eating-coleslaw / squittal.ScrimPlanetmans

An app for running, streaming, and collecting data for Planetside 2 scrims.
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An app for running, streaming, and collecting data for Planetside 2 scrims.

Stream infantry matches with the dynamic, real-time overlay

Stream infantry matches with the dynamic, real-time overlay

Table of Contents


.NET Core 3.1 SDK

The .NET Core 3.1 SDK and Runtime (the runtime is included with the SDK) is required to build and run the app. Download the latest version of the .NET Core 3.1 SDK from the downloads page.. Expand the "Out of support versions" section to see the .NET Core 3.1 option.

SQL Server Express LocalDb

This is the database provider used to store data for the app.

Windows 10 installation:

  1. Download and run the installer for the Express edition from Microsoft's website.

  2. The installer will prompt you to choose an installation type. Select the Download Media option.

  3. On the following screen, select the LocalDb package and note the download location. Click Download.

  4. Find the download location and run SqlLocalDb.exe. Go through it with all of the default options.

Windows 7 & Windows 8.1 installation:

  1. Navigate to the Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express download page [here](Microsoft® SQL Server® 2014 Express "Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express download page") and cick the Download button.

  2. Select LocalDB 64BIT\SqlLocalDB.msi or LocalDB 32BIT\SqlLocalDB.msi (64BIT for 64-bit OS, 32BIT for 32-bit OS), then click Next to start the download.

  3. Find the download location and run SqlLocalDb.exe. Go through it with all of the default options.

Daybreak Games Service ID

Using a registered Service ID permits unthrottled querying of the Census API. Without one, you're limited to 10 queries per minute (e.g. 10 character lookups). This app greatly exceeds that limit, so you will need to get your own Service ID.

  1. Apply for a service ID on the DBG Census API website. You'll receive an email notification once your request has been processed (I received mine within a few hours, but your results may vary).

  2. Open Control Panel > System and Security > System > Advanced system settings. In the System Properties window that opens, select the Environment Variables... button on the Advanced tab. The Environment Variables window will open.

  3. Under User veriables for <Windows username>, select New... to add a new user variable with name "DaybreakGamesServiceKey" (without the quotes) and a value of your census API service key. Click OK to accept the new variable.

    • Note: The "s:" prefix in an API query string is not part of the service key. For example, you would set the environment variable to example, not s:example.

For Streaming - Create Trusted Dev Certificate

OBS won't show the contents of a webpage if it doesn't have a trusted certificate. You can fix this by generating a self-signed, trusted certificate to enable HTTPS for the localhost site used by the app. For more information, refer to Microsoft's dotnet dev-certs guide.

Note: These steps replace the old "install Visual Studio" instructions.

  1. Open a new Command Prompt window.

  2. Optionally, enter dotnet dev-certs https --check --trust to see if a trusted certificate is already present on your local machine. If it says that one was found, then you should be able to skip to step 4.

  3. Enter dotnet dev-certs https --trust to create a certificate and trust it.

  4. Open OBS and configure a browser source with a URL of https://localhost:5001/overlay, following the instructions in the Streaming Overlay section below. Disable & re-enable the browser source to refresh it. After enabling, it might take a second or two for the site to render.

Running the App

The commands folder contains files for starting the app and managing various related services.

Several of these must be run as administrator (Right Click > Run as administrator) to work correctly. For the files you'll run more often, I'd suggest creating a shortcut set to always run as administrator:

  1. Create the shortcut
    Right Click on .bat file > Create shortcut. You can put move shortcut wherever you'd like.

  2. Set the shortcut to run as administrator
    Right Click on the shortcut > Shortcut tab > Click the Advanced... button at the bottom > Check the _Run as administrator_ box.

Getting Started

  1. BuildApp.bat
    Run this if it's the first time running the app, or you just synced changes from the repository.
    After a successful build, you'll be prompted to run the app. While the build itself does not require being run as administrator, if you want to run the app from this prompt you must run BuildApp.bat as administrator.

  2. RunApp.bat
    Run this as administrator to start the app. In a web browser navigate to the URL displayed after the Now listening on: ... console message (e.g. https://localhost:5001).
    To stop the app gracefully, press Ctrl+C in the Command Prompt. Enter Y at the Cancel batch job? prompt.

Streaming Steps

Review Database Population
The app uses census data stored in a local database for a variety of purposes, the most important of which is scoring. On first startup, the database automatically attempts to populate from the Census API. If that fails, it backup scripts are used to populate the database. It's crucial to verify that the database is properly set up before trying to run a match.

  1. On the Database Maintenance page (/DbAdmin), everything in the Database Count column should have a non-zero value. If that's not the case, refer to the Maintenance section below for steps to correct a collection.

