echavet / MitsubishiCN105ESPHome

Mix of MisubishiHeatpump from SwiCago and esphome-mitsubishiheatpump from Geoffdavis.
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Mitsubishi CN105 ESPHome

This project is a firmware for ESP32 microcontrollers supporting UART communication via the CN105 Mitsubishi connector. Its purpose is to enable complete control of a compatible Mitsubishi heat pump through Home Assistant, a web interface, or any MQTT client.

It uses the ESPHome framework and is compatible with the Arduino framework and ESP-IDF.

This component version is an adaptation of geoffdavis's esphome-mitsubishiheatpump. Its purpose is to integrate the Mitsubishi heat pump protocol (enabled by the SwiCago library) directly into the ESPHome component classes for a more seamless integration.

The intended use case is for owners of a Mitsubishi Electric heat pump or air conditioner that includes a CN105 communication port to directly control their air handler or indoor unit using local communication through a web browser, or most commonly, the HomeAssistant home automation platform. Installation requires the use of a WiFi capable ESP32 or ESP8266 device, modified to include a 5 pin plug to connect to the heat pump indoor unit. ESPHome is used to load the custom firmware onto the device, and the web browser or HomeAssistant software is used to send temperature setpoints, external temperature references, and settings to the heat pump. Installation requires basic soldering skills, and basic skills in flashing a firmware to a microcontroller (though ESPHome makes this as painless as possible).

The benefits include fully local control over your heat pump system, without reliance on a vendor network. Additional visibility, finer control, and even improved energy efficiency and comfort are possible when utilizing the remote temperature features.

Warning: Use at your own risk.

This is an unofficial implementation of the reverse-engineered Mitsubishi protocol based on the Swicago library. The authors and contributors have extensively tested this firmware across several similar implementations and forks. However, it's important to note that not all units support every feature. While free to use, it is at your own risk. If you are seeking an officially supported method to remotely control your Mitsubishi device via WiFi, a commercial solution is available here.

New Features

Retained Features

This project maintains all functionalities of the original geoffdavis project, including:


Supported Microcontrollers

Caution: ESP8266 boards such as the WeMos D1 Mini clones (LOLIN in particular) tend to be unreliable in this application, and may require an external voltage regulator to work. While some users have successfully used ESP8266 based devices, if you are purchasing new hardware for use with this project, it is recommended to focus on the more modern and powerful ESP32-S3 based devices.

Supported Mitsubishi Climate Units

Generally, indoor units with a CN105 header are compatible. Refer to the HeatPump wiki for a comprehensive list. Additionally, Mitsubishi units listed as compatible with the Mitsubishi PAC-USWHS002-WF-2 Kumo Cloud interface will likely be compatible with this project, as they use the same CN105 connector and serial protocol.

Units tested by project contributors include:


Step 1: Building the Control Circuit

Follow the SwiCago/HeatPump README for building a control circuit using either an ESP8266 or ESP32.

Step 2: Using ESPHome

Add a new device in your ESPHome dashboard. Create a yaml configuration file for the new device using the templates below, and flash to your device. Refer to the ESPHome documentation for guides on how to install ESPHome, add new devices, and flash the initial firmware.

Note: This code uses the ESPHome external components integration feature. This means the project is not part of the ESPHome framework, it is an external component.

Step 3: Configure the board and UART settings

Your ESPHome device configuration file starts with common defaults for ESPHome. To these defaults, add these minimum sections:

For ESP8266-based Devices

  board: d1_mini

  id: HP_UART
  baud_rate: 2400
  tx_pin: 1
  rx_pin: 3

For ESP32-based Devices

  board: esp32doit-devkit-v1      #or esp32-s3-devkitc-1
    type: esp-idf   

  id: HP_UART
  baud_rate: 2400
  tx_pin: GPIO17
  rx_pin: GPIO16

Step 4: Configure the climate component

Add these sections to load the external component, setup logging, and enable the climate entity.

# External component reference
  - source: github://echavet/MitsubishiCN105ESPHome

# Climate entity configuration
  - platform: cn105
    name: "My Heat Pump"
    update_interval: 4s        # update interval can be ajusted after a first run and logs monitoring* 

# Default logging level
  hardware_uart: UART1 # This line can be removed for ESP32 devices
  level: INFO

(*): Adjusting the update_interval: An ESPHome firmware implements the esphome::Component interface to be integrated into the Inversion Of Control mechanism of the ESPHome framework. The main method of this process is the loop() method. MitsubishiCN105ESPHome performs a series of exchanges with the heat pump through a cycle. This cycle is timed, and its duration is displayed in the logs, provided the CYCLE logger is set to at least INFO.

