ebailey78 / shinyBS

Twitter Bootstrap Components for Shiny
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When using bsCollapses in shiny modules, panels behaviour is erratic #87

Open JoFAM opened 7 years ago

JoFAM commented 7 years ago

I use bsCollapse and bsCollapsePanels in two different modules that are part of a larger shiny application. Individually, everything works fine. At first glance, everything works fine. But if I go back and forth between the collapse panels in different instances of one module, or between both modules, they behave erratically.

I have set the id in such a way that with every instance of the Module, the bsCollapse gets a new, unique, id. This didn't solve the problem either. I tried to reproduce in a simple example, but couldn't find one yet. Will update if I get that done.