e2b-dev / code-interpreter

Python & JS/TS SDK for adding code interpreting to your AI app
Apache License 2.0
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RPC Error #21

Closed gonzalonunez closed 1 week ago

gonzalonunez commented 1 week ago

I updated my custom template and am now unable to use any sandboxes at all. I'm seeing this error:

RPC Error (-32000): error reading file '/root/.jupyter/kernel_id': open /root/.jupyter/kernel_id: no such file or directory

My Docker file pulls FROM e2bdev/code-interpreter:latest and the ./start-up.sh file that I have alongside it is one that I just pulled from main, I noticed that some changes were made.


This is a relatively urgent issue as I'm unable to work with my template and I'm not sure how to rollback either, would appreciate any help 🙏

gonzalonunez commented 1 week ago

Fixed! Moved over to the latest ./start-up.sh and modified the command used to build the template:

- npx e2b template build -c "/home/user/.jupyter/start-up.sh"
+ npx e2b template build -c "/root/.jupyter/start-up.sh"