eac / delayed_job_admin

Interface for debugging/deleting jobs created with the delayed_job plugin
MIT License
28 stars 5 forks source link

=== What's this? ===

Delayed Job Admin provides a handy little interface to help with debugging failed jobs created by the delayed_job plugin. Explore /examples for more details. A static example is at http://eric.datacratic.com/projects/delayed_job_admin/examples/index.html.

=== Requirements ===

Supports Safari 3 and Firefox 3.5 Requires jQuery 1.3.2 for JavaScript behavior CSS assumes a reasonable default style (e.g. Yahoo's reset.css)

=== Installation ===

script/plugin install git://github.com/eac/delayed_job_admin.git

rake delayed_job_admin:copy_assets

Ensure the style is included in your layout: <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'delayed_job_admin' %>

Before the tag in your layout, add: <%= yield :javascript %>

=== Usage ===

Access via delayed_jobs_path at /delayed_jobs, or define a custom route, example: map.namespace :admin do |admin| admin.resources :jobs, :namespace => nil, :controller => 'delayed_jobs' end

=== Security ===

By default job management is publicly accessible, to inherit from a controller that restricts public access, create lib/delayed_job_admin/config.rb: module DelayedJobAdmin module Config

def self.parent_controller_class

end end