eanbit-rt / mini-projects-2020

Mini-projects for the 2020 EANBiT virtual training.
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Project 4: Origin of antimicrobial resistance Escherichia coli isolates in a Pastoralist Community using Whole genome sequences data #4

Open kipkurui opened 4 years ago

kipkurui commented 4 years ago

Briefly comment on this issue why you are interested in this mini-project.

GunzIvan28 commented 4 years ago

I am particularly interested in this project as my first proposed project because it is directly in line with the work i intend to do for my Msc. I have been working on a pipeline that does assembly, variant calling, phylogenetics and antimicrobial resistance gene profiling for bacterial species with a major aim of understanding the transmission dynamics of these genes between the host and bacteria and the evolution of these organisms to make them adaptable to their unforgiving environments

Skiyaga commented 4 years ago

I am interested in this project because it is directly related to my prefered/proposed MSc. project. Ever since i started a bioinformatics career from the pharma industry, i have been doing AMR analysis IN T.B, Cholera, Staph, etc. I believe that with this project, i will enhance my abilities in bacterial AMR analysis and also find better ways of managing my prefered/proposed MSc. project.

winfrednyoroka commented 4 years ago

This is my second preferred project. I have interest in One molecular health approach. Understanding the origin of human pathogens and there spread would help guide policy decision making and tailoring appropriate control strategies targeting AMRs.

Tindi-Kester-Bevin-Bataringaya commented 4 years ago

I am interested in this project as my main project because it ties in to what i intend to do for my Msc project. Understanding AMR and its origin using whole genome sequences is of particular interest to me and i know taking part in this project will help on that path and make me attain the necessary skills required to continue on this line going forward.

JupiterMarina commented 4 years ago

I choose this as as my main project because it is in line with the work i do (Identification of AMR in TB whole genome sequences) .I believe this project will enhance my knowledge regarding AMR at large and in other pathogens and i also improve my knowledge regarding the origins of AMR

OmaraI commented 4 years ago

I am interested in disease outbreak investigations and also my affiliation here in Uganda is in this line of work . This mini project sounds another perfect fit especially that it involves finding the origin of human pathogens at the interface between human and wildlife. I would love to acquire hands on skills in Molecular Epidemiology of Infectious diseases. I am interested in phylogenetic reconstruction as a tool to understand disease origins, transmission and diversity analysis. Much as my interest is along viral infections, part of the analysis pipelines aligns well with what I intend to do for my MSc project. I consider this option two

hellennakabuye-95 commented 4 years ago

I am interested in this as my second Choice, antimicrobial resistance is among major public health concern. Gaining hands on skills in this field would enhance my overall knowledge in bacterial AMR.

Katunge commented 4 years ago

This is my second project choice. This project will give the opportunity to train on how to answer a research question from a given genomic data set. Right from identification of the right tools to answer the question to use of said tools and informative and quality ways of data presentation. This will also be a great opportunity for me to practice how to plan, organise and document.

waiswar commented 3 years ago

I choose this as my first project, would live to learn how to process WGS data processing and analysis.

PaulMbavu commented 3 years ago

I choose this project because it will provide me with insights into AMR investigation in general. Also equip me with knowledge in whole genome data analysis because this resonates with what am hoping to do in my project using shotgun metagenomic sequencing.. I will be grateful to team up with these great minds

PETER96-11 commented 3 years ago

I choose this as my fourth choice

kakoozaTrevor commented 3 years ago

i choose this as my second project because i want to learn more about AMR and variant calling