ec-doris / kohesio-frontend

Web interface for Kohesio project
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Kohesio Frontend

This project is the frontend of the Kohesio website (

Local development (vscode)

You can setup the project on you local using vscode and the .devcontainer folder inside the container instead of install node and all the tools on your host.

After restart the project inside the container you propably need to do:

    npm install

You can setup the path for the API also in the file: /src/assets/config/config.json

To start the application use:

    npm run start

Local development (devspace)

You can setup devspace in your local, the recipe is on devspace.yaml


Create a new cluster, if you don’t have one already (only for docker desktop version):

    k3d cluster create devspace
  1. Clone project in your local:
    git clone
  1. Create kohesio namespace

    kubectl create ns kohesio
  2. Create the certificate secret on kubernetes

    kubectl create secret generic certificates-secret --from-file=tls.crt=./localhost.crt --from-file=tls.key=./localhost.key
  3. Add line into the /etc/hosts file (host machine)
  4. After this you can go to the kohesio-frontend root directory and type:

    devspace use namespace kohesio
    devspace dev
  1. Go to

Angular Components

To develop the components, first we need to analyse if the component is simple enough to use pure ECL styles and new Angular Kohesio component, it means, a new component made by us inside this project.

However, if you realise that the component is too complex to handle all the features you can use Angular Material Components, trying also to align the look and feel with ECL Rules (Typography, Grid, Coulors, Spacing) see link bellow for documentation.


All common style should go to styles.scss file, specially for pages. For the components and specific style you can keep in the component style file.

We are using include media project to facilitate the way that we work with responsive design.

Remember that for ECL we have the follow breakpoints (already defined on include media file):

$breakpoints: (
  extrasmall: 0,
  small: 480px,
  medium: 768px,
  large: 996px,
  extralarge: 1140px,
) !default;


The project is based on Angular 13.2.0, Angular Material 13.2.2, Typescript 4.5.2.

We are using ECL to all look and feel, version 3.2.2.

For the map we are using pure leaflet version 1.6.0


Important Links

Run SSR-dev in local

npm run build-dev