eProcurement-everis / ePO

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ePO - The OP's eProcurement Ontology

Role and main functions

This repository has been set up to support the collaborative work around the development of the eProcurement Ontology (ePO). The repository is divided into different sections:

  1. The Ontology development repository branches (this section), for the public distribution of any resource related to the Ontology;
  2. The Issues section, where any question, doubt and specific topics are presented and discussed;
  3. The Projects section, reserved to organise the TO-DOs tasks, events, project milestones, etc.;
  4. The Wiki, a section dedicated to organise and document the final decisions made by the working group and at analysis, design and implementation time.

Relevant Documentation

Current Release (v2.0.0)

  1. Joinup collection
  2. OP v2.0.0 - Github landing page
  3. Specification and methodology
  4. Release notes

Previous Release (v1.00)

  1. OP v1.00 - Github landing page
  2. Project Charter proposal v1.00
  3. Specification and Methodology

Foundational works

  1. [eForms EU Regulation (preparing for consultation) 2017-2018]
  2. Report on policy support for e-Procurement (landscaping report, 2016)
  3. EU Directives:
    • Directive 2014/23/EU, on the award of concession contracts Text
    • Directive 2014/24/EU, on public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC
    • Directive 2014/25/EU, on procurement by entities operating in the water, energy, transport and postal services sectors and repealing Directive 2004/17/EC
    • Directive 2014/55/EU, on electronic invoicing in public procurement Text with EEA relevance
    • Directive 2009/81/EC, on the coordination of procedures for the award of certain works contracts, supply contracts and service contracts by contracting authorities or entities in the fields of defence and security, and amending Directives 2004/17/EC and 2004/18/EC