echo094 / decode-js

JS混淆代码的AST分析工具 AST analysis tool for obfuscated JS code
MIT License
547 stars 295 forks source link
javascript-deobfuscator obfuscator


基于 Babel 的 AST 分析器和处理器,可以处理以下情况:

An AST analyzer and processor based on Babel that can handle the following situations:

使用 Usage


If problems occur during installation and execution, please check the requirements of isolated-vm first

  1. 准备一个nodejs环境 (16.x以上 推荐18.x)

    Prepare a nodejs environment (>=16.x and 18.x is suggested)

  2. 通过npm i安装依赖

    Install the dependencies via npm i

  3. 按如下方式运行插件:

    Run the plugins as follows:

# pre-defined command
npm run xxx
# or full command
npm run decode -- -t type [-i input.js] [-o output.js]


xxx are predefined commands, see the scripts field in package.json.



The default input file is input.js. The file cannot contain additional codes other than obfuscated code (such as non-obfuscated code).


The default output file is output.js.

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