Open fsalemi opened 2 years ago
I have a simple app with shinyDashbaord. I was hoping to show a tooltip for sidebar icon. But it just shows "More" instead of the actual tooltip. Here is a simple code:
# Toggle a box sidebar library(shiny) library(bs4Dash) library(shinyBS) shinyApp( ui = dashboardPage( header = dashboardHeader(), body = dashboardBody( box( height = "500px", width = 12, maximizable = T, solidHeader = FALSE, collapsible = TRUE, sidebar = boxSidebar( id = "mycardsidebar", width = 30, p("Sidebar Content") ) ), bsTooltip("mycardsidebar", title = "Sidebar"), ), sidebar = dashboardSidebar() ), server = function(input, output, session) {} )
Any help would be highly appreciated.
I have a simple app with shinyDashbaord. I was hoping to show a tooltip for sidebar icon. But it just shows "More" instead of the actual tooltip. Here is a simple code:
Any help would be highly appreciated.