ebylaska / PWDFT

Plane-Wave density-functional theory (DFT) development for NWChemEx electronic structure software
GNU General Public License v3.0
15 stars 6 forks source link


PW-DFT development for NWChemEx

Web location: https://ebylaska.github.io/PWDFT/


CMAKE - Generate a Project Buildsystem

cmake -S Nwpw/ -B build
cd build

Alternatively you can build :
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../Nwpw

Standard cmake build commands

cmake [<options>] <path-to-source>
$ mkdir build ; cd build
$ cmake ../src

cmake [<options>] -S <path-to-source> -B <path-to-build>
$ cmake -S src -B build

cmake [<options>] <path-to-existing-build>
$ cd build
$ cmake .


laptop timings

machine ncpus cputime non-local ffm fmf fft diagonalize mmm_mult
mac-m1 1 4.763e+01 1.413e+01 1.794e+01 1.217e+01 1.353e+00 3.725e-02 1.642e-01
mac-m1 2 2.523e+01 7.349e+00 9.440e+00 6.547e+00 7.941e-01 4.310e-02 1.684e-01
mac-m1 4 1.405e+01 3.887e+00 4.742e+00 4.125e+00 4.404e-01 4.183e-02 1.715e-01
mac-m1 6 1.018e+01 2.415e+00 3.311e+00 3.449e+00 3.274e-01 4.599e-02 1.785e-01
mac-m1 8 8.539e+00 1.848e+00 2.417e+00 3.187e+00 2.792e-01 4.307e-02 1.605e-01
WE45090 1 2.786e+01 1.298e+01 6.825e+00 4.932e+00 2.154e+00 6.489e-03 7.100e-02
WE45090 2 1.514e+01 6.859e+00 3.674e+00 2.543e+00 1.136e+00 6.998e-03 7.448e-02
WE45090 4 1.055e+01 4.408e+00 2.725e+00 1.775e+00 6.635e-01 6.676e-03 9.022e-02
WE45090 6 9.858e+00 3.886e+00 2.660e+00 1.709e+00 4.967e-01 7.285e-03 8.899e-02
WE45090 8 9.450e+00 3.542e+00 2.594e+00 1.669e+00 4.279e-01 7.650e-03 9.845e-02
WE45090-GPU 1 4.773e+00 1.140e+00 7.054e-01 2.313e-01 2.481e+00 6.870e-03 7.225e-02
WE45090-GPU 2 4.387e+00 1.037e+00 9.929e-01 2.427e-01 1.911e+00 7.432e-03 7.679e-02
WE45090-GPU 4 4.164e+00 9.757e-01 9.960e-01 2.452e-01 1.667e+00 8.277e-03 8.771e-02
WE45090-GPU 6 4.765e+00 1.076e+00 8.142e-01 2.564e-01 2.217e+00 7.819e-03 1.044e-01
WE45090-GPU 8
WE45090-nwchem 8 5.194e+00
perlmutter-GPU 1 2.924e+00 3.580e-01 3.084e-02 3.595e-02 2.188e+00 6.219e-03
perlmutter-GPU 2 1.639e+00 2.246e-01 2.258e-02 2.222e-02 1.219e+00 5.878e-03
perlmutter-GPU 3 1.246e+00 1.575e-01 2.566e-02 1.520e-02 9.523e-01 4.568e-03
perlmutter-GPU 4 1.080e+00 1.657e-01 1.588e-02 1.874e-02 7.948e-01 6.037e-03
perlmutter-CPU 1 1.750e+01 7.615e+00 4.218e+00 2.856e+00 2.000e+00 5.851e-03
perlmutter-CPU 2 1.018e+01 3.822e+00 2.135e+00 1.371e+00 2.127e+00 6.039e-03
perlmutter-CPU 3 6.945e+00 2.520e+00 1.351e+00 9.250e-01 1.499e+00 6.011e-03
perlmutter-CPU 4 5.765e+00 2.103e+00 1.067e+00 7.114e-01 1.254e+00 6.465e-03
perlmutter-CPU 6 3.753e+00 1.138e+00 6.549e-01 3.859e-01 8.889e-01 6.006e-03
perlmutter-CPU 8 2.739e+00 8.779e-01 5.078e-01 2.521e-01 4.427e-01 6.179e-03
perlmutter-CPU 16 1.789e+00 4.439e-01 2.408e-01 1.404e-01 3.154e-01 7.301e-03
perlmutter-CPU 32 1.343e+00 2.417e-01 1.227e-01 7.259e-02 2.748e-01 7.184e-03
perlmutter-CPU 64 1.126e+00 1.514e-01 9.311e-02 3.653e-02 1.691e-01 7.429e-03
perlmutter-CPU 128 1.335e+00 1.298e-01 8.846e-02 2.510e-02 1.530e-01 9.429e-03

These timings suggest that parallel FFTs should be implemented using hybrid MPI-OpenMP code, and the large DGEMMs should use GPUs. This is somewhat justified, since the cost of parallel FFTs is mostly due to data movement, i.e. FFTs are memory bound rather than computationlly bound. However, we need to test the competiveness of pipelining FFT data to GPUs, and using Stockholm FFT kernels (https://github.com/ebylaska/PWDFT/tree/master/Miscellaneous/programfft), versus an MPI-only algorithm.