If this is the case, you will see logs in the form:

[09:48:36][I][CYCLE:052]: 6: Cycle ended in 1.2 seconds (with timeout?: NO)

This will give you a good idea of your microcontroller's performance in completing an entire cycle. It is unnecessary to set the update_interval below this value. In this example, setting an update_interval to 1500ms could be a fine tuned value.

Step 5: Optional components and variables

These optional additional configurations add customization and additional capabilities. The examples below assume you have added a substitutions component to your configuration file to allow for easy renaming, and that you have added a secrets.yaml file to your ESPHome configuration to hide private variables like your random API keys, OTA passwords, and Wifi passwords.

  name: heatpump-1 # Do not use underscores, which are not fully compatible with mDNS
  friendly_name: My Heatpump 1

Climate component full example

This example adds support for configuring the temperature steps, adding an icon, and the optional climate sensors supported by SwiCago (but not supported by all indoor units), compressor_frequency_sensor, vertical_vane_select, horizontal_vane_select and isee_sensor. Supports many of the other features of the ESPHome climate component as well for additional customization.

The remote_temperature_timeout setting allows the unit to revert back to the internal temperature measurement if it does not receive an update in the specified time range (highly recommended if using remote temperature updates).

debounce_delay adds a small delay to the command processing to account for some HomeAssistant buttons that may send repeat commands too quickly. A shorter value creates a more responsive UI, a longer value protects against repeat commands. (See Issue

  - platform: cn105
    id: hp
    name: "${friendly_name}"
    icon: mdi:heat-pump
      min_temperature: 15
      max_temperature: 31
        target_temperature: 1
        current_temperature: 0.1
      name: ${name} Compressor Frequency
      name: ${name} Vertical Vane
      name: ${name} Horizontal Vane
      name: ${name} ISEE Sensor
    remote_temperature_timeout: 30min
    debounce_delay : 500ms
    update_interval: 4s

Note: An update_interval between 1s and 4s is recommended, because the underlying process divides this into three separate requests which need time to complete. If some updates get "missed" from your heatpump, consider making this interval longer.

External temperature support

This example extends to default api: component to add a set_remote_temperature service that can be called from within HomeAssistant, allowing you to send a remote temperature value to the heat pump. This replaces the heat pump's internal temperature measurement with an external temperature measurement as the Mitsubishi wireless thermostats do, allowing you to more precisely control room comfort. You will need to include an automation in HomeAssistant to periodically call the service and update the temperature with set_remote_temperature, or disable remote temperature with use_internal_temperature. Example automations linked below.

    key: !secret api_key
    - service: set_remote_temperature
        temperature: float
# Select between the C version and the F version
# Uncomment just ONE of the below lines. The top receives the temperature value in C,
# the bottom receives the value in F, converting to C here.
        - lambda: 'id(hp).set_remote_temperature(temperature);'
#        - lambda: 'id(hp).set_remote_temperature((temperature - 32.0) * (5.0 / 9.0));'
    - service: use_internal_temperature
        - lambda: 'id(hp).set_remote_temperature(0);'

Logger granularity

This firmware supports detailed log granularity for troubleshooting. Below is the full list of logger components and recommended defaults.

  hardware_uart: UART1 # Only needed on ESP8266 devices
  level: INFO
    CN105Climate: WARN
    CN105: INFO
    climate: WARN
    sensor: WARN
    chkSum : INFO
    Header: INFO
    Decoder : INFO
# Swap the above settings with these debug settings for development or troubleshooting
#  level: DEBUG
#  logs:
#    WIFI : INFO
#    MQTT : INFO
#    CN105Climate: WARN
#    CN105: DEBUG
#    climate: WARN
#    sensor: WARN
#    chkSum : INFO
#    READ : WARN
#    Header: INFO
#    Decoder : DEBUG

Step 6: Build the project and install

Build the project in ESPHome and install to your device. Install the device in your indoor unit connected to the CN105 port, and confirm that it powers up and connects to the Wifi. Visit the local IP address of the device, and confirm that you can change modes and temperature setpoints. HomeAssistant should now include a climate entity for your heatpump.

