ebmdatalab / openprescribing-data

Seed data for openprescribing
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This repository is retired and no longer used. All OpenPrescribing data management is carried out by the pipeline app in the main OpenPrescribing repo


Regular updating

You should probably do this in a screen session on the production server, as the refresh_matviews part, in particular, takes very many hours. To set up a new session:

ssh hello@openp
screen -S monthly-data-update
cd ~/openprescribing-data/
source .venv/bin/activate

If your environment is set up (see below), you can do the following to update the monthly data:

cp log.json log.json-2016-06-01    # backup the log file

python runner.py getmanual         # manually source some of the data:
python runner.py getauto           # automatically source the rest
python runner.py archivedata       # store all most recent data in Google Cloud storage
python runner.py runimporters      # import any previously unimported data
python runner.py updatesmoketests  # update smoke tests
python runner.py runsmoketests     # store latest prescribing data to BQ (requires `archivedata` to have been run)
git commit -am "Update smoketests"

To see data in production, you should purge the Cloudflare cache. To do this, go to your openprescribing sandbox and run:

fabric clear_cloudflare:purge_all

Set up a dev sandbox

touch log.json
python runner.py getdata           # grab latest version of data from Google Cloud
python runner.py runimporters      # import any previously unimported data
python runner.py create_indexes    # indexes in postgres DB
python runner.py create_matviews   # materialized views in DB. Takes ages.

Among other things, this will import the latest month of prescribing data. The total set of prescribing data is massive. To avoid locking your computer up for a week, you can generate a random subset from the production database thus:

prescribing=> CREATE TABLE sample_prescription AS SELECT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT 1 + trunc(random() * 795362276)::integer AS id FROM generate_series(1, 10100) g) r JOIN frontend_prescription USING (id) LIMIT 10000;

$ pg_dump --table=sample_prescription --data-only --column-inserts prescribing --user prescribing > /tmp/data.sql

Then import it to your local database by replacing sample_prescription with frontend_prescription in the SQL file, and importing it with psql prescribing < /tmp/data.sql.


Install python dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Set up environment variables:


For bigquery-loading support, add the following variable to your environment:


...where credentials.json is the output of

pass show google-service-accounts/bigquery

How it works

manifest.json contains a list of sources that we use in OpenPrescribing, with descriptions and metadata.

id (required): a unique id for this source

title (required): short title for the source

description (required): description of the source, including important features, rationale for including it in OpenPrescribing, etc

fetcher: The name of a python script, which should be placed in the fetchers/ directory, which gets data for this source. Fetchers should be idempotent. When run, if a fetcher finds new data, it should place the new data in a timestamped folder at data/<id>/<year>_<month>.

importers: a list of importers, each element of which should be the name of a Django management command (plus switches) in the main app which knows how to import this data. The command must have a --filename switch, and the importer definition must include a regex as its value which is expected to match the filename

after_import: a list of Django management commands that should be run following a successful import run.

depends_on: a list of source ids which should be imported before this source can be imported.

index_url: a webpage where the latest version of the dataset can be found by a user

urls: A dictionary of URLs where previous data has been found. This is informational, to help a user hunt down the latest version

tags (required): a list of tags. Only sources tagged core_data are considered manual sources (see below). Otherwise tags are currently just informational

publication_schedule: a human-readable string giving the expected publication schedule

publication_lag: a human-readable string describing how long after the reporting date the dataset is published

A source without fetchers, and with the core_data tag, is deemed a manual source, and therefore appears in the prompt list generated by python runner.py getmanual.

Finally, all the raw data is stored in Google BigQuery.