  2. On the Rulesets page (Rulesets), there should be an Item Category Rules table and a Scrim Action Rules table, both populated with values. If the Item Category Rules table is empty, verify that the Item Category database collection is populated. If it's empty, populate it from the Census or Backup, then restart the app.

Match Setup

Configure and monitor scrim matches from the Match Setup page (/Admin). It's divided into three sections: Team 1, Team 2, Match Controls.

The match and team setup page

Enjoy fine control over how matches and teams are configured

Team Setup

In the top box for each team, you can:

Each outfit added gets a card in their team's column, listing all of their players. All indivually added players are grouped in the team's Other Players card.


Update Local Data

The app uses census data stored in a local database for a variety of purposes. This means that new weapons, items, bases, etc. added to the game won't automatically be picked up. The Database Maintenance page (/DbAdmin) is your tool for keeping your local database up to date.

The Database Maintenance Table

Column Description
Collection The name of the data set, generally aligning with the Census API terminology
Database Count The number of entities for this collection currently in your local database. Should not be zero, and should match the Census Count value (with some exceptions *). Click the refresh icon to recalculate the count
Census Count The number of entities for this collection returned by the Census API. If zero or a warning icon, then this collection is broken in the Census API. Click the refresh icon to query the Census API for an updated count
Update from Census Click this button to populate the local database with new values from the Census API and update existing values with data from the Census API. If the Census API is broken or returning no results for a collection, the local database will not be truncated or otherwise harmed
Update from Backup Click this button to populate the local database from a hard-coded set of values for the collection. The database collection will be emptied before it's re-populated

* The Loadouts collection has more database entities than in the Census API because the Census API is missing the NSO classes.

Streaming Overlay

The real-time, detailed match report

An example of the real-time, detailed match report, with the HSR column hidden

OBS Setup

Each view of the streaming overlay should be a scene with a Browser source configured like this:

Browser Source Setup
URL https://localhost:5001/overlay...
Control audio via OBS Checked
Custom CSS Empty
Shutdown source when not visible Checked
Refresh browser when scene becomes active Checked

Customizing the Overlay

The overlay page accepts 5 URL parameters which control whether different overlay components are visible or hidden. By default, all overlay components are visible.

The general formula for using the parameters is .../overlay?param1=value1&param2=value2&param3=value3..., where param# is an entry from the below table and value# is either true (show component) or false (hide component).

URL Parameters Controls...
players List of players on the left & right side of the page
report The match stats report in the center of the page
scoreboard The scoreboard at the top center of the page. Disabling the scoreboard also hides the killfeed.
feed The killfeed in the center, below the scoreboard. The killfeed is always hidden if the scoreboard is hidden.
title The match title at the top center of the page
reportHsr The HSR column in the match report
analytic Set to true to switch the match stats report to a more detailed version, similar to the Analytic Match Reports (see below) ). Note that the players status components are automatically hidden when this setting is enabled. The data in the report is refreshed on page load and then every 5 seconds.
currentRound Enable to show stats for the current round instead of the match totals. Currently supported by the scoreboard, player status boxes, and analytic report. The real-time report doesn't support this parameter. Omit or set this parameter to false to show match totals (the original/default behavior).








Results from matches, along with several types of events, are stored in the same database as the census data. Feel free to use it for your own reporting needs.

Analytic Match Reports

Analytic match reports containing infantry-centric metrics are available for every match. Access them from the Reports Browser page (/Reports). Find specific matches using the Report Browser's filter controls.

An analytic match report

An analytic match report


Recommended Software

You can use one of the following programs to connect to and query against the database: Program Info Platforms Download
SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) Very robust Windows 8.1/10* download
Azure Data Studio More lightweight, fewer features Windows, macOS, Linux download

* See download page for complete list of supported platforms

Connect to the Database

Connection Details
Connection Type Microsoft SQL Server
Server (LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB
Authentication Windows Authentication*
Database PlanetmansDbContext

* I don't know what this Authentication method will be on macOS or Linux, but you shouldn't need to enter a username of password.

Data Model

_Disclaimer: I can't guaruntee that the data model information below is completely up-to-date or accurate. Connecting to your database directly is the best way to investigate the data model._


Each match has one entry in this table, created when you press "Start Match" in Match Setup.

Column Data Type Nullable? Details
Id nvarchar(450) No [Primary Key] The match's identifier. This is the same value as the match log filename for the match. Join to the ScrimMatchId column in various other tables.
StartTime datetime2(7) No The timestamp of when "Start Match" was pressed.
Title nvarchar(max) Yes The most-recent Match Title saved.