Example Configuration - Minimal

This minimal configuration includes the basic components necessary for the firmware to operate. Note that you need to choose between the ESP32 and the ESP8266 sections to get the correct UART configuration. Utilizes a secrets.yaml file to store your credentials.

Minimal Configuration ```yaml esphome: name: heatpump-1 friendly_name: My Heatpump 1 # For ESP8266 Devices esp8266: board: d1_mini uart: id: HP_UART baud_rate: 2400 tx_pin: 1 rx_pin: 3 # For ESP32 Devices #esp32: # board: esp32doit-devkit-v1 # framework: # type: esp-idf # #uart: # id: HP_UART # baud_rate: 2400 # tx_pin: GPIO17 # rx_pin: GPIO16 external_components: - source: github://echavet/MitsubishiCN105ESPHome # Climate entity configuration climate: - platform: cn105 name: "My Heat Pump" update_interval: 4s # Default logging level logger: hardware_uart: UART1 # This line can be removed for ESP32 devices level: INFO # Enable logging logger: # Enable Home Assistant API api: encryption: key: !secret api_key ota: platform: esphome # Required for ESPhome 2024.6.0 and greater password: !secret ota_password wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails ap: ssid: "Heatpump Fallback Hotspot" password: !secret fallback_password captive_portal: ```

Example Configuration - Complete

This example includes all the bells and whistles, optional components, remote temperature sensing, reboot button, and additional sensors in HomeAssistant including uptime, the current wifi SSID, and signal strength. Note that you need to choose between the ESP32 and the ESP8266 sections to get the correct UART configuration. Utilizes a secrets.yaml file to store your credentials. Comment out or remote features your unit doesn't support (such as the isee sensor or horizontal vane). It doesn't hurt to try them, but if your unit doesn't support that feature then it will be inactive.

Complete Configuration ```yaml substitutions: name: heatpump-1 friendly_name: My Heatpump 1 esphome: name: ${name} friendly_name: ${friendly_name} # For ESP8266 Devices esp8266: board: d1_mini uart: id: HP_UART baud_rate: 2400 tx_pin: 1 rx_pin: 3 # For ESP32 Devices #esp32: # board: esp32doit-devkit-v1 # framework: # type: esp-idf # #uart: # id: HP_UART # baud_rate: 2400 # tx_pin: GPIO17 # rx_pin: GPIO16 external_components: - source: github://echavet/MitsubishiCN105ESPHome # refresh: 0s wifi: ssid: !secret ssid password: !secret password domain: !secret domain # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails ap: ssid: "${friendly_name} ESP" password: !secret fallback_password captive_portal: # Enable logging logger: hardware_uart: UART1 level: INFO logs: EVT_SETS : INFO WIFI : INFO MQTT : INFO WRITE_SETTINGS : INFO SETTINGS : INFO STATUS : INFO CN105Climate: WARN CN105: INFO climate: WARN sensor: WARN chkSum : INFO WRITE : WARN READ : WARN Header: INFO Decoder : INFO CONTROL_WANTED_SETTINGS: INFO # level: DEBUG # logs: # EVT_SETS : DEBUG # WIFI : INFO # MQTT : INFO # WRITE_SETTINGS : DEBUG # SETTINGS : DEBUG # STATUS : INFO # CN105Climate: WARN # CN105: DEBUG # climate: WARN # sensor: WARN # chkSum : INFO # WRITE : WARN # READ : WARN # Header: INFO # Decoder : DEBUG # CONTROL_WANTED_SETTINGS: DEBUG # Enable Home Assistant API api: encryption: key: !secret api_key services: - service: set_remote_temperature variables: temperature: float then: # Select between the C version and the F version # Uncomment just ONE of the below lines. The top receives the temperature value in C, # the bottom receives the value in F, converting to C here. - lambda: 'id(hp).set_remote_temperature(temperature);' # - lambda: 'id(hp).set_remote_temperature((temperature - 32.0) * (5.0 / 9.0));' - service: use_internal_temperature then: - lambda: 'id(hp).set_remote_temperature(0);' ota: platform: esphome # Required for ESPhome 2024.6.0 and greater # Enable Web server. web_server: port: 80 # Sync time with Home Assistant. time: - platform: homeassistant id: homeassistant_time # Text sensors with general information. text_sensor: # Expose ESPHome version as sensor. - platform: version name: ${name} ESPHome Version # Expose WiFi information as sensors. - platform: wifi_info ip_address: name: ${name} IP ssid: name: ${name} SSID bssid: name: ${name} BSSID # Sensors with general information. sensor: # Uptime sensor. - platform: uptime name: ${name} Uptime # WiFi Signal sensor. - platform: wifi_signal name: ${name} WiFi Signal update_interval: 120s # Create a button to restart the unit from HomeAssistant. Rarely needed, but can be handy. button: - platform: restart name: "Restart ${friendly_name}" climate: - platform: cn105 id: hp name: "${friendly_name}" icon: mdi:heat-pump visual: min_temperature: 15 max_temperature: 31 temperature_step: target_temperature: 1 current_temperature: 0.1 compressor_frequency_sensor: name: ${name} Compressor Frequency vertical_vane_select: name: ${name} Vertical Vane horizontal_vane_select: name: ${name} Horizontal Vane isee_sensor: name: ${name} ISEE Sensor remote_temperature_timeout: 30min debounce_delay : 500ms update_interval: 4s ```

