e2b-dev / code-interpreter

Python & JS/TS SDK for adding code interpreting to your AI app
Apache License 2.0
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RPC error on 0.0.5, unable to rollback to 0.0.3 or 0.0.4 #16

Closed gonzalonunez closed 1 month ago

gonzalonunez commented 1 month ago

Currently running into this error using "@e2b/code-interpreter": "^0.0.5":

RPC Error (-32000): error reading file '/root/.jupyter/kernel_id': open /root/.jupyter/kernel_id: no such file or directory

This is the code I'm using to create a new Sandbox that's hitting the error:

   const newSandbox = await CodeInterpreter.create({
      apiKey: process.env.E2B_API_KEY,
      metadata: {
        session_id: this.sessionID,

If I roll back to an earlier version i.e: 0.0.3 or 0.0.4, I get a different error about not being able to instantiate a Sandbox directly.

ValentaTomas commented 1 month ago

Hey @gonzalonunez, we are checking this 👌

jakubno commented 1 month ago

@gonzalonunez can you check again, there was a problem with a build, but it should be working now

gonzalonunez commented 1 month ago

@ValentaTomas awesome thanks! Let me know if I can help with anything at all 🙏

gonzalonunez commented 1 month ago

All set now, it looks like. Thanks!