eclipse-birt / birt

Eclipse BIRT™ The open source reporting and data visualization project.
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Fix BIRT-designer, replaced XYLayout and XYLayoutEditPolicy (#1665) #1678

Closed speckyspooky closed 2 weeks ago

speckyspooky commented 3 weeks ago

Fix BIRT-designer, switch from XYLayout to AbstractConstraintLayout and switch from XYLayoutEditPolicy to ConstrainedLayoutEditPolicy (#1665)

speckyspooky commented 3 weeks ago

@merks Hi Ed, according to the hints of ptziegler I changed the according classes and replaced the XYLayout & XYLayoutEditPolicy. I have added the missing methods from the original classes to the child class (= missing methods). Please take a look and let me know what your opinion is because it is abstract from my side to be so deep on the designer-ui-level.

merks commented 3 weeks ago


I appreciate that you are being proactive about improving the code!


I appreciate very much that you as a GEF expert are helping review the changes!

(I'm traveling this week so it's harder to keep up.)

merks commented 2 weeks ago

It's a bit ironic that a contribution intended purely to make contribution easier (a contribution that has no impact on existing functionality neither in the code nor in the existing Oomph project setup) languishes for a week. I expect everyone is very busy with other things just like me so I do understand, but, if I were average-Jane user, I would be a little more annoyed with every passing day.

Sorry comment intended on a different issue!