PW-DFT development for NWChemEx
Web location:
cmake -S Nwpw/ -B build
cd build
Alternatively you can build :
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../Nwpw
Standard cmake build commands
cmake [<options>] <path-to-source>
$ mkdir build ; cd build
$ cmake ../src
cmake [<options>] -S <path-to-source> -B <path-to-build>
$ cmake -S src -B build
cmake [<options>] <path-to-existing-build>
$ cd build
$ cmake .
machine | ncpus | cputime | non-local | ffm | fmf | fft | diagonalize | mmm_mult |
QA/CCO-Cu_surface | ||||||||
mac-m1 | 1 | 4.763e+01 | 1.413e+01 | 1.794e+01 | 1.217e+01 | 1.353e+00 | 3.725e-02 | 1.642e-01 |
mac-m1 | 2 | 2.523e+01 | 7.349e+00 | 9.440e+00 | 6.547e+00 | 7.941e-01 | 4.310e-02 | 1.684e-01 |
mac-m1 | 4 | 1.405e+01 | 3.887e+00 | 4.742e+00 | 4.125e+00 | 4.404e-01 | 4.183e-02 | 1.715e-01 |
mac-m1 | 6 | 1.018e+01 | 2.415e+00 | 3.311e+00 | 3.449e+00 | 3.274e-01 | 4.599e-02 | 1.785e-01 |
mac-m1 | 8 | 8.539e+00 | 1.848e+00 | 2.417e+00 | 3.187e+00 | 2.792e-01 | 4.307e-02 | 1.605e-01 |
WE45090 | 1 | 2.786e+01 | 1.298e+01 | 6.825e+00 | 4.932e+00 | 2.154e+00 | 6.489e-03 | 7.100e-02 |
WE45090 | 2 | 1.514e+01 | 6.859e+00 | 3.674e+00 | 2.543e+00 | 1.136e+00 | 6.998e-03 | 7.448e-02 |
WE45090 | 4 | 1.055e+01 | 4.408e+00 | 2.725e+00 | 1.775e+00 | 6.635e-01 | 6.676e-03 | 9.022e-02 |
WE45090 | 6 | 9.858e+00 | 3.886e+00 | 2.660e+00 | 1.709e+00 | 4.967e-01 | 7.285e-03 | 8.899e-02 |
WE45090 | 8 | 9.450e+00 | 3.542e+00 | 2.594e+00 | 1.669e+00 | 4.279e-01 | 7.650e-03 | 9.845e-02 |
WE45090-GPU | 1 | 4.773e+00 | 1.140e+00 | 7.054e-01 | 2.313e-01 | 2.481e+00 | 6.870e-03 | 7.225e-02 |
WE45090-GPU | 2 | 4.387e+00 | 1.037e+00 | 9.929e-01 | 2.427e-01 | 1.911e+00 | 7.432e-03 | 7.679e-02 |
WE45090-GPU | 4 | 4.164e+00 | 9.757e-01 | 9.960e-01 | 2.452e-01 | 1.667e+00 | 8.277e-03 | 8.771e-02 |
WE45090-GPU | 6 | 4.765e+00 | 1.076e+00 | 8.142e-01 | 2.564e-01 | 2.217e+00 | 7.819e-03 | 1.044e-01 |
WE45090-GPU | 8 | |||||||
WE45090-nwchem | 8 | 5.194e+00 | ||||||
perlmutter-GPU | 1 | 2.924e+00 | 3.580e-01 | 3.084e-02 | 3.595e-02 | 2.188e+00 | 6.219e-03 | |
perlmutter-GPU | 2 | 1.639e+00 | 2.246e-01 | 2.258e-02 | 2.222e-02 | 1.219e+00 | 5.878e-03 | |
perlmutter-GPU | 3 | 1.246e+00 | 1.575e-01 | 2.566e-02 | 1.520e-02 | 9.523e-01 | 4.568e-03 | |
perlmutter-GPU | 4 | 1.080e+00 | 1.657e-01 | 1.588e-02 | 1.874e-02 | 7.948e-01 | 6.037e-03 | |
perlmutter-CPU | 1 | 1.750e+01 | 7.615e+00 | 4.218e+00 | 2.856e+00 | 2.000e+00 | 5.851e-03 | |
perlmutter-CPU | 2 | 1.018e+01 | 3.822e+00 | 2.135e+00 | 1.371e+00 | 2.127e+00 | 6.039e-03 | |
perlmutter-CPU | 3 | 6.945e+00 | 2.520e+00 | 1.351e+00 | 9.250e-01 | 1.499e+00 | 6.011e-03 | |
perlmutter-CPU | 4 | 5.765e+00 | 2.103e+00 | 1.067e+00 | 7.114e-01 | 1.254e+00 | 6.465e-03 | |
perlmutter-CPU | 6 | 3.753e+00 | 1.138e+00 | 6.549e-01 | 3.859e-01 | 8.889e-01 | 6.006e-03 | |
perlmutter-CPU | 8 | 2.739e+00 | 8.779e-01 | 5.078e-01 | 2.521e-01 | 4.427e-01 | 6.179e-03 | |
perlmutter-CPU | 16 | 1.789e+00 | 4.439e-01 | 2.408e-01 | 1.404e-01 | 3.154e-01 | 7.301e-03 | |
perlmutter-CPU | 32 | 1.343e+00 | 2.417e-01 | 1.227e-01 | 7.259e-02 | 2.748e-01 | 7.184e-03 | |
perlmutter-CPU | 64 | 1.126e+00 | 1.514e-01 | 9.311e-02 | 3.653e-02 | 1.691e-01 | 7.429e-03 | |
perlmutter-CPU | 128 | 1.335e+00 | 1.298e-01 | 8.846e-02 | 2.510e-02 | 1.530e-01 | 9.429e-03 |
