eYs3D / eys3d_unity_release

Unity wrapper for eYs3D module. (release repository)
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How to clone this project?

$ git clone git@github.com:eYs3D/eys3d_unity_release.git --recurse-submodules

How to import eYs3D Unity wrapper?

Screenshot from 2021-06-16 03-32-08

Screenshot from 2021-06-16 03-33-39


Overview of eYs3D Unity wrapper


Import this project using Unity Editor 2019


Integrated development environment JetBrian Rider


Build Script: build.bat or build.bat [path to Unity.exe]

Run Script: run_color_depth.bat run_point_cloud.bat

Unity WIN32 Command Line Build:

  1. Use DLL: Assets\Plugins: eSPDI_DM.dll, turbojpeg.dll, eys3d.dll (confirm created by build_unity.bat)
  2. Use build.bat: modify UNITY_PATH
    ex: build.bat "C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2019.4.25f1\Editor\Unity.exe"
  3. Select Scene:
    -executeMethod BuildScript.Color_Depth (for Color_Depth.unity)
    -executeMethod BuildScript.PointCloud (for PointCloud.unity)
  4. Run: cd Release Color_Depth.exe PointCloud.exe

Unity Editor WIN32 Settings:

  1. Select Scene Icon-> Color_Depth
  2. Scene Resolution->Standalone (1024x768)
  3. Build Settings->Player Settings->Other Settings->Configuration->Script Define Symbols: add WIN32
  4. DLL: Assets\Plugins: eSPDI_DM.dll, turbojpeg.dll, eys3d.dll