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Local tips for Eurocrypt 2024
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Eurocrypt 2024 Local Tips

An interactive map with local tips for the crowd at Eurocrypt 2024 in Zürich: restaurants, sightseeing, conference sites... Browse the map at

Web-based, mobile-first, built upon Leaflet.js and Fuse.js. Maps tiles by OpenStreetMap. Made with ❤️ by your local cryptographers.

Testing the project locally

To build and run the project you need Python 3. If you also have make and xdg-open, you can simply type

make run

This will build the project, launch a web server and open a browser window.

Alternatively, using only python:

python -m http.server

then point your browser to http://localhost:8000.


Please consider adding your local tips to the map, it's easy!

If you just want to add one marker, open an issue using the New location template.

The best way to add multiple markers and other features is by making a pull-request. Geograhic data must be formatted in GeoJSON format and saved to a file in the features folder with a .geojson extension. The simplest way to create such a file is by using The metadata for each feature is stored in the properties object, here are the supported properties:

property required type notes
name * string The name of the place. Use an official name if it has one.
category * string Must be one of the supported categories, see below.
tags * list of strings Possibly empty.
description * html string What is this place? Why do you like it? ... Please no injection attacks!
recommenders list of strings A list of people (names, nicknames, etc.) who endorse this tip. Empty = Anonymous.
links list of URLs A list of URLs related to the place.

On you can edit the properties either by clicking on the marker or by editing the JSON directly. Careful when you edit using the visual tools in the interface does not understand lists well, so tags, recommenders and links may not be formatted properly. Double-check the JSON before submitting a PR.

Categories and tags

The category of a feature determines the icon that is shown on the map. The list of supported categories is

category notes
restaurant A place that primarily functions as a restaurant
bar A place that primarily functions as a bar
café A coffee/tea/pastry parlor. It's café, not cafe
bakery A bakery or sandwich shop
shopping A store selling souvenirs, local goods, etc.
sightseeing A monument, park, etc.
hike A hike or a start/middle/end point for a hike
viewpoint A scenic viewpoint
beach A lakeside beach
conference Places where the conference takes place
sport Gyms and other places to practice sports

Any other category receives a default "question mark" icon.

On top of the category, you can use tags. This is a list of keywords that further describe the place. E.g., a restaurant may have the tags vegan and indian to indicate that it serve an Indian-inspired vegan-friendly cuisine. The category is automatically added to the list of tags, so there's no need to repeat it. There is no closed list of tags, feel free to use as many as necessary, but try to be consistent with those that others have used.

Some places may belong to more than one category. E.g., a bar may also serve food and qualify as a restaurant, or a viewpoint may be part of a hike. Use the category that best describes the main function of the place, and use the tags to describe the rest.

Other ways to contribute

If you're knowledgeable about web programming, please consider joining the team and helping improve the application.

Even if you're not an expert, you can help by testing the app on as many devices and browsers you can and reporting any issues you find.