ebailey78 / shinyBS

Twitter Bootstrap Components for Shiny
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bsModal works with shinydashboard but not when tabItems / tabItem are utilized #141

Closed AdrianAntico closed 7 months ago

AdrianAntico commented 2 years ago

@ebailey78 Not sure if you're aware (or if I'm just doing this wrong) but I can get a bsModal() working with shinydashboard but when I incorporate shinydashboard::tabItems() and shinydashboard::tabItem(), the bsModal() won't activate when it otherwise would without the tabItems and tabItem.

If you have encountered this, is there a workaround or am I out of luck for using bsModal()?

Thanks for you time

sanjmeh commented 7 months ago

Adrian did you get any update or workaround?

AdrianAntico commented 7 months ago

I went with an alternative approach. No worries