eProcurement-everis / ePO

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Are documents O3PO business entities? #1

Closed lbota closed 6 years ago

lbota commented 6 years ago

Notices, Call for Tenders, Tenders, Contracts, Orders, Invoices, etc....should they be conceptual entities (of the Conceptual Model) and therefore owl:Class(es) of the ePO Ontology?

paulakeen commented 6 years ago

CG says: Yes, as they carry data such as ' IssueDate,receptionDate,Language,Sender`, etc.

paulakeen commented 6 years ago

EST says: We should not mix "Document Metadata" with "data contained in documents". A Notice, Call for Tenders, Call for Proposal, Invitation to Tender, Contract, Order, Invoice, etc. are to be seen as "data conveyer (carrier) instances".

We want to propose using the IFLA-LRM ontology to represent them as "Works". Thus, the ePO would define epo:Notice (and subclasses "PIN", "CN", "CAN") as owl:SubClassOf lrm:Work.

We would like to discuss this with the OP's CELLAR team first, as they have produced a new CDM Ontology that reuses the ISA2's DCAT-AP Core Vocabulary as an abstract layer. We'll do it in Feb. 2018, hopefully.

paulakeen commented 6 years ago

This is being discussed in the Conceptual Data Model (CM) internal discussions, as part of its analysis and design. We should close this issue.