Each team in each match has one row in this table containing a team's final score and other stats for a given match. Typically, rows will first be added at the end of the first round in a match, and then updated at the end of subsequent matches (even if a round is stopped manually). However, adding/removing point adjustments, outfits, or players can also result in a team's match results getting updated.

Column Data Type Nullable? Details
ScrimMatchId nvarchar(450) No [Primary Key] The match's identifier.
TeamOrdinal int No [Primary Key] The team's identifier (e.g. 1-first team, 2-second team).
Points int No Team's total score for the match.
NetScore int No Team's net score for the match.
Kills int No Total number of times the team's players killed someone on another team.
Deaths int No Total number of times the team's players died to any match participant or by suicide.
Headshots int No Total number of times the team's players killed someone on another team with a headshot.
HeadshotDeaths int No Total number of times the team's players died by a headshot from a player on another team.
Suicides int No Total number of times the team's players killed themselves.
Teamkills int No Total number of times the team's players killed a player on their team.
TeamkillDeaths int No Total number of times the team's players were killed by a player on their team.
RevivesGiven int No Total number of times the team's players gave a revive to a player on their team. Only accepted revives are counted.
RevivesTaken int No Total number of times the team's players accepted a revive from a player on their team.
DamageAssists int No Total number of times the team's players received an experience tick with one of the following experience gain IDs:
2-Kill Player Assist
371-Kill Player Priority Assist
372Kill Player High Priority Assist
UtilityAssists int No Total number of times the team's players received an experience tick with one of the following experience gain IDs:
5-Heal Assis
335-Savior Kill (Non MAX)
438-Shield Repair
439-Squad Shield Repair
550-Concussion Grenade Assist
551-Concussion Grenade Squad Assist
552-EMP Grenade Assist
553-EMP Grenade Squad Assist
554-Flashbang Assist
555-Flashbang Squad Assist
1393-Hardlight Cover - Blocking Exp
1394-Draw Fire Award
36-Spot Kill
54-Squad Spot Kill
DamageAssistedDeaths int No Total number of times the team's players had a death assisted by a Damage Assist. A player is considered such a victim if they appear in the other_id field of a relevant experience gain stream payload.
UtilityAssistedDeaths int No Total number of times the team's players ad a death assisted by a Utility Assist. A player is considered such a victim if they appear in the other_id field of a relevant experience gain stream payload.
ObjectiveCaptureTicks int No Total number of times the team's players receive an experience tick with one of the following experience gain IDs:
16-Control Point - Attack
272-Convert Capture Point
557-Objective Pulse Capture
ObjectiveDefenseTicks int No Total number of times the team's players receive an experience tick with one of the following experience gain IDs:
15-Control Point - Defend
556-Objective Pulse Defend
BaseDefenses int No Total number of times the team "capture" the target facility via a defense. This is based on infantry scrim rules (timer starts at half, one team's faction owns the facility), not on base defenses as reported in game.
BaseCaptures int No Total number of times the team "capture" the target facility via a capture. This is based on infantry scrim rules (timer starts at half, one team's faction owns the facility), not on base captures as reported in game.


Each point adjustment made to a team's score during a match has a row in this table. The table is updated each time a point adjustment is added or removed in Match Setup. The points in this table have already been factored into a team's Points and Net Score in the ScrimMatchTeamResult table.

Column Data Type Nullable? Details
ScrimMatchId nvarchar(450) No [Primary Key] The match's identifier.
TeamOrdinal int No [Primary Key] The team's identifier (e.g. 1-first team, 2-second team).
Timestamp datetime2(7) No [Primary Key] The timestamp of when the point adjustment was added.
Points int No The value of the point adjustment.
AdjustmentType int No Whether the adjustment was a deduction (points subtracted) or granting (points added) of points. 0-Deduction, 1-Granting.
Rationale nvarchar(max) Yes The reason provided for the point adjustment.


Each row in this table corresponds to a Death payload from the census stream in which all characters were match participants (i.e. the Death wasn't outside interference). In other words, each player death during a match has a row in this table.

