ebailey78 / shinyBS

Twitter Bootstrap Components for Shiny
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bsTooltip doesn't work when an absolutePanel has 'draggable = TRUE' #58

Open aszeitz opened 8 years ago

aszeitz commented 8 years ago

While using the features of shinyBS, I have found that using bsTooltip in conjunction with an absolutePanel where draggable = TRUE results in the tooltip not appearing. Here is a minimal reproducable example:


ui <- basicPage(
    top = 100, left = 100, draggable = TRUE,
    p("Just an absolutePanel with draggable = TRUE")
    bsButton("button", "This is a button."),
    bsTooltip("button", "This is a tooltip.")

server <- function(input, output){


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Note that if draggable = FALSE, then the tooltip works no problem. There does not seem to be this same problem with bsPopover.

stevepowell99 commented 5 years ago

yes, and it seems to disable all the tooltips of any kind in the whole UI

nicocriscuolo commented 4 years ago

I confirm. I was trying to find out the problem and fortunately I found this post! Hope this help to get this bug fixed soon!

Thanks a lot.