echolevel / AmigaPal

Sample prep/converter tool for Protracker
67 stars 3 forks source link


A desktop app for preparing and converting 8bit samples to use in Protracker on the Commodore Amiga. Also suitable for some other trackers, perhaps certain old hardware samplers, Nintendo Game Boy running LSDJ, and similar stuff.



16th March 2022 -

15th March 2022 -

1st December 2020 -

13th May 2020 -

6th May 2020 -

5th May 2020 -

Known Bugs / To Do:


Grab the latest release for your platform from the releases page and unpack the zip wherever you like.


As long as you've got SoX installed, and can find the path to the sox binary, you should be all set. The default path is /usr/local/bin. When I get a chance, I'll zip up a MacOS version to bring the MacOS release up to date with the latest Windows one.


It's no longer necessary to have SoX installed, or to know where it lives. In theory you should be able to unzip the Windows release and just run the exe.


My sample plays through fine in AmigaPal but when I load it into Protracker, the end is chopped off

Check the 'size' value to the left of the waveform. Is it over 65534? If so, then lots of Protracker versions will be loading only data up to that limit, ignoring the rest. Some versions with proper 128KB sample support might load samples up to that size; some will simply allow them to be created (by increasing PT sample length and copy/pasting) but won't load them in one go from disk. Your mileage may vary! But ultimately if you want to fit all of a long sample's duration into Protracker, you'll have to compromise on quality by lowering the PT note, which lowers the samplerate (while increasing the relative pitch, so you'll have to enter lower note values to get the 'real life' note you wanted). Or, if you can't sacrifice quality, consider loading the sample into AmigaPal multiple times, trimming them into chunks, and converting them all at a high PT note value (therefore high samplerate and high quality), then loading them into multiple Protracker sample slots and adjusting them until they can be played back seamlessly. And if that seems like a pain...welcome to tracking!

I tried to load a sample but nothing happened

Please check the 'STATUS:' message - if audio data can't be decoded from an incoming file, the message should notify you. I've tested with malformed WAV headers and the warning appears, but AmigaPal otherwise carries on silently without locking up (but if anything crazy happens please let me know). The underlying audio subsystem in AmigaPal is the Web Audio API so any of the filetypes listed above, in most channel/samplerate configurations, should at least be decoded - by which point AmigaPal treats everything like it's a single channel of 32bit float amplitudes anyway.

It doesn't work on my operating system of choice

Up until late 2019 all AmigaPal dev was done on MacOS, so Windows and Linux were always slightly behind in terms of testing and updates. Now I'm primarily on Windows, so expect the Windows version to get updated first - though I'll try my best to keep parity across all three platforms. I don't typically keep a modern Linux installation running these days, so if someone else can test and report back to me I'd be grateful.


If you'd prefer to script the conversion process, or would just rather not use the Electron GUI, here's a guide to the SoX settings that earlier versions of AmigaPal used:

sox [infilename].wav [outfilename].8svx trim [starttime] [duration] norm 0.5 remix - highpass -1 [frequency in hz] lowpass -1 [frequency in hz] rate [sample rate] lowpass -1 8000 norm 0.5 dither -S

The second lowpass filter is optional, being processed after the sample rate reduction in the event that some unwanted hiss needs to be removed. The conversion to 8bit is implicit in the 8SVX filetype, which is an explicitly 8bit format.

Values in square brackets were mapped to AmigaPal's controls. Here's an example for converting a 16bit stereo WAV to an 8bit 8SVX sample trimmed to 2.3 seconds starting at 0.2 seconds, normalised, highpassed (low cut) at 60hz, lowpassed (high cut) at 10000, reduced to the sample rate of ProTracker's note 'A-3' (~27928hz), lowpassed again at 8k to remove hiss, normalised again, then finally dithered:

sox inputfile.wav outfile.8svx trim 0.2 2.3 norm 0.5 remix - highpass -1 60 lowpass -1 10000 rate 27928 lowpass -1 8000 norm 0.5 dither -S

AmigaPal was doing nothing special that you couldn't do with this SoX syntax, but it makes batch-converting stuff a lot easier and removes some guesswork! You might find it's worth playing with the order in which SoX processes the effects (with some caveats, of which SoX's terse and only occasionally helpful error messages will inform you), but this is what works best for me.

Now AmigaPal does everything internally, including writing 8SVX files, without SoX. This means the preview audio is slightly closer to what you end up with after conversion, and also that you save a few bytes per sample (because AmigaPal doesn't write the optional ANNO chunk)

Building (development only)

You'll need to have bower and npm installed.

Clone the repo:

Install all the dependencies:

cd AmigaPal && npm install && bower install


electron-forge start

Package (optional - see electron-packager documentation for more on platform and arch options):

electron-forge package --platform=darwin,win32 --arch=x64

Publish (optional, and you'll need to use your own GitHub credentials in package.json - my access token is set locally as an environment variable):

electron-forge publish

Note that electron-forge's publish can only package a distributable for the architecture/platform you're building on. I'm on Mac, so for AmigaPal's Windows zip in the Releases section, I've just zipped and uploaded the package created with 'electron-forge package --platform=darwin,win32 --arch=x64'. This may or may not be wise ¯\(ツ)

More Info

"Why is it called AmigaPal?" - I made this for myself, to speed up converting audio samples into the format I generally use in ProTracker on the Amiga. They need to be mono, 8bit, and it's useful if they conform to the samplerates ProTracker uses for musical notes. By default AmigaPal converts to 27928hz (A-3), which produces a relatively high quality 8bit 8svx file. So it's a helper tool (hence pal), plus I grew up using PAL-region Amigas (hence pal), plus I like the redundancy of Amiga (friend) and Pal (friend). Also it currently defaults to using PAL samplerates for ProTracker notes...I may add in NTSC as an alternative if there's any demand. AmigaPal is essentially a front-end for a SoX command that I baked with the help of h0ffman, kebby and some of my own trial-and-error testing. The dream would be to replicate the lowpass filter 8bitbubsy has implemented in his MacOS/PC port of ProTracker and use it as post-bit reduction processing to reduce some dithering noise, but I haven't been able to match it so far. Right now, AmigaPal gives the best quality I've been able to achieve within ProTracker's limitations, according to my tastes - your mileage may vary!