Compiling and Running Instructions

Build instructions on ALCF Aurora/Sunspot

Required Modules

module restore
module load cmake

Getting the code and building instructions

export HTTP_PROXY=http://proxy.alcf.anl.gov:3128
export HTTPS_PROXY=http://proxy.alcf.anl.gov:3128
export http_proxy=http://proxy.alcf.anl.gov:3128
export https_proxy=http://proxy.alcf.anl.gov:3128
git config --global http.proxy http://proxy.alcf.anl.gov:3128
git clone https://github.com/ebylaska/PWDFT.git

cmake -H. -Bbuild_sycl -DNWPW_SYCL=On -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=icpx -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=icx -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=ifx ./Nwpw


qsub -l select=1 -l walltime=30:00 -A catalysis_aesp_CNDA -q lustre_scaling -I
mpiexec -n 12 --ppn 12 --cpu-bind list:0-7:8-15:16-23:24-31:32-39:40-47:52-59:60-67:68-75:76-83:84-91:92-99 --mem-bind list:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:1:1:1:1:1 --env OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 gpu_tile_compact.sh ../../build_sycl/pwdft cco-cu_surf30.nw

Instructions for OLCF Frontier

Toggle for Details 1. Login to Frontier: ``` ssh frontier.olcf.ornl.gov ``` 2. Modules to load: ``` module load amd-mixed ``` 3. CMake Build/Install ``` cmake -Bbuild_hip -DNWPW_HIP=ON ./Nwpw -DGPU_TARGETS=gfx90a cd build_hip make -j ``` 4. Job submission script via `sbatch job_submit.sbatch` ``` #!/bin/bash #SBATCH -A #SBATCH -J #SBATCH -o %x-%j.out #SBATCH -t 00:15:00 #SBATCH -N 1 #SBATCH -C nvme #SBATCH --mail-user= #SBATCH --mail-type=END module load amd-mixed module list export MPICH_GPU_SUPPORT_ENABLED=0 export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 export CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE=dynamic date NNODES=1 NRANKS_PER_NODE=8 NTOTRANKS=$(( NNODES * NRANKS_PER_NODE )) PWDFT_EXE= PWDFT_INPUT= srun -N${NNODES} -n${NTOTRANKS} -c1 --ntasks-per-gpu=1 --gpus-per-node=8 --gpu-bind=closest ${PWDFT_EXE} ${PWDFT_INPUT} ```

Instructions for NERSC Perlmutter

Toggle for Details CMake Build/Install ``` cmake -H. -Bbuild_cuda -DNWPW_CUDA=ON ./Nwpw -DCMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES=80 -DCUDA_cublas_LIBRARY=${CRAY_CUDATOOLKIT_DIR}/../../math_libs/${CRAY_CUDATOOLKIT_VERSION#*_}/lib64/libcublas.so -DCUDA_cufft_LIBRARY=${CRAY_CUDATOOLKIT_DIR}/../../math_libs/${CRAY_CUDATOOLKIT_VERSION#*_}/lib64/libcufft.so -DCUDA_cusolver_LIBRARY=${CRAY_CUDATOOLKIT_DIR}/../../math_libs/${CRAY_CUDATOOLKIT_VERSION#*_}/lib64/libcusolver.so cd build_cuda make ```

Build Instructions on NERSC Cori-Haswell

required modules on Cori-Haswell

module purge
module load cmake/3.20.2
module load PrgEnv-intel
module load craype-haswell
module load openmpi

module purge; module load cmake/3.20.2; module load PrgEnv-intel; module load craype-haswell; module load openmpi

Build Instructions on Cori-Haswell (starting from PWDFT directory)

mkdir build
cd build

Running on Cori-Haswell

salloc --nodes 1 --qos interactive --time 01:00:00 --constraint haswell
srun -n <num_mpi_processes> -c <cpus_per_task> a.out
srun -n <num_mpi_processes> -c <cpus_per_task> pwdft

runnin on haswell??

salloc --nodes 1 --qos interactive --time 01:00:00 --constraint haswell
cd PWDFT/QA/C2_steepest_descent
srun -n 24 ../../build/pwdft c2-sd.nw