Column Data Type Nullable? Details
ScrimMatchId nvarchar(450) No [Primary Key] The ID of the match in which the death event occured.
Timestamp datetime2(7) No [Primary Key] The timestamp when the event occured.
AttackerCharacterId nvarchar(450) No [Primary Key] The character ID of the player who killed the Victim player. For suicides, this will be the same as the VictimCharacterId.
VictimCharacterId nvarchar(450) No [Primary Key] The character ID of the player who died. For suicides, this will be the same as the AttackerCharacterId.
ScrimMatchRound int No The round in which the death event occured.
ActionType int No The Scrim Action describing this death event (e.g. 101-InfantryKillMax, 102-InfantryTeamkillInfantry). Join to ScrimAction.Action.
DeathType int No The Death Type describing this death event. Either 0-Kill, 1-Teamkill, or 2-Suicide. Teamkills are based first on the players' Team Ordinals, then on their Faction. Join to DeathType.Type.
AttackerTeamOrdinal int No Integer corresponding to the attacking player's team. 1 for the first team, 2 for the second team, etc.
VictimTeamOrdinal int No Integer corresponding to the victim player's team. 1 for the first team, 2 for the second team, etc.
AttackerNameFull nvarchar(max) Yes Name of the attacking player as it appears in game.
AttackerFactionId int No Faction ID of the attacking player. Either 1-VS, 2-NC, 3-TR, 4-NSO. Join to Faction.Id.
AttackerLoadoutId int Yes ID of the PS2 class the attacking player was playing when they killed the victim player. Join to Loadout.Id.
AttackerOutfitId nvarchar(max) Yes ID of the outfit the attacking player is associated with for the death event. This may be populated even if the player was not added via an outfit (i.e. if they were listed under "Other Players").
AttackerOutfitAlias nvarchar(max) Yes The alias (aka tag) of the outfit the attacking player is associated with for the death event. This may be populated even if the player was not added via an outfit (i.e. if they were listed under "Other Players").
AttackerIsOutfitless bit No Whether the attacking player is associated with an outfit for this death event. 1-Yes if they are, 2-No if they are not (if they were listed under "Other Players").
VictimNameFull nvarchar(max) Yes Name of the victim player as it appears in game.
VictimFactionId int No Faction ID of the victim player. Either 1-VS, 2-NC, 3-TR, 4-NSO. Join to Faction.Id.
VictimLoadoutId int Yes ID of the PS2 class the victim player was playing when they died. Join to Loadout.Id.
VictimOutfitId nvarchar(max) Yes ID of the outfit the victim player is associated with for the death event. This may be populated even if the player was not added via an outfit (i.e. if they were listed under "Other Players").
VictimOutfitAlias nvarchar(max) Yes The alias (aka tag) of the outfit the victim player is associated with for the death event. This may be populated even if the player was not added via an outfit (i.e. if they were listed under "Other Players").
VictimIsOutfitless bit No Whether the victim player is associated with an outfit for this death event. 1-Yes if they are, 0-No if they are not (if they were listed under "Other Players").
IsHeadshot bit No Whether the victim player was killed by a headshot (1-Headshot, 2-Not Headshot). Events with Death Type 1-Teamkill and 2-Suicie are never counted as headshots, regardless of whether a headshot actually occured.
WeaponId int Yes Item ID of the weapon to which the victim player died. Join to Item.Id.
WeaponItemCategoryId int Yes ID of the item category to which the weapon that the victim player died to belongs. Join to ItemCategory.Id.
IsVehicleWeapon bit Yes Whether the weapon to which the victim player died is a vehicle weapon.
AttackerVehicleId int Yes ID of the vehicle by which the victim player was killed. Join to Vehicle.Id.
WorldId int No ID of the PS2 server on which the death event occured. Join to World.Id.
ZoneId int No ID of the PS2 continent on which the death event occured. Join to Zone.Id
Points int No The points the attacking player received, or had deducted, for the death event.


Each row in this table corresponds to a VehicleDestroy payload from the census stream in which all characters were match participants (i.e. the Vehicle Destruction wasn't outside interference). In other words, the table has a row for each time a vehicle is destroyed during a match. Only destructions of vehicles owned by a match participant are included in the table (e.g. a match participant destroying an unowned flash will not result in a new row in the table).

