easierdata / ipfs-stac

Python client utilized for interfacing with the Easier STAC Server
MIT License
2 stars 1 forks source link

The EASIER Data Initiative's Python Client



The client can be installed through pip

$ pip install ipfs-stac

Language Support

The client currently supports Python versions 3+


Create a client object

from ipfs_stac import client

# Create a new client object without a local node (uses remote gateways)
easier = client.Web3(stac_endpoint="<my_stac_server>/api/v1/pgstac/")

# If you want to use your local IPFS node (preferred), specify the endpoint in the local_gateway argument
easier = client.Web3(local_gateway="", stac_endpoint="<my_stac_server>/api/v1/pgstac/")

Fetch a CID from IPFS

# Simple hello world example
data = easier.getFromCID("QmZ4tDuvesekSs4qM5ZBKpXiZGun7S2CYtEZRB3DYXkjGx")

hello worlds

Get CID CSV Data to Pandas Dataframe

df = easier.getCSVDataframeFromCID("bafybeifw6kcodgxnamtuvhkxgaf4ep2rwscjae3gnzxb3zj5c6zyea2nri")
print(f"Data frame length: {len(df)}")

Data frame length: 3510

Query STAC API By Bounding Box

easier = client.Web3(local_gateway="", stac="<my_stac_server>/api/v1/pgstac/")
Retrieve all items from STAC catalog that are in bounding box with searchSTACByBox method (2 arguments)
1. Coordinates of bounding box
2. Name(s) of STAC collections)
# Use any collection name you want. This is just an example
items = easier.searchSTACByBox([-76.964657, 38.978967, -76.928008, 39.002783], "landsat-c2l1") 

The searchSTACByBoxIndex by method takes 3 arguments
1. Coordinates for the bounding box
2. Name of the STAC collection to query
3. Index of the item you want to retrieve
item = easier.searchSTACByBoxIndex([-76.964657, 38.978967, -76.928008, 39.002783], "landsat-c2l1", 0)
# In this example, 'nir08' is the name of the band (asset) we want to retrieve from a landsat item
band = easier.getAssetFromItem(item, 'nir08')

# Optionally, you can fetch multiple assets by the getAssetsFromItem Method
bands = easier.getAssetsFromItem(item, ["blue", "red"]) # Returns array of assets

The Asset Object

# This snippet extends the previous under "Query STAC API By Bounding Box"

# The asset object, when printed, will return the CID
print(band) # QmNddx9BvBsQMXgwp6a83D2wiLrmovgCpRKVYKSJoWNNbx

# The asset content (bytes) can be found in asset.data. If this is None, you can call the fetch method to retrieve the data.
print(band.data) # b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x...

# Alternatively, you can also transform the asset data in different formats such as a numpy array
band_np = band.to_np_ndarray()
print(band_np) # [[0. 0. 0. ... 0. 0. 0.]
               #  [0. 0. 0. ... 0. 0. 0.]
               #  [0. 0. 0. ... 0. 0. 0.]
               #  ...
               #  [0. 0. 0. ... 0. 0. 0.]
               #  [0. 0. 0. ... 0. 0. 0.]
               #  [0. 0. 0. ... 0. 0. 0.]]


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