL_ADLAN_185',"Date");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\English.php

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\lan_search.php
define("LAN_SEARCH_68", "Date");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\lan_user_extended.php
define("UE_LAN_7", "Date");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\download\languages\English\English_front.php
define("LAN_dl_22", "Date"); //FIXME Use Generic

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\list_new\languages\English_admin_list_new.php
define("LIST_ADMIN_SECT_13", "date");
define("LIST_ADMIN_LAN_14", "date");

"Date posted"

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\English.php define("LAN_DATE_POSTED", "Date posted");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\lan_search.php
define("LAN_SEARCH_50", "Date posted");

"IP Address"

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_banlist.php define("BANLAN_84", "IP Address");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\English.php
define("LAN_IP", "IP Address");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\lan_userposts.php
define("UP_LAN_16", "IP Address");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\poll\languages\English.php
define("POLLAN_18", "IP address");
define("LAN_FORUM_3036", "IP address"); // POLLAN_18

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\poll\languages\English_admin_poll.php
define("POLLAN_18", "IP address");


E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_image.php define('IMALAN_117', "Author"); // use LAN_AUTHOR

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_language.php
define("LANG_LAN_110", "Author");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_mailout.php
define("LAN_MAILOUT_50", "Author");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_plugin.php
define("EPL_ADLAN_12", "Author");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_theme.php
define("TPVLAN_4", "Author");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\English.php
"define(""LAN_AUTHOR"", ""Author"");"

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\download\languages\English\English_admin.php
define("DOWLAN_15",  "Author"); //FIXME Use Generic

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\download\languages\English\English_front.php
define("LAN_dl_24", "Author"); //FIXME Use Generic

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\forum\languages\English\English_front.php
define("LAN_402", "Author");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\list_new\languages\English_admin_list_new.php
define("LIST_ADMIN_SECT_7", "author");


E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_modcomment.php define("MDCLAN_4", "Guest");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\English.php
define("LAN_GUEST", "Guest");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\lan_comment.php
define("COMLAN_194", "Guest");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\download\languages\English\English_front.php
define("LAN_dl_52", "Guest");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\forum\languages\English\English_front.php
define("LAN_FORUM_0063", "guest"); // LAN_418 / LAN_408 (vf)
define("LAN_194", "Guest");
define("LAN_418", "guest");


E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\English.php define("LAN_NEXT", "Next");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\forum\languages\English\English_front.php
define("LAN_05", "Next");


E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\English.php define("LAN_PREVIOUS", "Previous");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\forum\languages\English\English_front.php
define("LAN_04", "Previous");


E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\English.php define("LAN_LOGIN", "Login");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\lan_online.php
define("LOGIN", "Logging In");   ??????

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_plugins\forum\languages\English\English_front.php
define("LAN_10", "Login");
define("LAN_175", "Login");


E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_admin.php // define("ADLAN_CL_1", "Settings"); define("LAN_UI_PREF_LABEL", "Settings");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_eurl.php
define("LAN_EURL_MENU_SETTINGS", "Settings");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_plugin.php
define ('EPL_ADLAN_147',"settings");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\English.php
define("LAN_SETTINGS", "Settings");


E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_updateadmin.php define("UDALAN_5", "Password");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_users.php
define("USRLAN_62", "Password");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\English.php
define("LAN_PASSWORD", "Password");

E:\e107-master (16)\e107_languages\English\lan_page.php
define("LAN_PAGE_9", "Password");
CaMer0n commented 9 years ago

Thanks. Many of those are already in \e107_languages\English\English.php Please feel free to send a pull-request with modifications to replace existing LANs with those in English.php. eg. Search/Replace LAN_PAGE_9 throughout e107 and replace with LAN_PASSWORD.

tgtje commented 9 years ago

Example ; would this be the thing we are after.( my believe) ?.. ( despite the LAN's 'related' position #being part of >eg. email lan would end up being MASTER LAN...) ( i better ask twice before making changes > a lot of testing has to be done if they are being called> thats priority 1)

TXT description > Error

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\English.php define("LAN_ERROR", "Error"); # MASTER LAN

1 Example : TODO >>> E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_db.php define("LAN_ERROR", "Error"); // WAS define("DBLAN_32", "Error");

ENDS UP AS >>>E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_db.php define("LAN_ERROR", "Error");

All these would follow same routine :

