eamodio / SaveAllTheTabs

Quickly save and restore sets of document tabs in Visual Studio
MIT License
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Save All the Tabs for Visual Studio

Quickly save and restore sets of document tabs. Save All the Tabs supports Visual Studio 2013 / 2015 / 2017.

Why you need Save All the Tabs?

Have you ever wished you could save all your opened documents before switching context to start working on something else? Or wished you could quickly switch between different distinct areas of a project; save your tabs before switching branches; save tabs for each feature/bug/PR (Pull Request) you are working on to quickly switch between them?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, then Save All the Tabs is for you!

How to use Save All the Tabs?

Save All the Tabs adds new commands to the Visual Studio Window menu and a Saved Tabs dockable window.

Save All the Tabs Commands


Saved Tabs Window

Open the Saved Tabs window to quickly and easily manage your sets of saved document tabs. From here you can add new tabs sets, rename or delete existing tab sets. You can also double-click on a saved tab set to restore it.

Saved Tabs Window

Toolbar Commands

Shortcut Keys