eHealthAfrica / documentation

Documentation for eHealth Africa
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eHealth Documentation

This repo is used to generate our Documentation site. If something is missing or incorrect, please file an issue and send a pull request


Most the of the website lives here in this repository. However, there are a few other repo's that displayed seamlessly within the Docs website such as:


To our develop / build site on your local machine do the following:

Adding Items

Each section of the Documentation's sidebar (Apps, Designers, Templates, etc...) is generated using files in the _data folder as well as a Markdown file for each page. In order to add a new page, do the following:

So to add an App you would use this template and rename is as apps/ and you would then add an item like this to the _data/apps.yml file

- name: Your New App
  type: communications
  path: /apps/trace-and-go/