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\admin\lan_db.php define("LAN_ERROR", "Error"); // WAS define("DBLAN_32", "Error");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_email.php define("LAN_ERROR", "Error"); //WAS define("LAN_EMAIL_12", "Error");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_error.php define("LAN_ERROR", "Error"); //WAS define("PAGE_NAME", "Error");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_installer.php define("LAN_ERROR", "Error"); //WAS define("LANINS_011", "Error");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_languages\English\lan_upload_handler.php define("LAN_ERROR", "Error"); // WAS define("LANUPLOAD_12", "Error");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_plugins\forum\languages\English\English_front.php define("LAN_ERROR", "Error"); // WAS define("LAN_20", "Error");

E:\e107-master (14)\e107-master\e107_themes_blank\languages\English.php define("LAN_ERROR", "Error"); //WAS define("EMESSLAN_TITLE_ERROR", "Error");

In this case (Error) it would reduce LAN Descriptions (use) from 8 to 1 single. (not taken in consideration the pull request (proposed changes) from Veselin Totev at this point).

CaMer0n commented 9 years ago

No, that's not correct. Good example: You would need to find the usage of DBLAN_32 in the script (NOT the language file) and change it to LAN_ERROR.

tgtje commented 9 years ago

You are correct, MY mistake... (edited)

as example : indeed i would have to replace DBLAN for the MASTER LAN at file level, so that in the (suppose existing language lan in 'plugin'or alike ) define can be untouched ( should it be commented that new lan is in use?. Or DEcomment the OLD lan completely ( or obsolete en removed)

Moc commented 9 years ago

@tgtje The e107_languages/English/English.php file is the main language file for the frontend area of your website. This file is loaded on every pageload and can be used by any plugin or theme. It is always included, both on frontend and in the admin area.

You can simply comment out the duplicate in each language file. They can be removed at at a later stage, for now it's easy to use as a historical reference.

For example:

//define("LAN_20", "Error");

Does that make sense?

tgtje commented 9 years ago

Yes it does. I mentioned it for these cases. (decomment or remove) While working at it it is an easy task to decomment the affiliate language file. Better save than sorry ;-) .

While at it : forum language (front php) carries LAN_02 two times.. !!! each with own description... those are tricky.....

CaMer0n commented 9 years ago

There are 2 important language tools in the core (developer mode must be enabled in admin -> preferences) which should be used when optimizing LANs.

When using the core-language file tool, it is VERY important to search EVERY file of e107 before commenting out a language term. Because sometimes multiple language files are loaded by a single script.

Both tools take load the generic LANs so one can easily see what should be replaced. There are some exceptions which occur, particularly with e_search.php and lan_search.php terms.

nlstart commented 9 years ago

Fixing the double-quotes has some unintended side effects by search-and-replace of all instances. See e.g. e107/e107_languages/English/lan_signup.php line 23: //define("LAN_106", "That doesn"t appear to be a valid email address"); line 73: //define("LAN_SIGNUP_32", "What"s an XUP file?");

NOTE: this is probably best detected by writing a script that lists the line numbers of all LAN files where the total count of " per line equals an odd number.

CaMer0n commented 9 years ago

@nlstart - I checked each file one-by-one. There shouldn't be any errors. Those definitions are already commented out.

tgtje commented 9 years ago

Well, instead of a new issue : problem i can not solve (tested..no go) Case : no existing lan's (or none usable) terms used in english example :

txt > Drag files here. (upload media screen) eg used in jquery plupload js etc..

txt > SOME Captions eg. Date/Time / Latest Comments some are positioned in default install xml.. (trying/using lan defs. have no result)

Articles as example can be altered using chapter template, but how about such ones as above ?

tgtje commented 9 years ago

Question for Coding (if possible): method to 'override' ( by symbol or any other means) the verify proces IFF a txt string is identical to the english one eg . term : in (english = in dutch = in german =in latin = in ....) Override best should eliminate the 'comment' on verify : LAN...Identical string (warning only) In case more translators are working on something together (as indication the file 'might' need to be translated... lans

tgtje commented 8 years ago

Question (long story in shortest as can be @ confusing)

Using deprecated lans function > missing in file ( red exclamation > unused in file) Do i have to (for sake of check ?) add that particular mentioned (actual existing lan in other file) one, also into the checked against file..? (not deprecated, but displays as warning, not telling it IS needed or NOT).