Methods for updating external temperature

There are several methods for updating the unit with an remote temperature value.

Get external temperature from a HomeAssistant Sensor through the HomeAssistant API

  - platform: homeassistant
    id: current_temp
    entity_id: sensor.my_temperature_sensor
    internal: true
        - lambda: |-

Get external temperature from a networked sensor with a throttle filter

  - platform: pvvx_mithermometer
    mac_address: "A4:C1:38:XX:XX:XX"
      name: Thermometer
      id: temperature
      device_class: temperature
      state_class: measurement
        throttle_average: 90s
          - lambda: 'id(use_your_name).set_remote_temperature(x);'

Diagnostic Sensors

Auto and Stage Sensors

The below sensors were added recently based on the work of others in sorting out other messages and bytes. The names are likely to change as we work to determine exactly what the units are doing.

      name: Stage Sensor
      name: Sub Mode Sensor
      name: Auto Sub Mode Sensor

Some examples of how these all fit together: Unit 1 is in AUTO set to 20C and Unit 2 is in AUTO and set to 20C. Unit 1 senses that the room is 24C and tries to enter AUTO COOL. If Unit 2 wants to heat the room it is in, it will enter STANDBY (and in the case of a few units tested, this mean it will go to "sleep" as if it is off, but not really be off) making Unit 1 enter LEADER sub mode. In future releases, it is planned to make the ACTION in HA match these modes. But at this time this is not implemented.

It is also important to note that the Kumo adapter has many more settings that impact the behaviour above (such as thermal fan behaviour) and if you have set these the exact actions the untis take in these modes/submodes/stages is determined by those. Some of these can also be set by remotes and other devices. The setup you have will dictate the exact actions you see. If you have permutations, please share!

UART Diagnostic Sensors

The following ESPHome sensors will not be needed by most users, but can be helpful in diagnosting problems with UART connectivity. Only implement if you are currently troubleshooting or developing new functionality.

  - platform: template
    name: "dg_uart_connected"
    entity_category: DIAGNOSTIC
    lambda: |-
      return (bool) id(hp).isUARTConnected_;
    update_interval: 30s
  - platform: template
    name: "dg_complete_cycles"
    entity_category: DIAGNOSTIC
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    lambda: |-
      return (unsigned long) id(hp).nbCompleteCycles_;
    update_interval: 60s
  - platform: template
    name: "dg_total_cycles"
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    entity_category: DIAGNOSTIC
    lambda: |-
      return (unsigned long) id(hp).nbCycles_;
    update_interval: 60s
  - platform: template
    name: "dg_nb_hp_connections"
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    entity_category: DIAGNOSTIC
    lambda: |-
      return (unsigned int) id(hp).nbHeatpumpConnections_;
    update_interval: 60s
  - platform: template
    name: "dg_complete_cycles_percent"
    unit_of_measurement: "%"
    accuracy_decimals: 1
    entity_category: DIAGNOSTIC
    lambda: |-      
      unsigned long nbCompleteCycles = id(hp).nbCompleteCycles_;
      unsigned long nbCycles = id(hp).nbCycles_;
      if (nbCycles == 0) {
        return 0.0;
      return (float) nbCompleteCycles / nbCycles * 100.0;
    update_interval: 60s

Update external temperature using a HomeAssistant automation blueprint

Coming Soon.

For more configuration options, see the provided hp-debug.yaml and hp-sejour.yaml examples or refer to the original project.

Other Implementations

Reference Documentation

Refer to these for further understanding: