earnaud / MetaShARK

Metadata Shiny-Automated Resources & Knowledge
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Metadata Shiny-Automated Resources & Knowledge First released on 15-04-2019


This version is deprecated: see MetaShARK]

The aim of the MetaShARK app is to allow any user a bit familiar with ecology to fill in data packages to provide as many information as possible on any dataset used in a publication, communication, etc. in ecology. The challenge of this work is to produce a user-friendly tool to a science community which is not familiar to heavy metadata standards and their informatic specification. Consequently, the choice has been made to work only with R as it is the currentest programming language in this community and it can be easily accessible as an open source application, despite of its low performances. This project has the ambition to offer the user a user-friendly alternative to existing tools (such as the hardcore Morpho ;) ) but also to address an other issue which is the EML is not always fully considered.

Any suggestion is welcome, feel free to contact the dev !

Running MetaShARK

You can launch the app through the 'main.R' script (shinyApp/main.R). The supported features and expected behaviors are described below.

Required libraries

MetaShARK require following libraries to perform:

GUI libraries

Metadata libraries

Utilitary libraries

Coming soon


Release 20190918 - EML 2.2.0

With the release of EML v2.2.0 on 2019/09/13 by the NCEAS team, MetaShARK was updated to adapt to the new specification.


Release 20190507


Release 20190415


The tool allows to browse the documentation contained at any level of the EML XML schema (v. 2.1.1). The links to external sites have been implemented but the references between the modules are not. Content is based on the EML Schema provided through the NCEAS eml repo.



Any contribution can be done and submitted. To contribute, please refer the 'contributing.md' file.

Submit issues

For anny issue submittance, please add a single-word tag in bracket before the title of your issue. Do not hesitate also to describe it exhaustively and add a label.