(adding = check then ok; for all else it is only adding lines to files ( in english and other languages too...,results in same def in multiple files).

tgtje commented 8 years ago

@CaMer0n Question : Translation > Download is a CORE PLUGIN (likely always will be); Since several defines have a 'general' textual explanation, would it be agreeable to replace them with general LAN's in English php , so these * new lan's* can be used site-wide (also in other plugins and files ?) Example : Timestamp (as title) becomes LAN_TIMESTAMP (in English php) which can be used in infopanel (title) and in download replacing dowlan_182 (having same 'wording = Timestamp'. Same scenario for IP, Help etc.... ? ( !! CORE plugins etc ONLY,, and in point in time developers can 'call' these general lan's for use in their product ? )

Moc commented 8 years ago

@tgtje Yes. That is exactly what is meant by "Check for duplicate/similar terms (frontend or admin) against e107_languages/English/English.php" in the first post in this issue. Most of these are already defined in English and need to be applied to the plugins (core or non-core - for plugin developers).

CaMer0n commented 8 years ago

@tgtje Just to note that LAN candidates for the English.php file should appear at least 3 (preferably 4) or more times throughout the core. (including plugins) and be used in the frontend also..

ie. The term "Timestamp" appears only twice, and both times only in the admin area - so it is not a candidate (used less than 3 times) as a generic LAN, but if it were, it would be for English/admin/lan_admin.php (Generic Terms for Admin) not English/English.php (Generic terms for frontend + admin).

tgtje commented 8 years ago

Ok sirs, thats agreed.. 3 > pref more before general lan usage As for Timestamp > was idea for lan admin, but found the same in downlan hence the question arose

MikeyGMT commented 8 years ago

Is the correct way to replace lans to remove rather than comment out deprecated lines? For example, rather than changing define("ADLAN_4", "Preferences"); to // define("ADLAN_4", "Preferences");//LAN_PREFRENCES Can I suggest we remove the redundant line? It would help reduce the file size.

Adding New Lans ... can we refrain from re-using LAN_123, when replaced with a generic LAN? can we also instead of using LAN_123 use LAN_ABBREVIATED_MSG? This would help make code more readable, and make the task of translating cleaner.

I'm thinking that if LAN_123 is in the code somewhere, but not in the LAN files then the verifier could add a new check to show that there is a redundant LAN in a language pack, and therefore can be removed and not need translation.



CaMer0n commented 8 years ago

@MikeyGMT I'm not sure what the purpose of renaming ADLAN_4 to LAN_PREFERENCES is? Is it a real-life example? It looks nicer, but it will break any old plugin that happened to be using ADLAN_4 if you comment it out. And if you leave it, then we have duplication. So if it's already in lan_admin.php that is enough.

Generic LANs don't use numbers, while all others should. Hope that answers the question.

MikeyGMT commented 8 years ago

@CaMer0n a couple of aims :-

You are right though, I'm learning still, and I had not considered non-core plugins. Prefs was just an example picked out as a commonly defined one. For example, ADLAN_4, DBLAN_96, EPL_ADLAN_110, SEALAN_42, WMLAN_08 are all "Preferences", and if you are not fully bi-lingual, then the task of translating is long. Another example, "Preferences Changed" may be consider simply using more generic "Saved".

I'm aiming to simplify things, rather than break things, hopefully I have not broken too much :)

MikeyGMT commented 8 years ago

I've just had a play with Languages > Deprecated LANS, chosen

admin/lan_updateadmin.php + Script > LAN + Autodetect.

OK so learned that commented out LANs show up as Disabled, so commenting out is actually useful.

UDALAN_4 "Name" has been identified as Common (Use LAN_NAME instead).


CaMer0n commented 8 years ago

Thanks @MikeyGMT , :+1: for the aims. Commenting-out is indeed useful in case something is broken and we need to find what the original term was quickly. The "Deprecated LANs" is very useful for finding issues, but doesn't check includes etc.. so testing after commenting out "unused terms" is a must. Most of the 'common term' stuff should be okay to implement. (taking into consideration if it's an admin-only term or frontend)

rica-carv commented 8 years ago

Line 84 on banner/e_shortcode.php....

MikeyGMT commented 7 years ago

Perhaps an old dilemma, but I want to pose the question: We could use LAN_SAVE and LAN_SAVED in the front end e.g. in usersettings (+ its shortcode) and in other places. We are keen to keep English.php small. We don't want to create duplication by creating yet another define. At the same time we want provide continuity for existing lan packs which have been translated. _How annoying is it that a LANDEFINE keeps changing name or moving around? The translator has to keep re-translating the same! ... If you see what I mean.

Maybe we could find a middle ground by: Adding a deserving new define, in the right place, such as LAN_SAVE in English.php, but leave the old define for backward compatibility AND flag the old define as //DUP_LAN_FOR_REMOVAL

Hence before a Version Release - MultiLan or Core Lan Admin, could have some function to check & list LAN's for removal. When verified, those could be commented out in cleanly.

I can see that this could get messy and needs some more thought. Hence for now I will be moving LAN_SAVE and LAN_SAVED to English.php but will comment out as normal. (LAN_PREVIEW is another example, it's defined in the lan_admin but is needed in image.php.

Maybe there is a case for English.php to carry only phrases for public visitors, and a new lan which carries action messages for logged in members? I suspect that's a lot of work!

MikeyGMT commented 7 years ago

I'm doing some lans work in System Logs area and came across LAN_IP being defined twice and both are slightly differently defined.

English.php define("LAN_IP", "IP Address");

lan_admin.php define("LAN_IP","IP");

Does anyone object to commenting the one in admin and correcting the one in English.php the shorter version? i.e.


If we really need "IP Address" then we may want to get LAN_IP_ADDRESS created, but I don't see much point.

Thanks Mikey

Moc commented 7 years ago

Does anyone object to commenting the one in admin and correcting the one in English.php the shorter version? If we really need "IP Address" then we may want to get LAN_IP_ADDRESS created, but I don't see much point.

I'd actually vote for having both LAN_IP and LAN_IP_ADDRESS because I can see use cases for both. In many cases the short version will suffice, but for example in table captions (Admin UI), I would prefer to see 'IP Address' as this in the end is the correct (formal) way of writing the 'concept'. If I'd had to choose between either, my vote is actually for the longer formal one.

MikeyGMT commented 7 years ago

OK I'll define both, in English.php then there will be a task to change LAN_IP to LAN_IP_ADDRESS in appropriate places. The short form can be reserved for use where space is an issue.

MikeyGMT commented 7 years ago

In Rolling Log, there is a define for the View Log Menu, but I don't see that it is working. define("RL_LAN_024", "From"); But it looks like in the UI it's now called "Caller" "From" is defined in 3 other areas Users, PM, Email, including for the front end. I'll add to English.php if no objections but I will use separate pulls - System Logs and then one for the other instances of From.

MikeyGMT commented 7 years ago

define("LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME", "Plugin Download Name"); Is entirely missing from lans, referenced many times in frontend and admin. Added to English.php as used throughout. Tested in admin>prefs>search, rendered correctly. Will pull shortly.

Moc commented 7 years ago

@MikeyGMT It is already defined properly in /e107_plugins/download/languages/English/English_global.php where it should be :)


The plugin names such as "Downloads" or "Private Messenger" are defined in the *_global.php file of each plugin. They have the structure LAN_PLUGIN _ {name of plugin} _NAME (github renders this a bit odd, so added some spacing, but you get the point)

See: http://e107.org/developer-manual/plugin-basics#languages

MikeyGMT commented 7 years ago

Does not render in Settings >Search


Hence there is some bug.

Searched for the define in LAN Files - it's used all over the place

Search "lan_plugin_download" (36 hits in 13 files)
  C:\Users\Mikey\Documents\GitHub\e107\e107_handlers\search\comments_download.php (1 hit)
    Line 13: $comments_title = LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME;
  C:\Users\Mikey\Documents\GitHub\e107\e107_plugins\download\download_shortcodes.php (3 hits)
    Line 49:                $breadcrumb[]   = array('text' => LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME,                         'url' => $url->create('download/index'));
    Line 56:                $breadcrumb[]   = array('text' => LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME,                         'url' => $url->create('download/index'));
    Line 60:                $breadcrumb[]   = array('text' => LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME,                         'url' => $url->create('download/index'));
  C:\Users\Mikey\Documents\GitHub\e107\e107_plugins\download\e_frontpage.php (1 hit)
    Line 19:        $frontPage = array('page' => '{e_PLUGIN}download/download.php', 'title' => LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME);
  C:\Users\Mikey\Documents\GitHub\e107\e107_plugins\download\e_rss.php (2 hits)
    Line 23:    $feed['name']       = LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME;
    Line 41:            $feed['name']       = LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME.' > '.$rowi['download_category_name'];
  C:\Users\Mikey\Documents\GitHub\e107\e107_plugins\download\e_search.php (1 hit)
    Line 40:            'name'          => LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME,
  C:\Users\Mikey\Documents\GitHub\e107\e107_plugins\download\e_upload.php (1 hit)
    Line 22:            'name'              => LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME, // Prune downloads history
  C:\Users\Mikey\Documents\GitHub\e107\e107_plugins\download\handlers\download_class.php (16 hits)
    Line 214:           return $ns->tablerender(LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME, "<div style='text-align:center'>".LAN_NO_RECORDS_FOUND."</div>",'download-categories',true);
    Line 243:       $caption = varset($DOWNLOAD_CAT_CAPTION) ? $tp->parseTemplate($DOWNLOAD_CAT_CAPTION, TRUE, $sc) : LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME;
    Line 327:           return $ns->tablerender(LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME, "<div style='text-align:center'>".LAN_NO_RECORDS_FOUND."</div>", 'download-view', true);
    Line 474:          define("e_PAGETITLE", LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME." / ".$dlrow['download_category_name']);
    Line 478:          define("e_PAGETITLE", LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME);
    Line 479:          return $ns->tablerender(LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME, "<div class='alert alert-info' style='text-align:center'>".LAN_dl_3."</div>",'download-list',true);
    Line 550:           $ns->tablerender(LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME, "
    Line 614:           $text .= $ns->tablerender(LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME, $dl_text, 'download-list', true);
    Line 706:           define("e_PAGETITLE", LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME." / ".LAN_dl_47);
    Line 712:           return $ns->tablerender(LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME, $text, 'download-report', true);
    Line 716:           define("e_PAGETITLE", LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME." / ".LAN_dl_51." ".$download_name);
    Line 720:           $breadcrumb[]   = array('text' => LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME,                     'url' => e_SELF);
    Line 738:           return $ns->tablerender(LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME, $text, 'download-report', true);
    Line 856:           return $ns->tablerender(LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME, $dl_text, 'download-mirror', true);   
    Line 900:       return $ns->tablerender(LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME, $header. "<div class='alert alert-error alert-danger alert-block' style='text-align:center'>".$errmsg."</div>". $footer, 'download-error', true);
  C:\Users\Mikey\Documents\GitHub\e107\e107_plugins\download\includes\admin.php (4 hits)
    Line 123:   protected $menuTitle = LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME;
    Line 129:       protected $pluginTitle  = LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME;
    Line 210:       protected $pluginTitle = LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME;
    Line 2034:               "download_requested" => LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME,
  C:\Users\Mikey\Documents\GitHub\e107\e107_plugins\download\languages\English\English_admin.php (1 hit)
    Line 12: // define("LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME",     "Downloads");
  C:\Users\Mikey\Documents\GitHub\e107\e107_plugins\download\languages\English\English_global.php (2 hits)
    Line 3: define("LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME",  "Downloads");
    Line 4: define("LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_DIZ",  "This plugin is a fully featured File-download system");
  C:\Users\Mikey\Documents\GitHub\e107\e107_plugins\download\templates\download_template.php (2 hits)
    Line 441: $DOWNLOAD_TEMPLATE['view']['caption'] = LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME;
  C:\Users\Mikey\Documents\GitHub\e107\e107_plugins\download\url\sef_url.php (1 hit)
    Line 52:                'name' => LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME, // Module name
  C:\Users\Mikey\Documents\GitHub\e107\e107_plugins\download\url\url.php (1 hit)
    Line 111:               'name'          => LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME, // Module name

I've also used the incorrect value for the define, so I will correct that, it's a common term so should be. LAN_DOWNLOADS Downloads

Leave it with me.

Moc commented 7 years ago

Please hold up a minute!

Does not render in Settings >Search

Some issue on your site. Works fine on all my installations. Please update from github and reinstall the download plugin to test.

I've also used the incorrect value for the define, so I will correct that, it's a common term so should be. LAN_DOWNLOADS Downloads

  • LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME is a perfectly valid LAN reference as I explained in my previous reply. The Settings > Search page contains this reference because it's being hooked into by the Downloads plugin (e_search.php) addon.
  • The LAN_DOWNLOAD, defined as "Download" refers to a generic verb "To download". It is not related to the Downloads plugin is therefore defined in the common /e107_languages/English/English.php file

Find me on Gitter if you need further explanation.

MikeyGMT commented 7 years ago

Try uninstalling downloads ... on two of my sites, display LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME as per the screenshot above. Downloads plugin is uninstalled on two of my sites as I don't use.

If Downloads Plugin is not installed maybe it's a bug in Search Config - i.e. should not display Downloads Setting in Search Config form...?

Moc commented 7 years ago


If not, please open up a new issue on Github so we can discuss it there.

MikeyGMT commented 7 years ago

Scan Plugin Directories shows no errors for Downloads. Installed and uninstalled. Still displayed. Logged issue #2003.