These timings suggest that parallel FFTs should be implemented using hybrid MPI-OpenMP code, and the large DGEMMs should use GPUs. This is somewhat justified, since the cost of parallel FFTs is mostly due to data movement, i.e. FFTs are memory bound rather than computationlly bound. However, we need to test the competiveness of pipelining FFT data to GPUs, and using Stockholm FFT kernels (, versus an MPI-only algorithm.
module restore
module load cmake
export HTTP_PROXY=
export http_proxy=
export https_proxy=
git config --global http.proxy
git clone
cmake -H. -Bbuild_sycl -DNWPW_SYCL=On -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=icpx -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=icx -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=ifx ./Nwpw
qsub -l select=1 -l walltime=30:00 -A catalysis_aesp_CNDA -q lustre_scaling -I
mpiexec -n 12 --ppn 12 --cpu-bind list:0-7:8-15:16-23:24-31:32-39:40-47:52-59:60-67:68-75:76-83:84-91:92-99 --mem-bind list:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:1:1:1:1:1 --env OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 ../../build_sycl/pwdft cco-cu_surf30.nw
module purge
module load cmake/3.20.2
module load PrgEnv-intel
module load craype-haswell
module load openmpi
module purge; module load cmake/3.20.2; module load PrgEnv-intel; module load craype-haswell; module load openmpi
mkdir build
cd build
salloc --nodes 1 --qos interactive --time 01:00:00 --constraint haswell
srun -n <num_mpi_processes> -c <cpus_per_task> a.out
srun -n <num_mpi_processes> -c <cpus_per_task> pwdft
salloc --nodes 1 --qos interactive --time 01:00:00 --constraint haswell
cd PWDFT/QA/C2_steepest_descent
srun -n 24 ../../build/pwdft c2-sd.nw
module unload impi
module load PrgEnv-intel
module load cmake
module load cudatoolkit
mkdir build_cuda
cd build-cuda
cmake -DNWPW_CUDA=ON ../Nwpw/
module load cgpu
salloc -C gpu -t 60 -c 10 -G 1 -q interactive -A <account>
salloc -C gpu -t 60 -c 10 -G 1 -q interactive -A mp119
To generate a library clean the build directory and then regenerate cmake with
cmake ../Nwpw -DMAKE_LIBRARY=true
on Linux use:
Compile and generate the shared library in the build directory.
The shared library, libpwdft.dylib, should be generated and present in the build directory.
prompt% ls
CMakeCache.txt Makefile cmake_install.cmake nwpwlib/
CMakeFiles/ NwpwConfig.h libpwdft.dylib* pspw/
Example header to make function calls
#include <string>
#include "mpi.h"
namespace pwdft {
using namespace pwdft;
extern char *util_date();
extern void seconds(double *);
extern int cpsd(MPI_Comm, std::string&);
extern int cpmd(MPI_Comm, std::string&);
extern int pspw_minimizer(MPI_Comm, std::string&);
extern int pspw_geovib(MPI_Comm, std::string&);
Example function call
ierr += pwdft::pspw_geovib(MPI_COMM_WORLD,nwinput);
mpic++ test.cpp ../build-shared/libpwdft.dylib
setenv DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH /Users/bylaska/Codes/PWDFT/build-shared
mpic++ test.cpp ../build-shared/
setenv DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH /Users/bylaska/Codes/PWDFT/build-shared
[2:17 PM] Bagusetty, Abhishek add_library(pwdft SHARED nwpw.cpp)
[2:18 PM] Bagusetty, Abhishek CMakeLists.txt (right after this line add_executable(pwdft nwpw.cpp))