Column Data Type Nullable? Details
ScrimMatchId nvarchar(450) No [Primary Key] The ID of the match in which the vehicle destruction event occured.
Timestamp datetime2(7) No [Primary Key] The timestamp when the event occured.
AttackerCharacterId nvarchar(450) No [Primary Key] The character ID of the player who destroyed the victim vehicle. For suicides, this will be the same as the VictimCharacterId.
VictimCharacterId nvarchar(450) No [Primary Key] The character ID of the player who owned the victim vehicle. For suicides, this will be the same as the AttackerCharacterId.
VictimVehicleId int No [Primary Key] The ID of the vehicle that was destroyed. Join to Vehicle.Id.
AttackerVehicleId int Yes The ID of the vehicle by which the victim vehicle was destroyed, if it was destroyed by a vehicle.
ScrimMatchRound int No The round in which the vehicle destruction event occured.
ActionType int No The Scrim Action describing this vehicle destruction event (e.g. 109-InfantryDestoryEsf, 426-VehicleDestroyLightning). Join to ScrimAction.Action.
DeathType int No The Death Type describing this vehicle destruction event. Either 0-Kill, 1-Teamkill, or 2-Suicide. Teamkills are based first on the players' Team Ordinals, then on their Factions. Join to DeathType.Type.
AttackerTeamOrdinal int No Integer corresponding to the attacking player's team. 1 for the first team, 2 for the second team, etc.
VictimTeamOrdinal int No Integer corresponding to the victim player's team. 1 for the first team, 2 for the second team, etc.
AttackerVehicleClass int Yes The type of vehicle the attacking player used to destroy the victim vehicle (e.g. 4-Sunderer, 8-ESF). Join to VehicleClass.Class.
VictimVehicleClass int Yes The type of vehicle that was destroyed for the vehicle destruction event. (e.g. 4-Sunderer, 8-ESF). Join to VehicleClass.Class.
AttackerNameFull nvarchar(max) Yes Name of the attacking player as it appears in game.
AttackerFactionId int No Faction ID of the attacking player. Either 1-VS, 2-NC, 3-TR, 4-NSO. Join to Faction.Id.
AttackerLoadoutId int Yes ID of the PS2 class the attacking player was playing when they destroyed the victim vehicle. Join to Loadout.Id.
AttackerOutfitId nvarchar(max) Yes ID of the outfit the attacking player is associated with for the vehicle destruction event. This may be populated even if the player was not added via an outfit (i.e. if they were listed under "Other Players").
AttackerOutfitAlias nvarchar(max) Yes The alias (aka tag) of the outfit the attacking player is associated with for the vehicle destruction event. This may be populated even if the player was not added via an outfit (i.e. if they were listed under "Other Players").
AttackerIsOutfitless bit No Whether the attacking player is associated with an outfit for this vehicle destruction event. 1-Yes if they are, 2-No if they are not (if they were listed under "Other Players").
VictimNameFull nvarchar(max) Yes Name of the victim player as it appears in game.
VictimFactionId int No Faction ID of the victim player. Either 1-VS, 2-NC, 3-TR, 4-NSO. Join to Faction.Id.
VictimLoadoutId int Yes ID of the PS2 class the victim player was last known to be playing as when their vehicle was destroyed. Join to Loadout.Id.
VictimOutfitId nvarchar(max) Yes ID of the outfit the victim player is associated with for the vehicle destruction event. This may be populated even if the player was not added via an outfit (i.e. if they were listed under "Other Players").
VictimOutfitAlias nvarchar(max) Yes The alias (aka tag) of the outfit the victim player is associated with for the vehicle destruction event. This may be populated even if the player was not added via an outfit (i.e. if they were listed under "Other Players").
VictimIsOutfitless bit No Whether the victim player is associated with an outfit for this vehicle destruction event. 1-Yes if they are, 0-No if they are not (if they were listed under "Other Players").
WeaponId int Yes Item ID of the weapon by which the victim vehicle was destroyed. Join to Item.Id.
WeaponItemCategoryId int Yes ID of the item category to which the weapon that destroyed the victim vehicle belongs. Join to ItemCategory.Id.
IsVehicleWeapon bit Yes Whether the weapon that destroyed the victim vehicle is a vehicle weapon.
WorldId int No ID of the PS2 server on which the vehicle destruction event occured. Join to World.Id.
ZoneId int No ID of the PS2 continent on which the vehicle destruction event occured. Join to Zone.Id
Points int No The points the attacking player received, or had deducted, for the vehicle destruction event.


If you don't see your issue below, please write up an Issue.

Failed to Connect: Service ID Not Registered

When attempting to run the app, you see error messages like the following:

fail: squittal.ScrimPlanetmans.CensusStream.WebsocketMonitor[91435]
  Failed to establish initial connection to Census. Will not attempt to reconnect.
 System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketException (0x80004005): The server returned status code '403'when status code '101' was expected.


Unhandled exception. DaybreakGames.Census.Exceptions.CensusServerException: Provided Service ID is not registered.  A valid Service ID is required for continued api use. (

Below are the likely causes of this and how to address them.

Your Service Key is Not Valid

Using your service key in place of example, open the following query in a browser: If the result is a message like {"error":"Provided Service ID is not registered. A valid Service ID is required for continued api use. ("}, instead of a count, then your service key is not valid.

Environment Variable Entry Issue

If your service key is definitely valid, then the problem is probably in your environment variable configuration.

Credits & Technologies

This is a project for me to continue learning C# & .NET, and to improve upon the JS + Node.js scrim streaming overlay.