Instructions for ALCF Polaris

Toggle for Details 1. Login to Frontier: ``` ssh polaris.alcf.anl.gov ``` 2. Modules to load: ``` module load PrgEnv-gnu cudatoolkit-standalone cmake ``` 3. CMake Build/Install ``` cmake -Bbuild_cuda -DNWPW_CUDA=ON ./Nwpw -DCMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES=80 cd build_cuda make -j ``` 4. Job submission script via `qsub polaris_submit.pbs`. Please note that it needs an additional bash-script to bind the GPU-IDs to MPI-ranks. The script below is the MPI-ranks with GPUs affinity script: ``` #!/bin/bash num_gpus=4 # need to assign GPUs in reverse order due to topology # See Polaris Device Affinity Information https://www.alcf.anl.gov/support/user-guides/polaris/hardware-overview/machine-overview/index.html gpu=$((${num_gpus} - 1 - ${PMI_LOCAL_RANK} % ${num_gpus})) unset CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES if [ ${PMI_LOCAL_RANK} -ne 4 ]; then export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$gpu fi #echo "RANK= ${PMI_RANK} LOCAL_RANK= ${PMI_LOCAL_RANK} gpu= ${CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES}" exec "$@" ``` The actual job-script is below: ``` #!/bin/bash #PBS -N develop #PBS -l select=8:system=polaris #PBS -l place=scatter #PBS -l walltime=01:00:00 #PBS -l filesystems=home:eagle #PBS -A #PBS -q workq module load PrgEnv-gnu cudatoolkit-standalone module list export MPICH_GPU_SUPPORT_ENABLED=0 export CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE=dynamic env nvidia-smi topo -m cd ${PBS_O_WORKDIR} NNODES=`wc -l < $PBS_NODEFILE` NRANKS_PER_NODE=4 NTHREADS=1 NTOTRANKS=$(( NNODES * NRANKS_PER_NODE )) echo "NUM_OF_NODES= ${NNODES} TOTAL_NUM_RANKS= ${NTOTRANKS} RANKS_PER_NODE= ${NRANKS_PER_NODE} THREADS_PER_RANK= ${NTHREADS}" PWDFT_EXE= PWDFT_INPUT= mpiexec -n ${NTOTRANKS} --ppn ${NRANKS_PER_NODE} --mem-bind list:0:1:2:3 --cpu-bind list:0-7:8-15:16-23:24-31 --env OMP_NUM_THREADS=${NTHREADS} ./gpu_bind_affinity.sh ${PWDFT_EXE} ${PWDFT_INPUT} ```

Build instructions on NERSC Cori-CUDA

Required Modules on Cori-CUDA

module unload impi
module load PrgEnv-intel
module load cmake
module load cudatoolkit

Build Instructions on Cori-CUDA (starting from PWDFT directory)

mkdir build_cuda
cd build-cuda
cmake -DNWPW_CUDA=ON ../Nwpw/

Running on Cori-CUDA

module load cgpu
salloc -C gpu -t 60 -c 10 -G 1 -q interactive -A <account>
salloc -C gpu -t 60 -c 10 -G 1 -q interactive -A mp119

Making shared library

To generate a library clean the build directory and then regenerate cmake with

cmake ../Nwpw -DMAKE_LIBRARY=true

on Linux use:


Compile and generate the shared library in the build directory.


The shared library, libpwdft.dylib, should be generated and present in the build directory.

prompt% ls
CMakeCache.txt       Makefile             cmake_install.cmake  nwpwlib/
CMakeFiles/          NwpwConfig.h         libpwdft.dylib*      pspw/

Example header to make function calls

#include <string>
#include "mpi.h"

namespace pwdft {
using namespace pwdft;

extern char *util_date();
extern void seconds(double *);
extern int cpsd(MPI_Comm, std::string&);
extern int cpmd(MPI_Comm, std::string&);
extern int pspw_minimizer(MPI_Comm, std::string&);
extern int pspw_geovib(MPI_Comm, std::string&);

Example function call

ierr += pwdft::pspw_geovib(MPI_COMM_WORLD,nwinput);

Using shared library on a MAC

mpic++ test.cpp ../build-shared/libpwdft.dylib
setenv DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH /Users/bylaska/Codes/PWDFT/build-shared

Using shared library on LINUX

mpic++ test.cpp ../build-shared/libpwdft.so
setenv DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH /Users/bylaska/Codes/PWDFT/build-shared

[2:17 PM] Bagusetty, Abhishek add_library(pwdft SHARED nwpw.cpp)

[2:18 PM] Bagusetty, Abhishek CMakeLists.txt (right after this line add_executable(pwdft nwpw.cpp))