echo1241 / echo

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# ✏️ Table * ### [🏷️ Introduction to the Project](#a) * ### [📆 Development Period](#b) * ### [🖇️ Team](#c) * ### [⚙️ Tech Stack](#d) * ### [🧱 Project Architecture](#e) * ### [📦 Package Structure](#f) * ### [🔑 Environment Variable](#g) * ### [📑 ERD DIAGRAM](#h) * ### [🗂️ API Document](#i) * ### [🔫 TroubleShooting](#j)
# 🏷️ Introduction to the Project **"Echo"** 프로젝트는 팀스파르타 Java 5기 최종 프로젝트 **A8조**의 팀 프로젝트로, ### 1. N:M 채팅 ### 2. N:M 화상채팅 ### 3. 1:1 DM 등의 기능이 구현된 실시간 메신저 커뮤니티 웹 애플리케이션입니다. [(Back to top)](#table)
# 📆 Development Period * ### 개발 : 2024.07.17 - 2024.08.20 / 5주 * ### 발표 : 2024.08.21(수) [(Back to top)](#table)
# 🖇️ Team

정현경 [리더]

홍성도 [부리더]



ㆍProject Chief
ㆍUser Domain
   - basic func
ㆍAuth Domain
ㆍThread Domain
ㆍGlobal Issue
ㆍSpring Security
ㆍFront-End Chief
ㆍMedia Chat Domain
   - 1:1 Video
ㆍOAuth2 (Kakao)
ㆍDirect Message
ㆍUser Domain
   - additional func
ㆍSpace Domain
ㆍChannel Domain
ㆍFriend Domain
ㆍCI/CD, Deployment
  with AWS and
  Github Action
ㆍText Chat
   - N:M Chat
ㆍS3 Service
ㆍRedis Pub/Sub
ㆍMedia Chat Domain
   - N:M Video
   - Screen Sharing
ㆍTyping Indicator
ㆍChat Room User Limit
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# ⚙️ Tech Stack | Type | Tech | Version | Comment | |:------------:|:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:|:----------------------------------------------------------------------:|:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:| | IDE / EDITOR | ![IntelliJ IDEA]( | - | - | | Framework | ![Spring]( | 3.3.2 | - | | Language | ![Java]( | JDK 21 | - | | IaaS | ![AWS EC2](
![Grafana]( | EC2 : Amazon Linux 2023 AMI
Prometheus: 2.54
Grafana: 11.1.4 | ECS Container Monitoring | | Database | ![AWS RDS](
![MariaDB]( | MariaDB: 10.11 | Store relational data such as User, Space, Channel, etc | | Database | ![MongoDB]( | MongoDB Atlas: 7.0.12 | Store unstructured data such as Text, DM, Notification, etc | | Database | ![AWS Elasticache](
![Redis]( | Redis: 7.1 | Auth Data Save, Pub/Sub | | Record | ![Notion]( | - | [Link]( | [(Back to top)](#table)
# 🧱 Project Architecture

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# 📦 Package Structure ```angular2html src ├─common │ ├─aop │ ├─exception │ │ ├─codes │ │ └─handler │ ├─redis │ ├─s3 │ │ ├─dto │ │ ├─error │ │ ├─service │ │ └─util │ └─util ├─config ├─domain │ ├─auth │ │ ├─dto │ │ └─error │ ├─channel │ │ ├─dto │ │ ├─entity │ │ ├─error │ │ └─repository │ ├─dm │ │ ├─dto │ │ ├─entity │ │ └─repository │ ├─friend │ │ ├─dto │ │ ├─entity │ │ ├─error │ │ └─repository │ ├─mail │ ├─notification │ │ ├─dto │ │ ├─entity │ │ └─repository │ ├─space │ │ ├─dto │ │ ├─entity │ │ ├─error │ │ └─repository │ ├─text │ │ ├─controller │ │ ├─dto │ │ ├─entity │ │ ├─error │ │ └─repository │ ├─thread │ │ ├─dto │ │ ├─entity │ │ ├─error │ │ ├─repository │ │ └─service │ ├─user │ │ ├─dto │ │ ├─entity │ │ ├─error │ │ └─repository │ └─video └─security ├─config ├─jwt └─principal ``` [(Back to top)](#table)
# 🔑 Environment Variable ```angular2html MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD=root MARIADB_USER=user MARIADB_PASSWORD=password MARIADB_DATABASE=echo MARIADB_URL=r2dbc:mariadb://localhost:13306/echo MONGODB_ATLAS_URL=mongodb+srv://{user}:{password}@{db_url}/{db_name}?retryWrites=true&w=majority MONGODB_URL=mongodb://root:1234@localhost:27017/echo?authSource=admin JWT_SECRET=24eb4ca6488cef9acf3956342dd0e7f6bbbfd83aff107caecb5179991cc97ace4195ff5f893897c2b6f48ae3415d1f890f6fbb5df02e6cfac962e41efc09cb65 JWT_ACCESS_TIME=18000000 JWT_REFRESH_TIME=18000000 MAIL_USER={sender_email} MAIL_PASSWORD={sender_email_password} REDIS_URI=redis://localhost:6379 REDIS_HOST=localhost REDIS_PORT=6379 AWS_CREDENTIALS_ACCESSKEY={aws_access_key} AWS_CREDENTIALS_SECRETKEY={aws_secret_key} AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME=echo-image KAKAO_CLIENT_ID={kakao_client_id} KAKAO_REDIRECT_URI=http://localhost:8080/api/user/kakao/callback KAKAO_TOKEN_URL= ``` [(Back to top)](#table)

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# 🗂️ API Document

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# 🔫 Trouble Shooting * ### [Webflux Exception 처리 이슈]( * ### [WebRTC N:M 연결 시도 시 메시지를 제대로 수신하지 못하는 이슈]( * ### [ECS 배포 시 RDS 연결 이슈]( * ### [로드 밸런서 설정 이슈]( * ### [Webflux AOP @AfterReturning 사용 이슈]( * ### [CI/CD 파이프라인 구축 하면서 발생한 문제점 및 해결 방안]( * ### [JWT 만료 시 500 에러가 리턴되는 이슈]( * ### [채팅 핸들러 내 기능 통합으로 인한 Side Effect]( * ### [WebSocket 연결 지속이 안되는 이슈]( [(Back to top)](#table)