ebailey78 / shinyBS

Twitter Bootstrap Components for Shiny
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bsTooltip issues with Shiny 0.11 and shinyBS 0.50 #15

Closed dwahman closed 9 years ago

dwahman commented 9 years ago

Noticing 2 issues with bsTooltip with the latest upgrades:

  1. For selectInput, if selectize is set to "true", then the tooltip will not show. Turning selectize to "false" makes the tooltip appear.
  2. If position is set to "right", tooltip box is very narrow. Any other position (top, left, bottom) and a wider box is created.
ebailey78 commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. I've fixed the issue with tooltips not showing up on selectize inputs. As far as skinny tooltips are concerned that is an issue with how selectize inputs are created. I think you can overcome it by using the new options argument. Setting options = list(container = 'body') should make the tooltip wider.

dwahman commented 9 years ago

Thank you for fixing the issue on the tooltips not showing up on selectize inputs.

As far as the narrow tooltip for “right” positioning, this is occurring with all input types in my current application (e.g., sliders, check box groups, selectInputs). The tooltips actually look normal if running in the RStudio browser but appear narrow with Chrome. I tried to implement your suggestion with the options, but this did not resolve the issue. I’ll keep investigating.

Again, thank you for creating this package.

ebailey78 commented 9 years ago

Hmm, That’s interesting. I tested it in firefox and chrome and it seemed to fix the problem. If you can provided me with some example code and a screenshot I will look into it more.

dwahman commented 9 years ago


Attached is a portion of my code with several tooltips. The tooltips generated to the right are narrow for me when I view in Chrome, but the view as a normal width when using the RStudio browser.

Let me know if you get the same.

Thanks, Dave