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Competency - Questions #8

Closed muricna closed 6 years ago

muricna commented 6 years ago

concerning the competency questions sent by Entric on 05/03/2018 at 23.20.

Please correct as follows:

In stead of "Given a ........" Write: "For a given " Whereever this term appears

Question 10 Instead of "Same as in 1" please write in full ie "For a given period...... Question 14 Instead of "Same as above" please write the full text

Question 15 : I do not understand this so please remove for the time being.

These questions need to be uploaded today - that was the time limit.

I see no plan on this private wiki of how to present this can you please do this.

Also as mentioned in my email of 23/02/2018 we should think about putting the use case mentioned in Issue 11 on line. As the competency questions relate to this this needs to be done at the same time as the competency.

paulakeen commented 6 years ago

Done. The following actions were undertaken:

  1. Two new links have been added to the section "Information Requirements":

The first one leads to a page where the objective of the competency questions is explained and examples of competency questions are provided

The second one imitates the current method of creating new issues. Beware that this, after meeting with Tim, will be modified briefly.

Please see next comment, too.

paulakeen commented 6 years ago


The "Competency Questions" shoull emanate from the "short stories". I think the PPT we forwarded is a very nice example of how this is to be done.

I havent included the content of that PPT on the public WG1, but in my opinion the competency questions should be contextualised with what we explained in that PPT. See PPT "WayforwardCompetencQuestions.pptx" attached to my e-mail sent on the 7th. at 19:52.

muricna commented 6 years ago

Where are we with uploading the use case in issue 11.

I will look into the ppt later

sembu-eproc commented 6 years ago

We were waiting for your approval. The proposal is to publish this UC beneath the UC number 1 and we will number it as UC4. If that is okay with you, we will do it first in the private GitHub before to replicated in the WG GitHub.

muricna commented 6 years ago

ok please let me know when it is on the private github

sembu-eproc commented 6 years ago


The use case 4 is already available in the private GitHub: go the wiki page, in the private Github, and click on the right menu link: "Use Case 4".

The following actions were undertaken:

When verified by you we'll replicate it in the WG GitHub.

muricna commented 6 years ago
