ebuchmann / duelystcards

MIT License
6 stars 1 forks source link

Duelyst Deck Builder

Where it can be found



yarn install


Create a credentials.js file locally that includes

const env = process.env.NODE_ENV

const def = {
  imgur: {
    clientId: API_ID,
    clientSecret: API_SECRET,
  duelystVersion: CURRENT_VERSION

const config = {
  development: {
    api: {
      url: '//localhost:3000',
      version: 'api'

export default Object.assign({}, def, config[env])

To bundle the current tree and run a local server for testing.

yarn run dev


Bundle the static files for production, then copy them up to the server so they can replace the current static files:

yarn run build
scp -r dist/* SERVER:~/duelystcards-versions/VERSION
rm -rf /var/www/duelystcards.com/* && cp -r ~/duelystcards-versions/VERSION/* /var/www/duelystcards.com/ <-- on server