easygsea / eVITTA

eVITTA: an easy Visualization and Inference Toolbox for Transcriptome Analysis
GNU General Public License v2.0
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An easy Visualization and Inference Toolbox for Transcriptome Analysis

Access our webserver at https://tau.cmmt.ubc.ca/eVITTA/

eVITTA provides three modules for transcriptome analysis and interpretation:

Quick start

//: <### Gene set databases> //: <Prior to using easyGSEA, download its gene set databases and genome backgrounds for ORA by clicking the link below. Decompress the zip file, and move all files and folders into easyGSEA/www/gmts/> //: <Download all .gmt files as a zip file>

To start an eVITTA application, open its global.R file in RStudio, and click Run App on top right. If first time use, it may take a while to install required packages.