eanbit-rt / mini-projects-2022

For the Residential Training Mini-projects
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Project 1: Nextflow Pipeline for ONT Long Reads Metatrascriptomic data analysis #1

Open kipkurui opened 1 year ago

Kiage24 commented 1 year ago

This is my third choice.


  1. Advance my skills in nextflow pipeline development, cloud computing, container building and their integration with next flow workflow.
  2. To learn workflow development and optimization skills and expand my bioinformatics skill set.
  3. Apply my metatranscriptomics theoretical knowledge through hands-on practical analysis of metatranscriptomics data.
fetche-lab commented 1 year ago

MY THIRD OPTION: Reasons to select this as my third option; • Am interested to learn how to use and develop bioinformatics pipelines that are user friendly, easy to use, integrated, flexible and reproducible as part of my skill-set. • This project will help in grounding a vital foundation to begin commencing this path of being a workflow developer. It will also challenge me to master well the computational part of bioinformatics (cloud computing, building containers, scripting, etc). • Am interested to master skills related to metatranscriptomics analysis too.

Kauthar-Omar commented 1 year ago


  1. To improve and gain nextflow scripting skills.
  2. To gain skills on containers and cloud computing.
  3. I have interest in developing and improving workflows and pipelines.
fredrickkebaso commented 1 year ago

First Choice


  1. To gain basic skills in cloud computing, container building and their integration with next flow workflow as well as scaling to the cloud.
  2. Advance my basic skills in next flow pipeline development through practical application on datasets.
  3. To learn workflow development and optimisation skills and expand my bioinformatics skill set.
  4. To concretise the skills gained during the residential training period.
  5. Apply my metatranscriptomics theoretical knowledge through hands-on practical analysis of metatranscriptomics data.
manasealoo commented 1 year ago


VioletChege commented 1 year ago

Second Choice

My reasons:

  1. It will advance my bioinformatics skills set of developing scalable workflow pipelines with the integration of container building and cloud computing.
  2. To advance the skills I have gained so far on nextflow pipeline development for upcoming research projects.
  3. To further explore Metatranscriptomics from a theoretical and practical standpoint.
tefer0 commented 1 year ago


HildaWacu commented 1 year ago

The third choice

I have a keen interest in differential gene expression as a proxy of certain conditions (depending on the biological question of interest) and analysis of meta-transcriptomics and transcriptomics data. This project would be an ideal exposure to working with meta-transcriptomics data, with a particular focus on how to go about standardising a Nextflow workflow on such analysis. This would hone my understanding of the Nextflow language, which would be salient in my future work in developing reproducible research.

sephoh commented 1 year ago

This my first choice: a) I have keen interest in metatranscriptomic data analysis and differential gene analysis to profile environmental samples. b) This project will consolidate Nextflow language skillsets and enhance reproducibility of research. c) ONT sequencing is a revolutionizing technology that i have briefly worked with. This exposure will allow me to expand my hands on.

samordil commented 1 year ago


An opportunity: 1.To work with metatranscriptomic data, a research area I am developing an interest.

  1. To be able to organize, automate, optimize and integrate the various tools used in the metatranscriptomic analysis in order to to utilize cloud computing and promote reproducibility.
  2. To gain hands-on experience on nextflow as workflow language for building bioinformatics pipelines and put into practice my knowledge of various programming languages as I take advantage of their strengths.
  3. To be able optimize the existing ONT long reads metatranscriptomic pipelines or develop from the scratch in case the already existing pipelines are not applicable to the dataset at hand.
totodingi commented 1 year ago

Second Choice

For this project, I am particularly interested and would be keen on containerization and scaling the Nextflow workflow in the cloud. I will be looking forward to utilizing the Kubernetes service and exploring various ways to fully exploit the power provided by a multi-core threaded computing environment