ecc521 / Space-Saver-develop

Use transparent file-system compression and lossless photo compression to save disk space
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Delete the browser thing. It was a cool thing to build, but isn't actually useful, and doesn't belong here.

Settings should add windows compact compactOS:always thingy. It is complex to add it elseware, and should be super simple to add.

Notes: The language pack deleting menu does not show up during development. If you would like it to show up, you will need to delete 2 lines around 97-99 in languagePacks.js


If you want to publish, use node build.js publish

node build.js ./

Platform Specific Builds: Windows: npx electron-builder --win Mac: yarn add fs-xattr && npx electron-builder --mac && yarn remove fs-xattr Linux arm64: npx electron-builder --linux --arm64 Linux x64: npx electron-builder --linux --x64

Note: MacOS Catalina removed 32 bit support. This means that the Windows binary must, as of now, be built on Windows.