eanbit-rt / mini-projects-2020

Mini-projects for the 2020 EANBiT virtual training.
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Project 5: RNA-Seq data processing and gene expression analysis workflow #5

Open kipkurui opened 3 years ago

kipkurui commented 3 years ago

Briefly comment on this issue why you are interested in this mini-project.

ritah-nabunje commented 3 years ago

Having not worked with RNA-Seq data before, it would be a great opportunity to have hands-on training with it. I enjoy learning through challenges and look forward for yet another with this mini project,

eKariuki-sleepy commented 3 years ago

Hello Caleb, I hope this finds you well. I intend to work on a project whose core will involve RNA-Seq, and for this reason, I think it will be fundamental in building my capacity and skillset on the same.

Fredrick-Kakembo commented 3 years ago

I choose this project to be my first choice. Having had a quite a little exposure to RNA-Seq data analysis from some online trainings, this will be my golden opportunity to further expound and consolidate my skills in such analysis. In addition given my special interests in cancer research whose current data is mostly RNA-Seq data, skill-set acquired from this mini project will be a great milestone to help me in the analysis of already available transcriptomics data.

Mzwakhile commented 3 years ago

This project is my first choice since my research project will be on RNA -Seq data analysis so i think the exposure will be of great help . I am interested in gene expression , which genes are expressed and how much and some changes which will indicate how maybe a certain disease was caused maybe through SNP identifcation , so the knowledge from this project will help me even for the future.

dkiberu commented 3 years ago

I have carried out RNA seq analysis mainly on bacteria samples. I am interested in this mini project since it involves human samples and I expect to be introduced to new approaches that I will extrapolate to other eukaryotic samples.

senamile-dlamini commented 3 years ago

I am selecting this project as my first choice as I am very interested in sequencing as a whole. I am also intending to do some work on it even after my studies. Some parts of my final year project also involve sequencing, so this will give me a great headstart. Living in a country with very few studies that have been done under this field, I believe the exposure to such work at this stage will greatly help me implement it in the future. I have had more theoratical experience in sequencing, and would very much like to cement this with more practical work.

StellaNabirye commented 3 years ago

I would like to select this as my first choice for a mini project. It will be a great learning experience and opportunity as i have not done any RNA-seq data analysis in the past. It would also be a great opportunity for me to further solidify the skills of workflow languages that we have been exposed to during the residential training which i believe will be impactful in my MSc project.

nanjalaruth commented 3 years ago

When and where genes are expressed in cells is one of the main determinants of what makes a cell the way it is. RNA sequencing is the cornerstone of gene expression analysis. I choose this project as it relates with my interests in the field of transcriptomics. I have previously been exposed to RNA sequencing and would be glad to expound my skills further. It would also give me proper grounding on working with workflow languages and R markdown.

MayanjaRicard commented 3 years ago

This is my first choice because my project is about Transcriptomics which will involve RNA sequencing and gene expression.

MosesLuutu commented 3 years ago

I choose this as my second choice since am interested in miRNA research

MonicaMbabazi commented 3 years ago

This is my first choice project. My proposed work is in the area of Metagenomics and Resistome and this ideally involves mRNA analysis. So, working on this mini project will be a great opportunity to equip myself with RNA-Seq data analysis skills needed for my proposed work.

namagandamaria commented 3 years ago

I choose this as my second choice because I would really want to expound my knowledge on RNA-seq and gene expression because I have had little exposure to such work and so this is an opportune time to go through it.

inahereza commented 3 years ago

I am choosing this as my first miniproject choice. My proposed project for my masters' program involves gene expression and i have not got a chance to work with RNA-Seq data before,it would be a great opportunity for me to have some practical training and further enhance my knowledge.

paultalent commented 3 years ago

I would like to learn RNA data processing techniques and gene expression analysis work flow

levisk-hub commented 3 years ago

I would love to do this mini project because of my underlying interest in cancer research and therefore feel that gaining this skill set would be of great help

eddUG commented 3 years ago

In coming months, I'm to undertake work on mosquito insecticide resistance RNASeq analysis, so I choose this mini-project for shall acquaint me with the necessary background&skill-set to tackle the task.

harbi811 commented 3 years ago

This is my first choice.

I have previous experience with RNA-Seq analysis and I have written a pipeline before that uses the salmon light algorithm, imports the counts into the DESeq2 package to find differentially expressed genes and KEGG pathway analysis using gage, pathview and Annotation DBI packages to find upregulated pathways which offers a systems level approach to studying changes in the transcriptome of an organism. The outputs from the analyses are data frames of p values/z scores of genes and pathways as well as relevant visualisations as such PCA and volcano plots.

I'd love to be able to complement this previous experience with the ability to write reproducible pipelines using Nextflow and Snakemake.

TumuhimbisePeninah commented 3 years ago

There's a lot to learn and be fascinated about considering the entirety of the human genome and gene expression analyses. Getting to know what gene encodes which protein and in the end being able to tell/predict a biological activity from a pipeline is why i am interested in RNA Seq data processing. May be if i/we can master these expression patterns, the information can be applied elsewhere(encoding and decoding information).

ritah-nabunje commented 3 years ago

Huh! Let's do this : ) @eKariuki-sleepy @Fredrick-Kakembo @nanjalaruth @senamile-dlamini @Mzwakhile @StellaNabirye

kipkurui commented 3 years ago

This is my first choice project. My proposed work is in the area of Metagenomics and Resistome and this ideally involves mRNA analysis. So, working on this mini project will be a great opportunity to equip myself with RNA-Seq data analysis skills needed for my proposed work.

Project 2 or 4 is better suited for your needs.

agasiherbert commented 3 years ago

This isn’t my first choice for the mini project. I haven’t done any RNA-seq. I have however picked a number skills with snakemake and Nextflow. I Would really like to do to see this through to the end and put what I have acquired into practice.

kipkurui commented 3 years ago

This project is fully assigned. Pease comment on a different project (with space) if you are yet to be assigned.

PETER96-11 commented 3 years ago

This is my second choice. My intent is to obtain knowledge and skills in RNA data analysis.

kakoozaTrevor commented 3 years ago

i choose this project as my first because i would like to learn more about RNA data sequencing of whole genome