e2b-dev / code-interpreter

Python & JS/TS SDK for adding code interpreting to your AI app
Apache License 2.0
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ai ai-data-analysis anthropic code-interpreter cohere gpt javascript jupyter jupyter-notebook llm openai python typescript

Code Interpreter SDK

E2B's Code Interpreter SDK allows you to add code interpreting capabilities to your AI apps.

The code interpreter runs inside the E2B Sandbox - an open-source secure sandbox made for running untrusted AI-generated code and AI agents.

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💻 Supported language runtimes

📖 Documentation

🚀 Quickstart

1. Install SDK


npm i @e2b/code-interpreter


pip install e2b_code_interpreter

2. Execute code with code interpreter inside sandbox


import { CodeInterpreter } from '@e2b/code-interpreter'

const sandbox = await CodeInterpreter.create()
await sandbox.notebook.execCell('x = 1')

const execution = await sandbox.notebook.execCell('x+=1; x')
console.log(execution.text)  // outputs 2

await sandbox.close()


from e2b_code_interpreter import CodeInterpreter

with CodeInterpreter() as sandbox:
    sandbox.notebook.exec_cell("x = 1")

    execution = sandbox.notebook.exec_cell("x+=1; x")
    print(execution.text)  # outputs 2

3. Hello World guide

Dive depeer and check out the JavaScript/TypeScript and Python "Hello World" guides to learn how to connect code interpreter LLMs.

📖 Cookbook examples

Hello World

LLM Providers

AI Frameworks